War Emperor

Chapter 1519: Xiao Yuanri

Many people were horrified, even if Xiao Yuanri was strong, he might not be able to stop the blow.

"The light of fireflies also shines?" However, Xiao Yuanri smiled contemptuously, not caring at all. With a wave of his palm, a large swath of silver light bloomed, if a bright sun appeared here.

Boom, a majestic and vigorous eruption caused the sword aura of several Excalibur disciples to shatter like tiles. With the powerful force, they each spewed a mouthful of blood, flew out, and lay down. On the ground, wailing in pain.

It was quiet on Thursday and Monday, and many people were in a daze. Xiao Yuanri was so powerful that he could injure so many Excalibur disciples with one blow.

"Heh, is this the disciple of the Excalibur of Canggu Sword Mansion? It is really vulnerable, like a pustule, so powerful, in our Tianyun Sword Mansion, not even a fart." Xiao Yuanri sneered and stepped on one of them. On the face of the Excalibur disciple, he said, "Are you convinced?"

"You..." Divine Sword disciple, his eyes are about to burst into flames, which is a shame and shame.

Many people also felt that Xiao Yuanri was a bit too much. He was very famous among the disciples of the Heavenly Cloud Sword Mansion. An ordinary Canggu Sword Mansion Divine Sword disciple would be normal if he was not his opponent, and he shouldn't be so humiliating after winning.

This is equivalent to hitting the face of Canggu Sword Mansion in public.

"Hey, what are you doing, stop me." At this time, Ling Xi couldn't stand it anymore, pinched the willow waist, stood up fiercely and said.

She is also a member of the Canggu Sword Mansion, and she can't just watch, the sword mansion disciple, being so insulted.

"Which green onion or garlic do you deserve to talk to me?" Xiao Yuanri glanced at Ling Xi, disdainfully said.

He didn't even care about the disciple of the Divine Sword, let alone Ling Xi, a young girl, far from the strength of the disciple of the Divine Sword.

"I... won't go, let them go quickly." Ling Xi said with a flushed face.

"Looking for death." Xiao Yuanri coldly yelled, a young girl with low strength also dared to behave in front of her, so courageous.

Right now, he pointed out, a bright finger light penetrated the void towards Lingxi, terribly killing it, causing the surrounding temperature to drop sharply, like a cold winter.

Those Excalibur disciples were surprised, Xiao Yuanri was really ruthless when he started, this blow contained killing intent, and Ling Xi might be in danger of life.

Some people also shook their heads, expecting the girl's fate.

Ling Xi was also taken aback, subconsciously blocking her hands in front of her, exuding divine power to resist.


However, to everyone's expectation, Ling Xi was fine, and a majestic, trembling finger light radiated from his body, which broke and opened in an instant, followed by a vast wave of divine power, which made Xiao Yuanri All were shaken back a few steps.

"How is it possible?" Countless people were stunned. Lingxi hadn't even reached the Daluojin Wonderland. How could Xiao Yuanri retreat?

Xiao Yuanri has reached the ninth level of the Great Luo Jinxian Consummation, and he can enter the realm of the fairy king just a short distance. This is like a ghost.

Ling Xi was also a little stunned. Looking at her hands, she wondered how could her skill be so powerful?

Then, she looked back and saw the boy standing in front of him with her hands behind her.

Lin Wudi!

She laughed in surprise, it turned out that Lin Wudi had given her the skill.

This is equivalent to saving her life.

"Boy, who are you?" Xiao Yuanri was also in a daze, then looked up and saw Lin Han behind Lingxi, couldn't help but a touch of anger appeared in his eyes.

Even if a arrogant girl yelled at him, another young boy who didn't know where he came from would dare to do so, it was a jerk.

"My name is Lin Wudi, a new disciple of the Excalibur." Lin Han said lightly.

"New Divine Sword disciple?" The disciple of Tianyun Sword Mansion was taken aback first, then all laughed.

Xiao Yuanri also sneered and said, "You old Excalibur disciple, in front of me, you are like a chicken dog. You, a new Excalibur disciple, dare to stand out and think that you have lived too long?"

Originally he was still a little worried, but Lin Han was a little uncomfortable, but now he is completely relieved.

Newly promoted Excalibur disciple, where can they be strong against the sky?

The disciple that he just stepped on his face with the sole of his foot ranks more than 270 among the disciples of Excalibur.

In his opinion, he could run Lin Han to death with a single finger.

"What about the new disciple of the Excalibur, Xiao Yuanri, the Canghuang Desert, is the site of our Canggu Sword Palace, the Primordial Qi Refining Tower, nominally also the treasure of our Canggu Sword Palace, let other disciples of the Sword Palace come Blending, you are already very kind. You don't know how to be grateful, and still bullying us Canggu Sword Mansion like this, is it a bit unreasonable?" Lin Han said lightly.

Xiao Yuanri laughed and said, "Thank you, whoever has the big fist in the universe, the baby is the one. Your disciples of Canggu Sword Mansion are too **** to enjoy this Primordial Qi Refining Tower. It is normal."

"Boy, get out of here, I don't want to kill you, or don't blame me for making you die today."

With a sneer on his face, he completely regarded Lin Han as a stunned green.

Do you really think that if you learn something, you can be qualified to speak here?

Shicai's strength was not even three times.

Lin Han shook his head and didn't say much. The matter is here. Only with his fists can he earn truth.


Right now, he hit Xiao Yuanri with a punch, just hit it.

Xiao Yuanri was furious at once. A hairy boy dared to take the initiative to fight against him. He was so courageous. He must let the other party know how good he was.

At the moment, he burst out with silver light all over his body, and also punched out, the terrifying fist, pouring out like a vast sea, flooding a large desert, like an unstoppable torrent, making the wind and sand atmosphere between the sky and the earth, the wind and the raging, terrifying aura.

In contrast, Lin Han's punch was completely like a child's play, it was not worth mentioning.

The other disciples of the Tianyun Sword Mansion also sneered smirkingly, feeling that this hairy boy was dead, angering Senior Brother Xiao Yuanri, and no one could save him.

Ling Xi also showed a worrisome expression on her pretty face. I wonder if Lin Han can stop it. After all, Xiao Yuanri's strength is indeed too strong, and he can enter the Immortal King only by a short line, which is not comparable to ordinary Excalibur disciples.


However, what was unexpected was that just as Lin Han’s fist was about to come into contact with Xiao Yuanri’s attack, his fist suddenly resembled hundreds of volcanoes, erupting with terrifying light, illuminating the nearby hundreds of miles of starry sky, and it was brilliant. As the sun rises here.

Then, Xiao Yuanri’s attack immediately dissipated, like being swallowed by a torrent of wild beasts. With the powerful force, the shaking Xiao Yuanri uttered a scream, and the whole body flew out like a dead dog and sat down. The silver flood dragon also exploded in an instant, blood and bones spattered, and died on the spot!

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