War Emperor

Chapter 1570: Sword boy

"So strong sword intent?" Lin Han was also surprised.

Just standing there calmly, there is the aura that makes Wan Jian surrender, which shows how terrifying the aura is.

It can also be seen from it that his sword skills must reach the point where ghosts and gods are unpredictable, which is awe-inspiring.

"See big brother!"

Many disciples all saluted together.

Lonely Sorrow has always been, Shenlong sees the head but not the end, many people feel a sense of honor to see him.

Some young girls even showed a look of worship in their eyes.

If Lonely Shang gives them a finger, they will rush up happily, and the little bird will love each other.

"No need to be polite." Lonely Shang waved his hand calmly, his handsome face was full of indifference, and his long gray hair looked deep and vicissitudes of life. He sat down at a high position and looked at Lin Han.

In an instant, Lin Han felt the endless sword intent hit, and if a sea of ​​swords covered him, it would make his mind shake and he couldn't help but want to kneel down.

Most people will fall directly.

But his mind has long been as firm as iron, and he took a deep breath and his eyes were firm. There is a taste of surging waves and immortality.

"Huh?" Lonely and unexpectedly, his eyes, the sword intent contained, not to mention the fairy king realm, even if it is the "Xianzun realm", it is not easy to resist.

Lin Han only had the seventh-level peak of the Fairy King Realm, and he could do it, which was truly extraordinary.

And in Lin Han, he could also feel a cold sword intent!

This is far from what people in the fairy king realm can compare.

"Interesting, Junior Brother can have the current fame, really has two skills." Lonely smiled, admiring.

The King of War sighed, lonely and sorrowful eyes higher than the top, not putting any genius in his eyes.

It's the first time to praise someone like this.

If he were a normal person, he would definitely be regarded as an honor, and Lin Han would be so envious of him.

Lin Han looked as usual and smiled lightly: "Big brother thanked me, brother, why are you calling me this time?"

There are many people around, many of whom are his opponents.

This doesn't seem like a good thing.

"Junior Brother, don't worry, I am looking for you, and I have no bad intentions, but I want to invite you for something, so I specially invited them to be a witness." Lonely Shang said indifferently.

"What's the matter?" Lin Han asked.

Lonely Shang sips the tea on the table, and said lightly: "Brother, I want to recruit a sword boy. I see that you have a good talent. I want you to take care of this Tongtian Peak for me. If I have time in the future, I can give you some advice. ."

"Sword boy?"

Many people are surprised.

Even though he was a sword boy with Lonely Shang, he would have a very high identity.

But this person is Lin Han, with a boundless future, it would be a bit humiliating to let him be a sword boy.

Fairy Caiwu, King War, Elder Wanhuo, and Palace Master Zuo couldn't help but sneer. They knew the inside story for a long time, and secretly thought: Lin Han, aren't you very popular? Let you be a sword boy now and humiliate you.

Lin Han's face also sank, and his tone was cold and said: "Senior brother, aren't you joking with Junior Brother?"

Don't say loneliness, even if the current Palace Master said such a thing, he would not agree.

"No, what's wrong with being my sword boy? Tongtian Peak is the best training treasure among all Excalibur disciples. One day of practicing here is worth a month outside. And the days when I was not in the sword mansion, the sword boy was equivalent. As for me personally, if you become a person and your status rises, isn't it better than your cultivation in that desolate Leifeng?" Lonely Shang said flatly.

It is a gift to make Lin Han a sword boy.

Lin Han sneered, stopped talking, turned and left.

Even if Lonely Shang's reputation becomes more and more famous, I want him to be a sword boy, but I still talk about dreams.

Many people were surprised, Lin Han dared to ignore the loneliness.

Don't you know, even if some elders and Palace Lord Zuo have to respect loneliness and shame for three points.

Lin Han is bound to be angry when he is alone.

Sure enough, Lonely's eyes narrowed, a cold light appeared, and he smiled lightly: "Junior Brother Lin Han, so hard-tempered, I haven't let you go yet, but you dared to leave without putting me in your eyes! "


After speaking, his eyes shot out two incredibly thick sword lights, like two killing swords running through the void, towards Lin Han.

The terrifying sword intent swept the Quartet, causing the entire square to rumbling.

Some people with low strength directly knelt down, shivering.

This is not as simple as the previous temptation, it is a real shot, a flash of light turns into sword energy, which can kill everything.

For ordinary disciples, this is a divine method and cannot be predicted.

"Lonely, you are too overbearing. Others don't want to be your sword boy. Do you want to be strong?" At this time, Luo Yan coldly hummed, waved his slender hand, and a magic light burst out. With a sound, the two eyes of loneliness were directly wiped out, and the white clothes fluttered.

Fairy Caiwu is in awe, Luoyan and Lonely Shang, they are the two most impressive in the sword house.

The water in the well has never invaded the river, but now it will break because of a Lin Han?

Now there is a tense atmosphere in the air.

Countless people are both excited and looking forward to it.

"Luoyan, it's really unexpected. You would do something with me for a low-level teenager. Are you really going to make gestures with me?" Lonely Shang also colded his eyes. He was self-conscious and arrogant, and never let anyone go. In the eyes.

Even if he loses face, he is not afraid.

On weekdays, he and Luo Yan didn't have any entanglements, nor did they have a chance to shoot.

Now it happens to be a showdown with Luo Yan.

Let everyone know that among the Excalibur disciples, he is the only one who stands alone, and no one can compare with him.

"If you insist on doing this, I will accompany you two tricks today, what's the matter." Luo Yan looked calm and smiled faintly.


After speaking, she sacrificed the Xuannvjing, a breath that could shock the heavens, making the whole universe tremble.

She just wore a mysterious mirror on her head, like a true ancient goddess descending to the earth, everything in the world lost its color, and only she became the only one.

Lonely and coldly snorted, the heavenly spirit cover glowed, and rushed out a cyan long sword. The shape was simple and ancient, and there was also an earth-shattering aura bursting out from it. If it could shatter the universe for eternity, it reveals a peerless and sharp taste.

"Mo Shang Sword?" Countless people were in an uproar. This is an ancient divine sword with an extremely glorious past.

At the beginning, Lonely Shang communicated the ninth-level sword intent at Tianjian Peak, obtained this sword, and sang all the way, practiced for thousands of miles, before reaching the present level.

As early as hundreds of years ago, he was almost invincible among the younger generation, and this sword had not been displayed for a long time.

Seeing now, many people are in awe.

On that sword, there is a majestic sea of ​​mana, and if you move it at will, it can make everyone present to break.

Lin Han was also surprised, is this Mo Shangjian? Sure enough.

I am afraid that in the entire Great Thousand Realm, apart from the Lost Sword in his hand, there are very few divine swords that can match the Mo Shang Sword!

With this kind of divine sword, coupled with the heaven-defying kendo talent, Lonely Sorrow's achievement today is also reasonable.

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