War Emperor

Chapter 1391: Fairy formation

In the sword aura, they smelled a strong smell of death, and asked themselves, more than 90% of the people present would be crushed into flesh if they entered it.

The murderous aura of this sword formation is too strong, blocking all vitality.

The Wuxiang Dharma and Xingchen Haoxuan are silent, even if they enter this formation, it will be difficult to crack them.

"Block it for me." However, Lin coldly drank, not afraid, with a blazing war spirit and pride in his eyes.

He longed for this kind of battle, and only fighting would make him feel heartily, tempered himself, and make himself sharper and stronger like iron.


At the moment, Lin Han's figure began to move. In the sword formation, afterimages flashed, a series of incomparable sword moves, which were beaten by him with the Fire Lin Tianjian Sword. Some swords guided the sky and some Looking back and looking at the moon, some looking at flowers in the mist, some falling yan and flat sand...

The speed is too fast, just like a supreme sword god, performing his unique skills, which is dazzling and indistinct at all.

Lin Han has been using swords all the way, and in the field of swordsmanship, he has an incomparable advantage for ordinary cultivators.

It's just that few people can really inspire the profound meaning of his swordsmanship. Now Lin Han feels that his swordsmanship, the more skillful, has a kind of dancing, but it can be old, endless, and vast.

However, humans are not machines after all. After about half an hour, Lin Han gradually felt that his moves began to slow down.

Zong Shenzi's sword moves were still sharp, and when they landed from the sky, Lin Han gradually became incapable of power.

"Lin Han, it's going to be dangerous."

Many people exclaimed.

Zong Shenzi, using the sword formation, with the help of the general trend of the world, the endless sword moves he wields, occupying a certain advantage in the sky.

It can be seen that in the Zongshenzi's body, there are a series of cumbersome formation patterns appearing, like forming an invisible large formation, absorbing the endless energy between the heaven and the earth, and blessing himself with divine power.

In this situation, Lin Han naturally couldn't compare his physical strength.

"Lin Han, you idiot, dare to compare your strength with my sword formation. When your strength is exhausted, let's see how I kill you." Zong Shenzi laughed and mocked.

His physical strength and sword formation are not at the same level at all. Lin Han's behavior made him feel particularly ridiculous.

"Really?" However, Lin coldly smiled.

This duel has brought tremendous benefits to the training of his swordsmanship. He feels that the current swordsmanship seems to have been washed out, with a sense of proven path and wisdom of seeing through the origin.

In the depths of his eyes, there were even sword lights flickering.

"Break it for me." At the moment, Lin Han drank heavily, with black hair flying all over his head, seeing a certain flaw in the thousands of sword formations, and stabbing one point at a certain node.

In an instant, with a buzzing sound, the foundation of Zong Shenzi's swordsmanship seemed to be affected, and there was a tremor in the void, his figure was shaking, and he almost flew out.

"How is it possible that you actually saw the flaws in my sword formation?" Zong Shenzi said in astonishment.

Lin Han did use his naked eyes, and did not use his fame-breaking eye, which made him feel like **** in the day, incredible.

Thousands of sword formations, but the mid-level pinnacle celestial skills, no one who broke into the fairyland, how could it be possible to see the problem.

This is not something mortal cultivators can do.

"Not bad." Lin Hanlang laughed.

This is the advantage of practicing swordsmanship. He has a deeper knowledge and achievements in the field of swordsmanship.

Breaking through thousands of sword formations with the naked eye is a new breakthrough in swordsmanship for him.


In the end, Lin Han let out a low drink, and the aura from the Huolin Burning Heaven Sword in his hand became more majestic. Then, the face of Zong Shenzi changed drastically, and his sword formation suddenly collapsed, allowing him to make the entire sword formation directly. When it exploded, a majestic counter-shock force caused him to spit out a mouthful of blood in embarrassment and flew out all of a sudden.

"What, Zong Shenzi, fell into a disadvantage?"


Countless people instantly fell into an uproar.

Zong Shenzi, Xingchen Haoxuan, and Wuxiang Dharma King, these are the three most famous among the many freaks, and each of them is many times stronger than the average freak.

From everyone's point of view, Lin Han would have no good fruit when he met Zongshenzi, and no one thought that this would be the result.

It seemed that even if Zong Shenzi defeated Lin Han, it would not be a simple matter.

Xingchen Haoxuan's face became completely ugly, as if being poured on his head by a basin of cold water, his hands and feet were a little cold.

He bet 10,000 low-grade immortal stones with the King Wuxiang. He doesn't care, but he cares very much about his reputation. He is arrogant and will never allow himself to lose to the King Wuxiang. This scene is also extremely uncomfortable for him. .

"Hehe, Brother Xingchen, it seems that you are going to lose to me 10,000 low-grade immortal stones." Wuxiang Fawang smiled.

It is extremely comfortable for him to win Xingchen Hao's 10,000 low-grade immortal stones.

Xingchen Haoxuan clenched his fists, his chest was slightly ups and downs, and he wished to take action by himself to blow Lin Han this kid out alive, but as a freak leader, he has his own arrogance and it is impossible to join hands with others to deal with it. other people.

Then, as if thinking of something, he calmed down and said with a sneer: "Don't forget that Zong Shenzi still has a killer move that he didn't use. If he uses it, what does a mere Lin Han count? He will be wiped out."

Zong Shenzi, as the strange formation sect, the freak with the highest talent for forming formations, is far more than simple.

The opponent's hole card, even if it was him, felt a little lingering after thinking about it.

"If he rashly used that hole card, he would have been a little overwhelmed." The Wuxiang Dharma frowned, understanding what Xing Chen Haoxuan was saying, and solemnly said.

The price of the hole card is very high, and it is generally not easy to use if you can't wait.

"Hmph, why not, Lin Han is so anxious, he doesn't care about this." Xingchen Haoxuan sneered.

He clearly knew that Zong Shenzi was a somewhat deformed person with arrogance.

I can't swallow this breath now.

The King Wuxiang also understood this, nodded his head, his expression became solemn, and felt that this matter today might be a big deal.

At this time, there was silence between heaven and earth!

Countless people looked at the Zong Shenzi who fell on the ground and fell silent.

No one thought that Lin Han's combat power would be so strong that even Zong Shenzi would be defeated.

Many people looked at Lin Han with deep awe.

He deserves to be the most beautiful freak today, and along the way, no matter how powerful a genius is, he will sweep him away.

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