War Emperor

Chapter 1446: save

The voice was trembling.

I feel like an ant, facing the bright moon, endless and boundless.

"What does this emperor want?" The Immortal Emperor Law Enforcement had a contemptuous tone, and said indifferently: "You kill the mortal Dao first, and insult the prince, the crime is extremely sinful, and the total number of deaths is 10,000 times, and it is difficult to save!"

"Because you are just a mortal, you don't know how high you are, you can kill yourself, disintegrate and atone for your sins."

Every word is like Taoism and rules, with endless symbols flashing on the body surface.

He doesn't have the power to move the sky, only the charm of returning to the original.

However, the symbols on the body surface have great mana, and one of them can kill the master of the fairy world.

The prestige of the immortal emperor cannot be estimated.

Lin Han felt that his body was breaking apart, as if it were about to burst, it was extremely uncomfortable.

Enforcement Xiandiguang's calm words made him unbearable.

But how could he commit suicide, and finally cultivated to this point, no matter who it was, he could not admit his fate.

Right now, he clenched some fists fiercely, turning the Chaos Good Fortune Art to the extreme, keeping himself from being disintegrated.

Then, he firmly said: "Heaven wants to kill me. I will obliterate him. It is a legitimate move. Lang Jun is inferior to humans. He deserves this fate. Why do you want me to disintegrate."

Many people were surprised, and the people in the fairy world were also shocked!

How dare Lin Han disobey the emperor?

This is no less than a country beggar, against the emperor of the great dynasty.

It's ridiculous and ridiculous.

"Haha..." Immortal Emperor Law Enforcement laughed, shuddering a little.

"Junior, it is a great honor for you to be here with the emperor. Even if many masters in the fairy world do not have this honor, they can be bestowed by me. If you dare to disobey me, if you have courage, then... just destroy it." There was a terrible blue light in the eyes, like the light of death, once it was revealed, it meant the death of others.

Then, he directly reached out his big hand and covered it towards Lin Han.

Simple and unpretentious, without any divine light blooming, in an instant, Lin Han felt as if he was locked in by the most terrifying and advanced power in the world, unable to move or even breathe.

All his methods are in front of him, like a joke!

The big cyan hand is really covered, he will undoubtedly die.

Even if the prehistoric ignited gradually, he couldn't be saved, and Hong hadn't recovered to his peak now, and he couldn't compete with the Immortal Emperor.

This made him extremely cold.

There was also silence between the heavens and the earth, and countless people were breathing stagnant.

As a result, there was no suspense, Lin Han could not survive in front of the immortal emperor-level figure.

Everyone's eyes widened, wanting to remember this moment!

Lin Han was killed!

This can be considered a historic scene.

"It is indeed your honour to die in the hands of Emperor Law Enforcement." The white-clothed boy sneered, with a burst of joy in his heart.

The immortal emperor of law enforcement is famous in the immortal world.

Most people have no right to die in his hands.

Lin Han was a mortal, even though he was dead, he was honorable.

"Fengxiu and Lin, the wind will destroy it, Lin Han, you are acting too high-profile. This result is doomed." Xu Pingting also smiled indifferently, somewhat gloating.

After she entered the immortal world and understood the rules of the immortal world, she knew that Lin Han would not end well in the five continents.

She was not surprised by this end.

Xiaocao and Xiaolan were silent.

Lin Han has created many miracles, although he has solved one dead end after another.

But now no one will believe that he still has a chance to reverse.

This makes them feel somewhat empty in their hearts.

"Lin Han, Lin Han, your kid finally got retribution. Even if you die, I will use a special method to make you never reincarnated." At this time, Lang Jun has woke up, wearing only a shorts, in the wind In the mess, could not help laughing.

Lin Han's reputation was discredited, and he was speechless in the future.

Now that Lin Han is about to be wiped out, no one is happier than him.

He can't wait to want to dance and express his current mood.

"The Emperor!"

At this time, the heaven and the earth were in great compassion, and hundreds of millions of creatures from all over the world, all knelt down and sent off to the emperor, knowing that the eternal emperor is about to end today.

Come to think that with such an emperor, the world will usher in peace.

Now everything is empty.

The big hand was still approaching Lin Han, like the door of death, Lin Han couldn't help feeling a little sad.

For several years, singing all the way, he is also considered to be a wonderful life. If he does not die, he will not let go of the immortal Emperor Law Enforcement, and some people will pull him off the altar to avenge him.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a chance.

At this moment, he has a feeling of heroic end.


However, at this moment, the heaven and the earth shook, and on the sea of ​​luck, white mist churned, and a green branch penetrated the void and extended.

It is soft and green, like a cast of green chalcedony. It looks very light and has no power, but it flows with a kind of strange power that can penetrate through reincarnation and collapse eternity.


The branches arrived in a flash, sharper than a war spear, and instantly penetrated the cyan hand of the law enforcement immortal emperor, sprinkling a large swath of cyan blood.

The land below was suddenly radiant and brilliant, giving birth to an oasis.

The blood of Emperor Law Enforcement, possessing the power of good fortune, can make a deadly land full of life and become a blessed land.

"Xiandi Law Enforcement, the palm is pierced?"


The world instantly set off a great shock, and many people were shocked, but they did not expect such a change.

Some immortals in the fairy world are also shocked, who are they? Can actually do this step.

"Chaotic Wood?" Lin Han laughed, and instantly thought that there was still the ancient existence of Chaos Wood in the Sea of ​​Fortune of the Dynasty.

It used to be in the fairy world, and it was extremely powerful.

At this moment, he seemed to see hope and felt that he was not so easy to die.

"Chaotic Wood, is it you?" The Immortal Emperor Law Enforcement was also a little angry, and then looked at the towering trees on the sea of ​​luck, and asked in surprise.

He clearly knew that this sacred tree was once a taboo in the immortal world, which made many immortal emperors in ancient times extremely jealous.

Because he was smashed by lightning and died, he disappeared between heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, he would appear again, and he has already recovered to this point.

"Yes, it's me, go away, Lin Han, I will protect you, you can't kill him." A misty will spread from the chaotic wood, like a **** standing in front of the world, in order to command everything in the world, there is a kind of overwhelming **** The grace and majesty that the Buddha must obey.

"Hahaha, just rely on you?" The Immortal Emperor Law Enforcement couldn't help laughing, and said coldly: "At your peak, this emperor might be really jealous of you, but you don't know how weaker than before, and you want Ordering this emperor is simply a dream."

"I met you today, it's just right, obediently surrender to me and be taken away by me, otherwise I will let you be completely destroyed between heaven and earth!"

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