War Emperor

Chapter 1418: Heavenly Master

"Perhaps so." The Wuxiang Dharma nodded with a wry smile. He was knocked down to the mortal world, which is equivalent to experiencing a reincarnation. The memory of the previous life has long disappeared.

In his opinion, it may also be caused by mistakes among the elders.

Speaking of it, he is indeed a desolate and miserable person.

"Hehe, follow me, be my servant, and I can take you back to the fairy world again, with a boundless future." The white-clothed boy smiled with his hand.

These words shocked many people, and the tone was too big.

This is the Wuxiang Law King, the first of the three freaks, and the strength of the freaks in the world is first-class.

The young man in white actually wanted him to be his servant.

Lin Han was stunned, the boldness of the white-clothed boy was truly extraordinary.

The King Wuxiang was also startled, then shook his head with a smile, and said: "The donor is joking, I am a monk, and I will not become anyone's slave."

There was also a faint anger surging in his eyes, and the words of the boy in white made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Even if he was a person who was thrown into the mortal world by the immortal world, how could he become someone else's slave.

The white-clothed boy didn't care anymore. It seemed that he didn't want to talk more with the Wuxiang Dharma. Instead, he looked at Lin Han and sneered: "Lin Han, I've met again."

There was a faint chill in his eyes, and he was still worried about losing to Lin Han last time.

Lin Han ignored him, no matter what his background, in his opinion, too arrogant will not end well.

His eyes only looked at Chaos Wood, which was what everyone missed the most.


At this moment, the Chaos Wood suddenly bloomed endless green clouds, like a sleeping behemoth awakening, slowly floating from the abyss, shining blue light on the body, illuminating the sky.

A strong and supreme aura, permeating from it, made many people tremble and want to surrender.

"What's the matter?" Countless people were shocked, and no one thought that such a thing would happen.

The Chaos Wood is clearly a dead thing, so why is it floating by itself.

Even Lin Han felt incredible.

"Haha, juniors..." At this moment, an old laughter suddenly came from above the Chaos Wood.

Immediately afterwards, there was a large cloud of light and mist, and a series of spiritual energy actually outlined the figure of an old man, sitting there, his eyes were vicissitudes of life, with a taste of time and time.

It is as if he could break the cycle of time and space at a glance, like yin and yang.

A wisps of mist also rose from his body, wrapping him up, as if it did not belong to this time and space, giving a sense of unfathomable humanity.

"The Master of Heaven?"

"He is the master of heaven!"

Countless people were shocked and couldn't believe their eyes.

The old man has an old face, and his skin is full of folds. He is the master of heaven.

Some people have seen portraits of each other.

No one thought that I would come across it here.

"Master of Heaven!" The young man in white also changed his face, and for the first time he showed a touch of solemnity.

Even if he is from the Southern Royal Family, he must be respectful to the Master of Heaven.

After all, this was a super power who was once famous for the eighteenth realms, and even many giants were extremely afraid.

It's just that, isn't the other party already dead? How could it manifest here?

"It's just a wisp of energy, not the real person." Lin Han possessed the eyes of breaking delusion, and he could see the truth and emptiness at a glance.

The celestial celestial being is full of light and mist, not a flesh and blood body, it is indeed a ray of essence and energy.

Even so, it shocked his heart, this is a figure who has been a master in the fairy world and left a huge reputation.

Now that I can see a ray of energy, it really makes people feel like a dream.

Moreover, with a ray of energy and spirit, he felt that he was facing a vast starry sky, the aura was majestic and terrifying, it was hard to imagine how terrifying the strength of the heavenly man before he died.

"Participate in the Master of Heaven." Many geniuses couldn't help but salute.

Such a big figure in the fairy world stands on the top of all beings, and is worthy of their salute.

"Hehe, no need to be polite, I put this chaotic wood here, just thinking that one day, I can attract someone who is destined to perfect him. This time, so many talented juniors are very pleased to the old. "The man on the heavenly plane smiled.

Many people are excited, what does this mean? Is it true that the Master of Heaven, should he personally select one of so many geniuses to give away Chaos Wood?

If so, it is really exciting.

In this way, a big melee can be avoided, and it is of great significance to the master of heaven.

"Master of Heaven, I don't know who you want to give Chaos Wood to?" The white-clothed boy smiled.

He changed his previous arrogance and arrogance, and looked respectful like a junior to senior.

As he spoke, he couldn't help but straighten his chest, and a touch of confidence naturally appeared between his brows.

In his opinion, although the geniuses present are some famous in the mortal world, they are still far behind him from the immortal world.

This is just a strand of incarnation projected by him, and his strength is beyond everyone's imagination.

Master Heaven, if you really want to choose someone and give Chaos Wood to him, he is naturally the most suitable candidate.

"Hehe, the old man does have this heart." The master of heaven smiled and nodded, a pair of vicissitudes of eyes looking at millions of geniuses, as if he could see everyone through, after a long while, he said calmly: "Opening the treasures of time and space requires a great cast The sword furnace can only be used. The Honghuang casts the sword furnace. Which junior is in the hands, step forward."


There was an uproar around him instantly, and countless people looked at Lin Han, full of envy.

The prehistoric sword-forging furnace is on Lin Han, is this guy to be appointed by the Master of Heaven?

The smile on the face of the boy in white also stiffened, as if being poured with cold water, instantly dumbfounded.

No, you want to give it to Lin Han? This kid is lucky too.

The Wuxiang Dharma also stunned, and then nodded. The Heavenly Mystery Master set the space-time treasure to be opened only by the Sword Casting Furnace, which may be a sign in the dark.

Lin Han owns a prehistoric sword-forging furnace, and maybe he is really his ideal person.

"Junior Lin Han, I've seen seniors." Lin Han was also happy, and then walked over and saluted the person on the heavenly plane.

Perhaps it is because I know that I have a great opportunity, and a sense of excitement can not help but emerge in my heart.

"Om." The celestial master looked at Lin Han up and down, smiled and nodded, he could see that Lin Han was extraordinary, only in his early twenties, he could reach the pinnacle of the mortal world, even in the immortal world, he is also an extremely rare genius.

Then with a stroke of his palm, the Sword Casting Furnace automatically flew out of Lin Han's Dantian, filled with a large cloud of mysterious yellow aura, hazy, with a breath of time.

"Old friend, it's been a long time." The man on the heavenly plane murmured with nostalgia in the vicissitudes of life, holding the vicissitudes of the sword forging furnace.

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