War Emperor

Chapter 1541: Big array

"If there is no suitable formation mage, I would like to give it a try, but if I succeed, what reward will you give me."

At this moment, Lin Han smiled and walked out.

The array mage is very lacking, and it is indeed not easy to find it suddenly.

"You?" Murong Fu, Mu Mei'er, and Zhong Feng despised.

They are the top talents, Lin Han is still far from them.

"Boy, don't know good or bad, what are you, there is no place for you to speak!" Murong Fu coldly shouted, "Get out!"

A simple word reveals boundless domineering.

Mu Mei'er also covered her mouth and smiled and said: "Little guy, you don't understand what this Lihuo Burning Heavenly Formation means, even if we can't help it, how can you do it."

"Live and die." Zhong Feng also sneered.

Yan Changkong and Zheng Wu also sneered.

This is truly a matter of genius and discussion, not for people of their level to intervene.

Lin Han now summoned to humiliate them, making them very happy.

"If you don't try, how do you know I can't?" Lin Han only smiled calmly: "Besides, do you have a better way now?"

The three of Murong Fu frowned, and now there is really no way.

"Hehe, then let this little junior brother try, what kind of reward do you want!" Luo Yan said with a light smile.

"Each force, one Immortal King Pill!" Lin Han said.

"What, this kid is crazy!"


"This is a lunatic, don't care about him, and ask us for the Immortal King Pill, it's really a lion's mouth!"

Many people shouted.

Murong Fu, Mu Mei'er, and Zhong Feng even sneered, feeling that Lin Han's mind was flooded.

The Immortal King Pill is a pill to enhance the strength of the masters of the Immortal King Realm. The majestic immortal energy, any one, is amazingly valuable, and Lin Han wants to take out one from every force present!

This is indeed the lion's big mouth.

No one thinks he will succeed.

"Let him try it for now." Luo Yan smiled.

Everyone could only listen, if it weren't for the fall of the face and favoring Lin Han, many people would have drowned Lin Han.

Lin Han is calm, whether he can do it or not, then he will know for himself.


In the City of Ten Thousand Fires, not far away, there is a huge hillside, which looks ordinary on the surface, with no grass growing. When Lin Han arrives here, he can clearly feel that the fire attribute elements here are more concentrated!

Coupled with the surrounding terrain, it is extremely rare-the fire cave!

Over the years, he and Hong have also learned a lot of Feng Shui knowledge.

The so-called fire cave is one of the treasures of feng shui where the heavenly stems, the earthly branches, and the feng shui trend are concentrated in one point.

It is suitable for people who practice excellent fire funeral techniques, but can keep the corpse for a long time, and it may even live against the sky and reappear in the world!

Of course, this probability is very small, almost negligible.

"Is this the Lihuo Burning Heaven Formation?" Lin Han's eyes were dark, and he displayed the Eyes of Soul Eater, and he could clearly see that there was a large red formation covering the pile of dirt, which was hundreds of miles long. The vast expanse, there is a heart-palpiting power flowing in the big array, it seems that once triggered, it can be overwhelming and burn everything.

There was a shock in Lin Han's heart, leaving the fire and burning sky array, really terrifying!

The formation he had seen before was completely incomparable.

"Boy, be careful, don't break the formation, and cause the formation to start completely and harm us all." Murong Fu sneered and said.

"Heh, sister, I want to live a few more years." Mu Meier also smiled.

Zhong Feng frowned and said, "If it doesn't work, just get out of here, don't get in the way!"

They don't want to let a young kid try, it's too unreliable.

"If it can't be broken, I don't want Immortal King Pill from you." Lin Han smiled.

Murong Fu, Mu Mei'er, and Zhong Feng were all bored and crooked, we had no intention of giving it, I'm afraid you won't kill us.

If it weren't for Luo Yan to speak for you, who would let you try.

"Hurry up and let me see your breaking array skills." Luo Yan smiled, somewhat curious.

"Senior Sister, is this really the case? This is a bit wrong." The King of War and Fairy Caiwu smiled bitterly after hesitating. They really didn't want to let a lowly kid Lin Han mess around.

There are so many capable people and strangers around, how can I trust a little boy.

Luo Yan smiled and shook his head, did not speak, and had an inexplicable confidence in Lin Han.

I always feel that there are some young and old guys, maybe miracles will happen.

Besides, she also wanted to see what kind of talents Xiyun could admire.

The King of War and Fairy Caiwu sighed helplessly, knowing that they could not stop them, looking at Lin Han's gaze, they couldn't help feeling a little sorrowful, and they were determined to pay attention. Let Senior Sister Luoyan favor it so much that they all felt jealous.

Everyone also shook their heads secretly, not thinking that Lin Han would have this skill.

"Formation base, show it to me." However, at this moment, Lin Han yelled coldly, pinched a special knot in his hand, and slammed his feet on the ground with a bang. On the hillside in front, the huge scarlet formation, It suddenly emerged, like a magnificent crimson waterfall, connecting the sky and the ground, with no end in sight.

The formation is suspended in a series of killing lights, like a sharp sword, making people hairy. If someone accidentally breaks into the big formation and the killing sword falls down, there is no doubt that it will be a killing, even if there are many fairy kings in the sixth floor. None of the above masters could resist, and would be instantly beheaded into flesh.

"Formation base?" Murong Fu, Mu Mei'er, and Zhong Feng were shocked for an instant. On the Lihuo Burning Sky Formation, five thick pillars of light emerged, and each pillar of light was surrounded by mysterious runes, revealing A deep, vast taste.

This is the base of the Lihuo Burning Heaven Array.

If you can come up, you can find the base of a large formation, which requires the very high attainments of the formation mage to do it.

They also have a good understanding of the formation method, and think they are far from reaching this step.

Unexpectedly, Lin Han has such skills.

Fairy Caiwu and King War also frowned.

Those who were not optimistic about Lin Han before were even more upset.

"But even if you find the formation base, the formation base is so cumbersome, even if the formation mage is about to reach the Immortal Emperor realm level, it is not easy to break, this kid is even more impossible." Fairy Caiwu sneered, ready to look at Lin Han Of shame.

The King of War also nodded with a smile, agreeing very much.

"Turn me!" However, Lin Han cried, his eyes sharp, like a sharp sword out of the sheath, his hand was constantly changing and rumbling, and the five extremely thick beams of light were controlled by his mental power and began to spin. .

With the rotation, every additional time, the aura emanating from the large array becomes weaker.

It looks like a way to weaken the formation has been found.

The sneers on Fairy Caiwu and King Zhan's faces slowly solidified, like being slapped, a little dumbfounded.

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