War Emperor

Chapter 1532: Myriad Fire

Qin Rong laughed and mocked Lin Han.

Then, with his legs clamped, he sat down and suddenly let out a fierce roar, rushing like a golden sun, shocking the sky.

Just this collision, without the realm of the Immortal King Realm, it could not be resisted at all, and it would be instantly smashed into flesh and died.

Obviously, Qin Rong didn't keep any hands.

Lin Han sneered. Qin Rong disliked his own beast and lived too long. Right now, he punched out, and the surging force burst out like a mountain torrent.


Under Qin Rong, the huge golden **** Ya, instantly burst like a golden mountain, turned into countless fragments, splashed out, and disintegrated to death on the spot.

The red blood was sprayed everywhere.

Countless people were dumbfounded and couldn't believe their eyes.

No way, how could Lin Han be so powerful, he exploded the golden **** with one punch.

This is a fierce beast with a powerful bloodline.

Before, everyone thought that Lin Han would not be so good when Qin Rong was watching him. He didn't expect him to be so strong.

"No, my god!" Qin Rong also screamed heartbreakingly like being struck by five thunders. This is his most beloved mount. He has been with him for a long time and helped him defeat many tough enemies.

In his mind, he completely regarded him as a brother.

Now he was dead, which was too big a blow for him, his heart seemed to have been cut, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Lin Wudi, killed my god, today you are hard to redeem." In the end, he looked at Lin Han with scarlet eyes, gritted his teeth and roared, rushing towards him, his aura was more fierce, and the black fighting spirit in his hand was a bit more surging The power rushed away like a black river.

Lingxi also changed color. Qin Rong deserves to be a master at the third level of the Immortal King Realm. In addition, he has been honed in some countries in the Great Thousand Realm, and has been dubbed the "God of Killing". This shot is really shocking. Give people the taste of a sea of ​​blood.

Some people cast pity on Lin Han.

Although Lin Han could kill the Golden God Ya, it didn't mean that he could be an enemy of Qin Rong.

Everyone felt that he was going to be bad next.

However, Lin Han was not afraid at all. He directly took out the broken sword and smashed the past with one sword. The bright sword light illuminates the world, and in the sword light, a vision of a condensed divine moon emerged.

"This is the last sword of Canggu's Thirty-Six Swords-Jing Hua Shui Yue!"

Those people were immediately stunned, their eyes protruding.

Qin Rong was also stiff, like a ghost. Even among the disciples of the Excalibur, few people could truly understand this sword. Lin Han actually learned it, and it gave him a great impact.

And this blazing sword light came over, even if he felt an irresistible feeling.


In the end, the two attacks collided fiercely, bursting out incomparably dazzling light.

Qin Rong's ferocious Ge Guang was instantly crushed and became a fan.

Then, Lin Han's round of Shenyue sword aura, unabated, was overwhelmed, and hit Qin Rong fiercely.


Qin Rong let out an extremely screaming scream, the black armor on his body exploded, his bones were broken, and all his meridians were broken. He was lying on the ground, like a dead dog, unable to stand up.

There was a moment of silence all around.

Countless people are dumbfounded!

Qin Rong lost.

This result was too unexpected.

Lin Han must have broken into the fairy king realm, otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a strong combat power!

Qin Rong also had a bitter expression on his face. He originally thought that his strength would solve Lin Wudi and he would be able to catch it. As a result, Lin Han's combat power was so fierce that it was extremely shameful to him.

He can't wait to find a place to dig in, and he will definitely become the laughing stock of the sword house in the future.

"The smell of wildfire, is there any essence of wildfire on this kid." Elder Wanhuo said in surprise.

Lin Han's ability to defeat Qin Rong really broke into the fairy king realm.

However, in Lin Han's breath, he separately sensed the aura of the essence of wild fire.

In other words, Lin Han relied on the essence of wildfire to break into the fairy king realm.

"Damn, Lin Wudi, did you take the essence of the wildfire from my mountain!" Then, he stood up furiously, gritted his teeth like an old lion.

He has been here for many years, and if the essence of the wildfire condensed is taken away by Lin Han, it would be too uncomfortable for him.

"Hehe, what the essence of the wildfire, I just took a stone from here three days ago, you asked me to take it." Lin Han smiled.


Elder Wanhuo, almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, knowing that the stone Lin Han took away must contain the essence of wildfire. How could this **** have such a good vision.

He didn't find the essence of the wildfire for so long, and soon after the other party came, he walked along.

"Stop talking nonsense, give me the essence of the wildfire, otherwise the elder today will definitely not make you feel better." Finally, he clenched some fists and said angrily.

In his eyes, there is a substantial murderous overflow.

Three days ago, he felt very embarrassed for Lin Han to pass his test smoothly.

Lin Han seized his good fortune again, no matter what, he couldn't swallow this breath.

Lin Han didn't pay any attention at all, he had no reason to take out the things in his hands.

Elder Wanhuo wanted to take action very much, but seeing that the door to the secret realm was about to dissipate, he could only temporarily suppress it, and said angrily: "Let's see, offend me, you will suffer in the future."

Then he waved his hand to signal everyone to enter the secret realm.

Lin Han didn't care, even Palace Master Zuo dared to offend him, let alone Elder Wanhuo?

Right now, he followed everyone and entered the door of the secret realm together...



This is a fiery red world, like a starry sky, stars and meteorite continents are all fiery red, even the color of the void, like a dusk.

Lin Han and the others came to the scarlet earth. The temperature in the air was very high. After a while, it made people sweat.

"This is the Myriad Fire Realm?"

Lin Han was surprised. This was indeed very different from what he had imagined. However, he could perceive that the fire element here is very strong. If you cultivate here for a long time, it will be beneficial to your realm. No wonder many Excalibur disciples, I'm very interested here.

"Lin Wudi, let's go east." Ling Xi whispered.

"What's wrong?" Lin Han asked.

"I can detect that there are fire crystals over there." Ling Xi smiled.

Fire crystals are the most important item in the Myriad Fire Secret Realm. Each spar contains extremely rich fire attribute immortal power. After absorbing and refining, it will increase the strength of people and have huge benefits.

This is why every time the Ten Thousand Fire Secret Realm opens, there will be many Excalibur disciples coming.

Just getting some fire crystals will save a lot of training time.

"Okay." Lin Han nodded, believing that Lingxi, with a good background, would have some special means to perceive that the fire crystal is normal.

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