War Emperor

Chapter 1560: defeat

Daewoo Divine Thunder is the top secret technique of the "Thunder State" among the eighteen realms. It has been passed down and mastered by the Thunder tribe from generation to generation, and is famous in the fairy realm.

Chu Yunfei was the son of the Lei Clan, and he was very famous back then.

Even in the Lei clan, the younger generation in ancient times, there are very few people who can practice Dayu Shen Lei to the fourth style.

Lin Han, a foreigner who can do this step, will probably shake the Thunder Clan when the news comes out.

"Yes, it's the fourth style. Please taste it." Lin Han smiled lightly, his eyes filled with sharp light, and his style was supreme.


The thick thunder and lightning finally landed, emitting a divine light that illuminates eternity.

The realm reached the sixth level of the fairy king realm, and he finally managed to get this blow out, and now he was full of pride in disdainfulness.


Fairy Caiwu's sword light clicked in an instant, and it shattered, and the lightning fell, causing her to let out a stern cry, and her body flew out.

At this moment, she was seriously injured, her whole body was scorched, and **** bones were exposed in many places, and her body was cracked in a large area, almost cracked and exploded.

She lay there, out of breath, unable to say a word.

There was silence all around, and countless people felt a deep fear of Lin Han's move.

As expected of Daewoo Divine Thunder, it is so overbearing, just looking at everyone feels that he is as small as an ant.

If such a blow hits them, more than 90% of the people present will be chopped into ashes and die tragically on the spot.

Fairy Caiwu's realm was very strong, and it was evident that she was all injured in this way after she was suppressed to the eighth floor of the fairy king realm.

If it hadn't been for her profound realm background, she would have almost disappeared.

King Zhan looked at Lin Han, and his throat was a little dry and a little frightened.

This guy's hole cards are really endless.

When the difference in realm was not particularly large, he was a little throbbing with invincible posture.

You must know that he is the top 20 man of the Excalibur disciple. It is rare for a young man to give him this feeling.

"Hehe, little guy, the surprises you give me are really increasing. I don't know where you are from?" Huo Ancestor also smiled.

If he is still alive, he will definitely adopt Lin Han as his disciple.

Such a raw jade is simply rare in the fairy world.

At the same time, he guessed that Lin Han's background must be extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate such an amazing disciple.

"I come from five continents and four seas." Lin Han said.

"Mortal?" The Fire Ancestor was stunned for an instant, and he couldn't believe it. The five continents and four seas are just one of the many small worlds in the universe.

For the entire fairy world, if a particle of dust, Lin Han just came from this place?

He couldn't believe that the small five continents and four seas could get out of such a sky-defying boy.

"It's really gold coming out of the cesspit." He sighed.

He has fallen for 30,000 years. He didn’t know that apart from Lin Han, the Northern Emperor Piaofeng also soared into the fairy world 10,000 years ago. He was also talented and unstoppable. He rose up all the way in a shocking way. Now he is the realm master of the Heavenly God Realm!

You must know that realm masters generally have been practicing for 100,000 years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

The Northern Emperor fluttered in the wind, but it only took 10,000 years to climb to this height, showing how against the sky.

If the fire ancestor knew this, his expression would not be too shocking.

After all, the realm master is the master of the first realm, still above the immortal emperor, in the vast universe, living beings are like the sands of the Ganges River, and there are no one in a billion people!

The qualifications of the Northern Emperor Piaofeng were too appalling.

"Next, will anyone challenge me?" Lin Han looked around.

He heard that the burning of the sky can also baptize the flesh, and it has a strong effect. It is nourished in the body, and the flesh can be forged at all times.

Therefore, he also wanted to get it.

Everyone was in awe, afraid to speak, Fairy Caiwu suppressed the realm to the eighth-level peak of the Immortal King Realm, and Lin Han was beaten like this.

This has shocked them, ordinary people go up, it is useless at all, it will only die.

"Haha, what a great young man, I Gu Man has two tricks with you." At this moment, the laughter spread, and Gu Man looked up to the sky and laughed and walked with a golden axe in his hand.

He is five feet tall, his skin is golden, a pair of pupils are burning with golden flames, and he smells like a dragon!

Most people don't even reach his knees, which gives people a great sense of oppression.

Everyone is horrified, this is the genius of the giants, born with supernatural power.

In the tall body of the opponent, the power is extremely powerful, and with a random movement, it can move around the sky and make the stars tremble.

Normal people don't dare to be an enemy with this momentum.

"Giant golden body?" Lin Han stared at the opponent's body, narrowing his eyes.

I heard that the giants have a very powerful physique called the giant golden body. Even the ordinary giants cannot awaken.

On the ancient golden skin, a peculiar pattern emerged, it was the giant gold body, which was different from ordinary giants.

"I have eyesight, yes, it is a giant gold body. I shook my arms. I could push Xing Nao Yue, my fists were clenched, and my skin was as firm as gold and iron, so that the gods under heaven could not be moved. We can just make gestures." Gu Man grinned, his teeth were white, and his fighting spirit was full.

Giants are born fighting madmen.

The stronger the opponent, the more able to stimulate their potential!

Lin Han awakened him to war.

Many people think that if Lin Han dare not pick it up, he will die if he is careless, and no one will make fun of his life.

"Okay, let's do it." However, Lin Han smiled, and a touch of warfare appeared in his eyes.

Gu Barbarian's strong physique also aroused his interest.

Fighting against valuable opponents will also have a very good effect on tempering your strength.

Boom boom boom!

The ancient man laughed and stepped into the mask. The realm in the mask was suppressed and did not have a very good effect on him, and his breath was still vigorous.

The muscles are entwined in the upper half of the body, like a dragon, with a crippling shape.

"Nine floors of the fairy king realm!"

Ling Xi exclaimed, the other party is even more powerful than Fairy Caiwu, and under the suppression of the realm, she still has the strength of the ninth level of the fairy king realm.

This is not the same concept as the eighth-story peak!

Each of the nine levels of the great realm is a big platform, and there are two worlds if you step into it.

The Caiwu fairy at the eighth floor of the five fairy kings was no match.

Fairy Caiwu and King Zhan looked at each other and smiled, knowing that Lin Han is going to be bad.

The ancient barbarian's physical strength is so violent and possesses such a high realm, it can easily break his muscles and fractures.

They look forward to it.

"Brother Lin Han, be careful, I have at least one trillion jin of supernatural power with this punch, depending on the move!" Gu Man laughed, aside from speaking, he clenched his fist and punched Lin Han.

There was a terrifying power on the fist, like a golden short mountain, just like this, it smashed down, causing the entire main tomb to rumbling.

One trillion catties of supernatural power!

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