War Emperor

Chapter 1487: Stone Cliff, Jianyi

"Lin Wudi, hurry up and kneel." Ming Yangzi also smiled faintly, as if he really regarded Lin Han as a Dantong.

However, Lin Han's expression turned cold, and said, "Vision."

Not to mention that the opponent is the leader among the disciples of the Heavenly Sword, even if the disciple of the Excalibur, even if the loneliness comes, he will not give in.

No one has ever qualified.

"Then don't blame me for being polite." Mingyangzi grinned.

He directly raised his big hand, forming a huge flame hand, covering Lin Han, a terrifying light, like a sea of ​​fire, a piece of crimson.

The powerful coercion made the earth buzzing and shaking.

Many people were shocked. This was completely beyond the reach of ordinary Heavenly Sword disciples. If Lin Han couldn't resist it, he might be crushed into flesh.

Ling Xi was also angry, Ming Yangzi was too rampant.

"Stop it." At this moment, an old voice came, and an old man in blue came over, carrying an incomparable aura, waved his hand, an unparalleled power exploded, causing De Mingyangzi's big hand to collapse and collapse instantly .

This blue-clothed old man, if a giant **** descends to the earth, it feels unfathomable to humans.

"Elder Liu Feng." Many people changed their faces and bowed to salute. The old man was the elder among the disciples of the Heavenly Sword. He had a much higher status than the average elder and was also very powerful.

Among the Tianjian disciples, the opponent is no less than the sky.

"Ming Yangzi, you bullied a new disciple, do you have any demeanor?" Liu Feng frowned and said in a deep voice.

Ming Yangzi couldn't help but shake his face, and said with a smile: "The elder is serious, I'm just making a joke with this junior, please also the elder, don't care."

Even if he had a high status among the Tianjian disciples, he did not dare to confront the elder.

Liu Feng snorted without delving into it.

Knowing that Mingyangzi is used to being arrogant and domineering.

"Okay, Lin Wudi, right? It’s the first time you came to Tianjian Peak today. As usual, you have to get a famous sword on Tianjian Peak. There is a rock cliff in front of you. Based on your roots and skills, it will automatically match a sword for you, and what you get is your saber." Liu Feng said lightly.

"En." Lin Han nodded, secretly thinking that fortunately, Elder Liu Feng is here, otherwise he would really be in some trouble.

"Hey, kid, you have to be careful. The famous sword on the stone cliff, and the intrusion of thousands of sword intents, may be shocked into a fool if you are not strong enough." Ming Yangzi smiled gleefully.

Very few people really pass the test.

"The sword intent on the stone cliff is indeed very strong. We must do what we can." Liu Feng also reminded.

Lin Han nodded but didn't care and walked over.

In front, there is indeed a rocky cliff, bare, about a hundred meters long, with no grass growing, and it is khaki.

On the cliff face, there are some ancient sword marks, densely appearing on it, giving the imprint of the years of the race, it seems that there are many masters of kendo, leaving the indelible sword intent here, making people tremble.

Even in the past so many years, there is still strong sword aura in the many sword marks, making Lin Han's skin a little hairy.

It is conceivable that the people who left these sword marks must be extremely powerful.

Lin Han couldn't help but smashed his tongue, stroked Shiya with his hand, and then the divine power in his body instantly surged in.


The next moment, the majestic stone cliff glowed, trembling gently like a sleeping behemoth awakening, with an incomparable aura, swept away, causing many people around them to change their faces and look terrified.

"He actually opened the sixth level of sword intent!"

Zheng Feng said in surprise.

The sword intent on the stone cliff is also classified into nine levels.

The higher the sword intent, the stronger the rank of the famous sword obtained on the Heavenly Sword Peak.

Back then, Lonely Shang, Big Brother, communicated the legendary ninth level of sword intent, obtained the ancient divine sword "Mo Shang", famous in a thousand realms, and became a generation of legendary masters.

However, Lonely Shang is a wizard of heaven, no one can compare.

Normal disciples who can communicate the fourth-level sword intent are very good.

Lin Han came up and communicated the sixth-level sword intent, which was naturally frightening.

"Although the sixth-level sword intent is very high, the sword intent is stronger, you simply can't bear it." Ao Dan couldn't help but sneered.

Liu Feng also frowned, thinking that Lin Han was too abrupt.

Sixth-level sword intent, able to communicate and endure it, among the entire Tianjian disciples, there are not fifty people here.

This starting point is too high.

Lin Han also felt that a magnificent sword intent suddenly emanated from the top of the stone cliff, and it struck his mind overwhelmingly, like a vast ocean of invisible swords, about to destroy himself, even he felt a strong Strong dangerous smell.

The sixth level of sword intent is really extraordinary.

However, to him, it is nothing. He has gone through all the bumps and bumps along the way, and his mind has long been tempered.


Next, a wave of invisible sword energy slashed towards Lin Han's Sea of ​​Consciousness. He stood there with a sense of motionlessness, and it was useless to let the sword energy cut.

Just like his spirit, it has turned into a substantial and immortal mountain.

The sword intent drew out a series of incomparable sparks, which had no effect on him at all.

"So strong character!" everyone exclaimed.

The Canggu Sword Mansion is home to countless talents from the Great Thousand Realm, although there are some people with firm minds who can bear the mighty sword intent.

He had never shown his mind like Lin Han.

Now Lin Han has a self-confidence and demeanor that can't beat the sky.

This is a necessary quality to become a strong person.

Ao Dan, Zheng Feng, and Ming Yangzi all stiffened and looked like a ghost.

How can a teenager who seems to be in his early twenties have such a temperament.

Even some geniuses who have cultivated for hundreds of years can't compare with them.

This scene was like a resounding slap, hitting their faces, embarrassing their previous schadenfreude.

Elder Liu Feng laughed, thinking that Lin Han was a real piece of jade.

Tianjianfeng ushered in a good seed.


However, then, a more shocking scene appeared.

I saw that after Lin Han resisted the sixth-level sword intent, the majestic light radiating from his hand did not stop, on the contrary, it became even more flaming, rushing into the stone cliff fiercely.

The sword intent emanating from the stone cliff suddenly rose, and the endless transparent lightsaber, almost substantive, slashed towards Lin Han.

The level of the sword intent value rose instantly.

"Seven...level sword intent!"

Countless people have scalp tingling!

The sixth-level sword intent is not his limit, he wants to challenge the seventh-level sword intent.

Zheng Feng and Ao Dan also have cold hands and feet, is this guy so perverted?

They felt that they underestimated Lin Han, which was already a notch higher than them, and there was a sense of difference.

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