War Emperor

Chapter 1528: Mental strength

He said that, just wanting Lin Han to retreat when he was in trouble. Lin Hanzhen agreed, and he was overwhelmed.

Lin Han spread the image of the Void God and Demon in front of him, then took out a dagger and swiped it on his fingertips, a drop of red blood overflowed and dripped on the image of the Void God and Demon.

The image of the gods and demons was a piece of soft cotton cloth that instantly attracted Lin Han's blood, still calm, no different from before.

"Haha, there is no change at all, Lin Wudi, you are not worthy to be its owner at all. You are destined to be passers-by with the Void God and Demon Map."

"Yes, if you want to own the Void Gods and Demons, you must at least let it burst out with a phantom. If you haven't even reached one, you want to own it, it's just wishful thinking."

Lu Bin and Lu Shuo burst out laughing immediately, and ridiculed.

Xianjun Tulong and Elder Flames also smiled bitterly. Ninety percent of the people had this result. They were not surprised.

Lin Han is the same.

Even if they talk about breaking the sky now, it is useless.

"Lady boy, do you know the reality now?" Palace Master Zuo also sneered and stretched out his palm: "Hurry up, hand it over!"

Lin Han frowned, even he did not expect that his relationship with the Void God and Demon Atlas was so shallow...

Are you destined to miss it?

However, he could clearly feel that there was some turning point, and did not give up.


Sure enough, not long after, the Void God and Demon figure burst out with a dazzling divine light, like a volcanic eruption, a large swath of red light swept the starry sky, making the world a scarlet.

In the picture, there are also bursts of ancient chanting sounds, like awakening potential divine power, the scene is spectacular.

"What's the matter?" Palace Master Zuo was momentarily stagnated, and said in amazement.

Fairy Tulong and Elder Flames burst out with blazing light in the same eyes, and said in surprise: "Lin Han has succeeded, communicating the phantom in it!"

Judging from this weather, Lin Han's fit is very high, definitely not just a few signs of phantom.

"How come..." Lu Bin and Lu Shuo also instantly turned pale as if being poured with cold water.

This guy can really succeed, so lucky.

Ling Xi was also pleasantly surprised, Lin Han indeed had a good chance.

Boom boom boom...

Finally, under the horrified gazes of all the people, a huge figure appeared in the void, like a giant standing upright in the void. The shape is like a tiger, some are like giants...

Without exception, they are all super strong, otherwise their spirits and spirits will not be recorded and presented by the Void Gods and Demons.

There are ten ways!

All around Lin Han, there is a feeling of being headed by him, and Lin Han has a proud and invincible posture.

"Ten phantoms, my God..."

Many people were shocked and exclaimed, apart from Patriarch, no one can have such a high degree of compatibility with the Void Gods and Demons.

This is so dreamy!

If the news goes out, I don't know how many people in the Great Thousand Realm will be shocked.

"This..." Palace Master Zuo also set off a terrible storm in his heart. This scene was also very shocking to him.

"Palace Master Zuo, I did it, now what else do you have to say." Lin Han smiled, gathered all the visions, and said to Palace Master Zuo.


Like a slap, slapped Palace Lord Zuo's face, making his face hot, and a touch of anger spurted from his eyes!

Unreasonable, a humble little disciple dared to save his face.

However, as everyone’s eyes were in full view, as the Palace Master, he couldn’t make a mistake. He could only clenched some fists and said coldly: “Okay, if you have the skills, let’s just wait and see!”

After speaking, he left here to remember Lin Han!

A palace master dignified and hated a new disciple of the Excalibur. Everyone felt that Lin Han would usher in disaster.

Lin Han just smiled, without fear at all, Fairy Caiwu also offended him, and now he offends one more Palace Master Zuo, which is nothing.


The news spread, and the Sword Mansion shook.

Countless people are curious about Lin Wudi, wanting to see how trivial the young man is.

The future is bound to be very broad.

Lin Han didn't care about this. During this period of time, he had been studying the Void Gods and Demons in Leifeng.

He found that the Void God and Demon Map is a good place to exercise human spirit. His spirit enters into it, such as experiencing a huge grinding wheel. Every time he explores more space in the Void God and Demon Map, his spirit and spirit will increase. A lot.

Under this situation, the purple light surging in the center of his eyebrows, his spirit became stronger and stronger.

On this day, Leifeng's desolate back mountain.

Lin Han was sitting there, pinching his hands with his hands, breathing out, if the giant dragon caused the air to boil, violently turbulence, and constantly up and down like the sea, the weather was astonishing.

"Spiritual power, kill me!" Finally, Lin Han opened his eyes and shouted, directly inside his eyebrows, sweeping away the endless spiritual fluctuations like a vast ocean, and whizzing forward, the space instantly resembled powder. Constantly burst and open, revealing a vacuum. Along the way, the mountains, trees, and rock cliffs, nothing can stop them, all were destroyed, a mess, and extremely dilapidated.

If someone sees this scene, I don't know what it will be like.

There is a special formation guardian on Divine Sword Island, which will weaken a person's combat power. It can destroy dozens of nearby tens of miles into this way with one blow, even ordinary Immortal Kings can't do it.

This was just Lin Han's mental power, and he didn't really do it.

It can be seen how strong Lin Han is now.

"My current mental strength should reach the level of "human level"." Lin Han smiled and muttered to himself.

Mental power is a very ethereal power, extremely difficult to enhance and tap!

Even the strong in the fairy king realm, the mental power is not high, reaching the human level, even rarer.

Lin Han hadn't broken into the fairy king realm yet, he had human-level mental power, and it was enough to become a great means in the fairy king realm.

"Yes, mental power is divided into three levels: human, earth, and sky. Even the powerhouses of the nine levels of the fairy king realm may not have them. It is indeed very beneficial for you to enter now." Hong Ye smiled.

After possessing mental power, Lin Han's comprehensive combat power will become much stronger.

"My current realm has also reached Daluo Jinxian Consummation. I only have one chance to break into the fairy king realm. How can I reach the fairy king realm in a short time?"

Lin Han looked at his hands again and said in thought.

The spirit is tempered in the Void God and Demon Map, which is indeed beneficial to the growth of one's realm.

Now he felt that he was only a thin layer of paper away from breaking into the fairy king realm, and he could break into it with a casual stabbing!

However, even a piece of paper is very difficult!

After all, the Immortal King Realm is a big realm, and the realm barrier is stronger than everything he encountered before.

He feels difficult, there is no special opportunity, and he doesn't know when he wants to break through.

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