War Emperor

Chapter 1470: Learn from

"That's not necessarily true. If he defeats the top 100 spirit sword disciples, he can choose the two-star fairy skill. He was completely qualified to defeat the wind sword before." At this time, Ling Xi said.

After Ye Lao frowned, he nodded slightly.

There is indeed this rule, which tests the strength of the disciple.

Gu Yi couldn't help but his face turned pale, Ling Xi defended Lin Han everywhere, in front of so many people, how could he step down?

At Lingjian Peak, who doesn't know that he likes Lingxi?

He clenched his fists again, and grinned at Lin Han: "Okay, then I will discuss with him. Feng Jian is just the one hundredth spiritual sword disciple. I rank higher than him, so I can beat me. Feng The sword is too reluctant."

Ling Xi gritted her teeth, and Gu Yi was really hateful.

Ye Lao did not speak.

It was too rare for a disciple who had just arrived at Lingjian Peak to learn the two-star fairy skills.

He also wanted to see with his own eyes whether Lin Han had this strength.

"Haha, Lin Wudi, how about it? If you have the ability to compare it, if you don't have it, just choose a one-star fairy skill and get out of it." Gu Yi saw Ye Lao tacitly admit that he was more confident and laughed.

"Yeah, it's just you kind of a hillbilly who wants to learn the two-star magic skills, go dream."

"Kneel down and beg our young master, maybe our young master can be merciful and show mercy, let you learn."

The servants behind him also laughed and ridiculed.

Ling Xi's pretty face was green, and he pulled Lin Han and said, "Let's go."

Today, she had some bad luck. When she met Gu Yi asshole, she planned to bring Lin Han back next time when Gu Yi was away.

In her opinion, Lin Han could never be Gu Yi's opponent.

After all, the other party has already stepped into the Great Luojin Wonderland with one foot.

However, Lin Han sneered and said: "Okay, we will learn from each other, but it is too monotonous to just bet on whether we can learn the two-star magical skills, how about we add some extra bets?"

"What bet?" Gu Yi said.

"Simple, five hundred immortal pills!"

Many people were in an uproar, and the stakes were too high.

Gu Yi said with a stern face: "Do you have so many immortal pills?"

"I didn't, but I lost, but you can do it at your disposal." Lin Han just smiled.

He is also confident of his current strength.

Since Gu Yi targeted him everywhere, if he didn't let this guy suffer a bit of a loss, his heart would not be happy.

"Okay, this is what you said, then I will let you lie in front of me like a dog and learn to bark." Gu Yi laughed out, five hundred Immortal Pills, although there are many, but with his net worth, he can still get them. from.

Most importantly, he was very happy to humiliate Lin Han.

By then, how could Ling Xi approach this kid again?

Maybe you can change your mind and fall in love with yourself.

This is an opportunity for him to perform, and he feels a little excited.

Lin Han shook his head and said lightly: "Go ahead."

For this kind of people who feel good about themselves, he disdains much.

Gu Yi grinned, his eyes throbbed with cruel light, and he didn't say much nonsense, he directly shouted, and hit Lin Han's face with a punch.

On his fist, the golden light was shining, full of a violent taste, as if it could split the void and return the world to the original.

This is the air of Da Luo, which has a crushing power for the lower ranks.

Although Gu Yi only stepped into this level with one foot, his combat power was still more powerful than Fengjian.

"Hillboy, do you know what Daluo Qi is? Surrender under my gas." Gu Yi sneered, full of disdain for Lin Han.

A disciple who had just entered the Spirit Sword Peak was like an ant.

However, Lin Chong smiled, took out the Spirit Moon Sword, the sword light flared, and a brilliant sword skill burst out in an instant, revealing a smell of heaven, which seemed to be able to cut through the world and affect the space.

"Canggu's thirty-six swords, the eleventh sword, swordsmanship can reach the sky!"

Around, countless people were in an uproar, shocked.

Behind Gu Yi, the servant who had laughed at Lin Han was also shocked, his face full of disbelief.

Didn't Lin Han only learn the tenth sword?

How come you have even learned the eleventh sword now?

This is horrible.

This talent makes them desperate.

Ye Lao was also surprised. It seemed that everyone underestimated Lin Wudi's talent.

The progress in sword training is really fast.

Ling Xi also covered her delicate red lips with her delicate hands, looking surprised.

She felt like she had found a piece of uncut jade.

Such a genius, she would approach her, and her sister would praise her.

"The eleventh sword of Canggu Thirty-Six Swords?" Gu Yi's pupils shrank suddenly. He didn't expect Lin Han to have such a method. Canggu Thirty-Six Swords, one sword is more powerful than one. Down, even if he smelled a strong and dangerous aura.


The sword light and the fist light met in the void, bursting out a brilliant light.

However, even though Lin Han had learned the eleventh sword of Canggu's thirty-six swords, his realm was still too far away. He was forced to puff, spouting a mouthful of blood, and staggering back a few steps.

Obviously, in the actual competition, he is somewhat difficult to gain the upper hand.

But Gu Yi was also uncomfortable, a sharp sword mark was cut on his fist, scarlet blood dripped down, and the severe pain made his face gloomy and very angry.

The disciple of Da Luo Jinxian, who was dignified, was injured in the hands of Lin Han.

For him, it is no small shame.

It can also be seen how powerful this eleventh sword is. If Lin Han's realm is similar to him, he is not an opponent at all.

At the moment, the mood that he wanted to teach Lin Han severely in his heart was much stronger.

A humble boy hurt him, unforgivable.

"Some skills, but it's not enough. You angered me. Go to death." Gu Yi's eyes showed two terrible golden lights, sharp like a sword. With a loud shout, he took out a silver-light sword. , Slashed and killed Lin Han's head with a knife.

Immediately billowing silver light surging, accompanied by silver lightning, the snow white like a galaxy, bright and flaming.

"Silver knife?"

Many people are surprised that this is a two-star lower-order fairy tool, much more powerful than a first-order fairy tool.

Gu Yi had made a lot of contributions to the Sword Mansion before he was bestowed on him.

Now it gives people a great sense of surprise. Many people have a numb scalp and feel the force of murder, making their skin cold.

"Smelly boy, losing under my silver knife does not mean that you have been insulted." Gu Yi sneered. With half a step of Da Luo Jinxian's strength, coupled with the two-star immortal weapon, he has no reason to lose.

"That's not necessarily true." However, Lin Han smiled slightly, then turned the sword in his hand, and shouted: "Canggu thirty-six swords, twelfth sword, sword against the void!"


After finishing speaking, the long sword in his hand emitted a dazzling silver light, which stirred in front of him, and the space immediately collapsed like a turbulent current, forming a large vortex.

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