War Emperor

Chapter 1508: Hayuki

Linghufei also had a look of surprise in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Lu Yun would use the Burning Sky Formation when he came up. There was a good show this time.

He felt that Lin Han might not be able to take it, this blow was too strong.

"Break it for me!" However, Lin coldly drank, and in his eyes, a brilliant sword light burst out, like an unsheathed heavenly sword, his aura became cold.

He held the broken sword and cleaved it again with a bang. On the broken sword, two kinds of black and white light appeared on the broken sword, representing the power of life and death-the sword divides life and death!

It is the 33rd sword of Canggu's 36th sword!

There was a lot of shock all around, and countless people were shocked.

As we all know, among the entire Tianjian disciples, only Linghu Fei understood this sword and led the way.

For the first time in so many years, a second person did it.

Besides, Lin Han only had a few months to come to Jianfu.

Ling Xi and Ye Lingfei were also stunned. So, Liu Yan'er, Changsun Sect, and the three-headed evil flood were really killed by Lin Han.

They also heard that Liu Yan'er died in the life and death strike of Jianfen.

Lin Han said before that they thought they were bragging, but now they finally understand the truth.

Linghufei's body was shocked, his face burst out with a ray of hatred, his teeth biting fiercely, wishing to smash Lin Han's body into pieces, eat his flesh and drink his blood!

He finally found the wicked murderer.

"The sword divides life and death, how is this possible?" Lu Yun's pupils also shrank suddenly, and he couldn't believe it.

His kendo talent is already extremely outstanding. He has become a disciple of the Heavenly Sword. He has not practiced the 33rd sword for one hundred and fifty years. At the moment, a boy in his early twenties can do it for him. The impact is also great.

What made him even more awe-inspiring was that Lin Han's sword slashed like this and hit him in the fiery sky.

Everyone knows that the weakness of the formation is the formation eye, which is extremely hidden and most people can't find it.

Lin Han's shot is so precise, is it blind?

"Remove it to me!" At the moment, he gritted his teeth and controlled the rotation of the formation, trying to move the formation eye to a place. If the sword really hits the formation eye, the formation will instantly collapse.

Only in other places can it be blocked, and once again attack Lin Han with a large array.

However, in the next moment, the scene that made him desperate appeared, Lin Leng Leng smiled indifferently, the sword light in his hand also instantly shifted, and once again hit the front eye.

This looks as if he has already spotted the eye, which is very purposeful.

Lu Yun had a numb scalp, and finally knew that this kid Lin Han was not lucky, he really saw the flaws in the formation!

This made him couldn't believe it. He wanted to roar up to the sky. Why, his burning sky formation was so advanced and displayed among the disciples of the Heavenly Sword. Even some elders in the Sword Mansion were amazed.

In Lin Han's eyes, it seemed that he was unprepared and was immediately seen.

He had never experienced anything like this before, and this kid was too perverted.

"Could it be that his formation skills are also very advanced." Then, he was shocked, thinking of the reality that it was possible only if the formation skills were not weaker than him, and he also possessed extremely powerful pupil skills.

Many people have seen Lin Han's Eye of Soul Eater, knowing that it is indeed a very strange pupil technique.

It's just that, he didn't expect that apart from the pupil technique, Lin Han's formation skills were so powerful.

He couldn't help feeling so bitter, this time he encountered the iron plate.

This junior is more perverted than on the surface. He is his nemesis, and he will definitely lose.


Sure enough, the next moment, the sharp sword light hit the weakness of the formation, and suddenly a brilliant light burst out, like fireworks, and then Lu Yun's formation collapsed, and a powerful backlash made him spray A mouthful of blood, flew out all at once, hit the steps fiercely, losing combat effectiveness.

The surroundings suddenly became deadly silent!

Many people looked stiff and couldn't react.

Is that solved?

one move!

A simple trick!

Lin Han's extraordinary, once again refreshed their bottom line.

"Who else would dare to stop me!" Lin Han was holding the broken sword, his eyes were cold, and he glanced around.

Not far away, there are several young people with extraordinary aura, all of the top five geniuses. At this moment, they can't help but spine and dare not speak.

Originally, they wanted to take action and **** the broken sword in Lin Han's hands, but even Lu Yun was defeated. They were useless to go up, and they would lose.

A woman in colorful clothes also shook her head with a wry smile. She is the second-ranked genius of the Heavenly Sword disciple. She is not sure that she can beat Lin Han. Now she has nothing but silence.

The Tianjian disciple, it is estimated that only Linghufei is the only one who can fight this fast-rising junior junior.

At the moment, countless people's eyes are on Linghufei!

There is no room for two tigers!

A battle between him and Lin Han is inevitable!

This was the highest scale battle among the disciples of the Heavenly Sword, and many people paid close attention to it.

I want to see what kind of sparks they will make when they meet.

Linghufei was hunting and hunting in a purple suit, with hair full of fluttering hair, standing not far away, like a heavenly sword about to be unsheathed, with a sense of fierce, aloof, and domineering.

In the light of his eyes, there was still the white sword aura shrinking, as if there was a vast sword sea, which made people awe-inspiring.

He stared at Lin Han, indeed showing great fighting intent and murderous intent.

If the air freezes, water can drip out.

Lin Han frowned and said, "Go ahead!"

This battle is inevitable, and now I am calm.

"You should know, besides I want to keep the number one title, why should I fight with you!" Linghufei said every word, his voice almost burst out of his teeth, occasionally showing white teeth, full of sorrow.

Lin Han was silent, of course he understood that it was because of Liu Yan'er's death.

Liu Yan'er died under Canggu's thirty-three swords. He displayed this sword, and the murderer was naturally him.

In front of so many people, he wouldn't admit it, and smiled and said: "I don't know, I don't seem to have any other grudges with you."

"Really?" The cold light in Linghufei's eyes became more flaming, and shouted: "Tell me, did you kill Liu Yan'er!"

The sound is like nine days of thunder and thunder, rolling across the sky, the storm is violent, and the mountains resonate.

"Haha, in the entire sword mansion, there are many people who know thirty-three swords. At least the disciples of the Excalibur have understood why you should doubt me. If there is not enough evidence, don't slander people at will." Lin Han said lightly. .

The Sword Mansion had a rule not to kill each other, he naturally wouldn't admit it in front of so many people.

Otherwise, no matter how extraordinary he is, he will be punished.

He is not so stupid yet.

Linghu Fei's cheeks twitched, knowing that Lin Han would not admit it, his fists clenched a little bit.

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