War Emperor

Chapter 1454: Huaxianfu

Lin Han was surprised, this old man was too terrifying, he could be subdued with just a few fingers.

"Use Juetian Demon Sutra." At this time, Hongdao.

Now Lin Han can have a little bit of capital to deal with with the old man is the Ultimate Demon Sutra.

This method is profound and profound, and there may be a turning point.

With a move of Lin Han's heart, a large piece of black energy gathered in the palm of his palm, and a piece of talisman paper appeared in the palm of his palm, with two ancient characters written on it.

As soon as the word "Hua Xian" came out, the space in front of Lin Han shattered instantly, disintegrating like ice and snow meeting boiling water.

"Hua Xianfu, you realized this trick so quickly." The old man was a little shocked.

This is a well-known method in the Sutra of Heavenly Devil. Once this talisman comes out, it can dissolve any fairy power in the universe. I have never known how many famous masters have died under the move of Absolute Heaven Demon Palace.

He didn't expect that Lin Han was just studying now, you can understand.

Even if Lin Han had just realized that he was not proficient, in Lin Han's palm, he also smelled a dangerous energy.

This makes him a little bit chilling, who is he? In the endless years of cultivation, he can walk sideways in the entire Great Thousand Realm, and I am afraid of a kid who has just soared here.

It shows the power of Huaxianfu.

"Hua Xianfu, so strong." Lin Han was pleasantly surprised. With his talents in a hurry, he just held the attitude of trying, but he did not expect the effect to be so immediate.

The Huaxian Talisman is indeed a great mysterious supernatural power of the Juetian Demon Sutra. Because he has practiced the Chaos Fortune Secret Art, he can learn the Juetian Demon Sutra very quickly.

Will come out so soon.

Under the two "transformation immortals" in his palm, he felt a lingering taste of his heart, as if it contained the most terrifying power of the immortal world, enough to melt ten thousand immortals.

It is conceivable that he will definitely become his killer in the future.

This made him have to sigh in his heart that the Supremacy Demon Scripture is the supreme mental method of the Absolute Heaven Demon Palace. Just after practicing, there is such a remarkable method.

"Little bunny, don't want to run, stop for me." At this moment, the old man yelled, carrying a monstrous black mist all over his body, and lunged towards Lin Han.

He noticed that Lin Han wanted to get close to the main hall. In the main hall, there was indeed the power of his palpitations, and Lin Han would never be allowed to do so.

However, Lin Han ignored it at all and rushed in.


As soon as he entered the scope of the hall, a terrifying black light appeared outside the hall, like a huge black light cover, covering the entire hall.

The old man bumped into him and immediately made a loud bang, and he was shocked and flew out, spouting a mouthful of blood.

Lin Han was overjoyed, and secretly thought that this hall was indeed a safe haven. He couldn't help but said, "Old clapper, come in if you have the ability."

The old man was angry, and Lin Han dared to beat him. With his strength, Lin Han could be slapped to death with one slap. Leng Sen said: "Boy, don't think that this hall can protect you. It may not stop me."


"Sky magic body, show me up!"

The old man roared, and the black mist surging all over his body turned into a huge black giant, full of violent and brutal smell, like a wild ape, and his eyes glowed with red light.


He lifted the huge soles of his feet, facing the hall with one foot, and crashed down.

The soles of the feet were also huge, and from Lin Han's position, they seemed to cover the sky and the sun.

Lin Han couldn't help feeling tensed. This old man was too terrifying. He was definitely an inexperienced master. Now he is launching a mighty power to destroy the stars and move the moon.

Even the black mask outside the hall may not be able to block it.

After all, he was able to perceive that the energy of this hall had been weakened for a long time.


Sure enough, the next moment, a scene that made Lin Han's heart beat appeared.

The huge black soles finally landed, like the earth swaying, the whole death star rumbling, cracking a huge crack, if it would collapse and disintegrate.

The black mask, like a cracked egg, cracked a crack.

A violent aura swept from the soles of his feet, causing Lin Han to fly out in an instant, hitting the solid mottled wall of the hall, spouting a mouthful of blood, shaking all internal organs, making him extremely uncomfortable.

It's too strong.

It was just a wave on his feet that he couldn't bear. He felt like his body was about to disintegrate, and he couldn't even stand up.

This made him bitter for a while, and the immortal world is really dangerous. He just came here and was caught in such a trap.

Do you really want to confess here today?

"Hey, the light of rice grains, now you know the gap." The old man laughed, poking out his **** hand from the sky, about to grab Lin Han.

Like a black great ape, picking up an ant from the ground.


At this moment, a bell rang long, magnificent, as if it could cut through eternal time.

The ancient clock suspended in front of the main hall finally shook off some years of dust, and a faint golden light came out.

A sense of solemnity and sacredness swept from it, giving a sense of vastness and grandeur.

"Not good." The old man was astonished, knowing that this clock had a great origin and its mighty powers, and he was aware of the great danger.


Just when he was about to withdraw his palm, the ancient bell shot a golden sword light, and instantly cut off one of his arms directly. The black blood, like a waterfall, flowed from the sky, crashing on the ground and rushing. , Very bloody.

"Ah..." The old man uttered a scream like a pig, too sharp and swift, and he didn't even have the slightest resistance to resist, and he was hit instantly.

This sword energy not only slashed on his body, but even his soul was extremely uncomfortable, and his whole body was sweating.

Lin Han was also surprised. He didn't expect that an ancient bell that looked a little broken outside the hall would be so extraordinary.

Now this clock, with a faint golden rune flashing on the body, it feels really different, as if it contains powerful mana like a sea.

Holy, majestic, unpredictable.

"There are immortal patterns left by masters in the clock. They are not immortal implements, but they are more powerful than ordinary immortal implements." Hong said in a deep voice.

The masters who leave immortal patterns are at least immortal emperor realm, or even stronger.

Such a baby, placed outside, caused a **** storm.

Lin Han nodded. With this bell, he felt quite at ease.

"Damn broken clock."

The old man was angry, knowing that there was such a bell, it was impossible for him to target Lin Han.

This time his threat was too great, the stronger he felt, the more terrifying he felt, like a supreme master sitting there, making people tremble.

"Boy, I see how long you can stay. You can sit side-by-side for hundreds of thousands of years without eating or drinking, but you can't." The old man sneered, and he just lost touch with Lin Han.

How could Lin Han, a kid who had just entered the world of immortality, overpower him?

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