War Emperor

Chapter 1499: Da Luo Jin Wonderland

This is exactly the space talisman in its treasure house. After it is displayed, the speed can be greatly increased, even if the three of them are somewhat unable to catch up.

Lin Han took his things and put him aside, he was furious.

"Even if there is a space talisman, he won't be able to escape for long. When chasing him, he must be beaten into fleshy flesh." He said with scarlet face.

Changsunmen and Ye Lingfei nodded, the space talisman has a limited time to work, and they won't let it go.


In a short while, Lin Han flew out of this meteorite mountain forest and returned to Excalibur Star again.

On the Excalibur Star, the river is magnificent, and the mountains are majestic.

Like three meteorites, Lin Han's trio flew into an uninhabited mountain forest with brilliant tail lights.

This is the bank of a big river, the river flowing fast, there is a valley on the bank, it is very quiet, it is not easy for ordinary people to find it.

"Let’s eat the chiguo first, Changsun Clan, Liu Yan'er, for a while, we won’t find us."

Lin Han said.

Ling Xi and Ye Lingfei both nodded.

Even if they return to Tianjian Peak, it is not safe, the Changsun Clan and Liu Yan'er will still ask them for Chiguo.

It's safer to eat the red fruit before going back.

At the moment, Lin Han found an uninhabited cave and began to swallow the red fruit. It has to be said that this fruit is worthy of being a treasure of heaven and earth. It has been born for many years of immortal energy. Lin Han took a bite, and his mouth was full of fragrant fragrance. The mouth and teeth produce fluid, like some innate treasure pill to eat, in an instant, the stomach is filled with extremely strong aura.

The immortal power in his dantian, the speed that is visible to the naked eye, is increasing rapidly.

"Good effect." Lin Han was pleasantly surprised. If all these fairy qi were refined and broken into the Great Luojin Wonderland, it would not be a problem at all.

Right now, he started to run the Jue Tian Mo Jing, absorbing it frantically.

This mental method is worthy of being famous in the immortal realm. It absorbs the effect of refining and is very powerful, even more powerful than Chaos Dantian.

His Dantian has been further strengthened.

In this way, it only took about three days for Lin Han to absorb all these energies, and his strength was fulfilled as he wished, reaching the point of Daluojin Wonderland.

At this moment, Lin Han opened his eyes, and within his eyes, two incredibly thick divine lights suddenly shot out. If a **** recovers, the big river outside the cave is roaring.

"Daluojin Wonderland, really extraordinary." Lin Han said to himself with joy.

On the surface of his body, a golden light appeared, like a golden mask, covering him, revealing a solid and firm smell.

If you are seen by others, you will be surprised. This is the Da Luo Jin Wonderland, a unique method, a golden light shield for body protection!

Ordinary people's body protection gold mask is very weak, with only a slight layer.

However, Lin Han was very heavy, like a piece of armor, even an ordinary Daluo Jinxian ninth level person might not be able to compare.

This is because he is very strong.

Next, Lin Han ran the celestial demon body again, and found the magic pattern on the celestial demon body, and added another, reaching the point of two patterns!

When there are nine realms, it means that it has become a weapon that can be used by many immortals in the fairy world.

Now that he reaches two lines, it undoubtedly means that his celestial demon body is stronger.

At the same time, he took out the broken sword and continued to practice, the whole river was boiling, the mountains and rivers resonated, the situation was changing, full of a sense of horror that the mountains and rain were coming.

His Canggu thirty-six swords also made great progress, reaching thirty-three swords!

What is this concept?

Linghu Fei, the number one disciple of the Heavenly Sword, was able to practice Canggu Thirty-Six Swords to this point.

This is the ceiling of this stage, no one can surpass.

Not long after Lin Han was promoted to the Heavenly Sword disciple, he was already able to match him, and the spread was enough to shock many people.

"Now my strength, I am afraid that the ninth floor of Da Luo Jin Wonderland can also contend." Lin Han said with a smile to himself.

The nine floors of Daluojin Wonderland are a very broad platform, with four realms in the early stage, middle stage, late stage, and peak.

Both Changsunmen and Liu Yaner belong to the early stage.

If it is one-to-one, he can compete with one of the two.

If the hidden strength is mobilized, maybe people in the mid-term can contend.

"Lin Wudi, your kid was here before, and finally found you." At this moment, a gloomy laugh came from the sky.

The sun was shining brightly, and the long-sun gate was wearing silver armor, and finally flew, his eyes were very cruel and hideous.

He, Liu Yan'er, and the three evil scorpions had been divided into three groups to search for Lin Han. After searching for nearly a day, they finally found them.

"Where is Thousand-Year Chiguo?" His eyes were extremely cold and he stretched out his hand to shout.

"I ate it." Lin Han smiled.

"What, did you eat it?" Changsun Men's eyes suddenly widened, a flash of flame quickly appeared in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Do you think your life is too long?"

An extremely cold killing intent on his body immediately swept through the mountains and forests like a hurricane, causing the temperature in the air to drop extremely.

He was furious.

Thousand-year red fruit, but the key to refining the Immortal King Pill.

If he eats it, he may directly pass the middle, late, and peak of the 9th floor of Daluo Jinxian and step into the fairy king realm.

Lin Han ate it, no less than digging a piece of meat in his heart.

"Do you think I will be willing to hand over Millennium Chiguo to you? You take yourself too seriously." Lin Han smiled faintly.

Chang Sunmen took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, and said: "Okay, I want you to practice a pill alive to make up for my loss!"

After speaking, he directly raised the silver war spear in his hand and stab Lin Han's head with a fierce spear. The terrifying silver kills all, illuminating the mountain forest like a train of horses.

He is full of arrogance, possessing the strength of the nine-layer early stage of the Great Luojin Wonderland. Killing Lin Han is as simple as killing an ant.

There is nothing to say, now only by killing Lin Han can he understand his hatred.

However, Lin Han sneered, not afraid at all, the current grandson sect did not pose any threat to him.

At the moment, he took out the broken sword, slashed it out, and with a bang, a blazing white killing light flooded the mountains and forests, making everything in the world lose its color. Within Lin Han, a very majestic momentum erupted, letting it go. The mountains resonate, if an ancient fierce beast shows off its power.

"Daluojin Fairyland, have you broken through the Daluojin Fairyland?" Changsun's face changed instantly, somewhat surprised.

On the surface of Lin Han's body, a gorgeous golden mask emerged, which was the symbol of Daluojin Wonderland.

It is more condensed and strong than the body mask of the general Da Luo Jinxian.

This made him a little bit regretful, this kid was a little abnormal, and he really ate a thousand-year red fruit in such a short time.

He couldn't believe it at first, after all, the energy of the Millennium Chiguo was very majestic, and it could not be refined by ordinary people in a short time.

This result is undoubtedly extremely beyond his expectations.

"Yes, you may not be my opponent right now." Lin Lian Lun smiled, and a flash of light flashed across his eyes.

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