War Emperor

Chapter 1386: Boy in white

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that your so-called young lord's name is nothing in front of me." The white-clothed boy Jieyu sneered and said, "Lin Han, how about a bet with you? Betting on whether there is any danger under this abyss. If not, you will be my follower. If there is, I can do whatever I want and promise you one condition."

He has a high-pitched tone, full of aim and contempt.

"You are sick, Brother Nine, don't care about him." Lin Jiaoer couldn't help but snorted, pulling Lin Han and turning her head.

If you don't know him at all, the other party will bet with Brother Jiu and let Brother Jiu be his attendant, which is too arrogant.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was too young, she couldn't help but teach him a lesson.

The people of Shangguan Saint Clan and Heavenly Bird Saint Mountain also cast threatening eyes to the white-clothed boy. In their opinion, he may be a certain force, a spoiled young master who doesn't know the height of the sky, and he doesn't bother to care about it.

"Okay, then I'll take a gamble with you." However, unexpectedly, Lin Han showed a row of neat white teeth and smiled brightly.

Lin Jiaoer and the others all looked at him with an incredible expression, wondering why Lin Han was betting such a big bet with a strange stinky boy.

With his reputation, I don't care about it at all.

However, Lin Han sensed a fairy aura on the white-clothed boy!

This is definitely not an unseen young master among ordinary forces. With his reputation, the other party does not have a certain background, and he definitely does not dare to be so arrogant.

He just wanted to play with each other.

"Okay, it's Lin Han, he has the courage." The white-clothed boy couldn't help laughing out loud: "Then let's wait and see."

He looked determined and felt that Lin Han had lost.

With a special secret method, he had long realized that there was not much danger under the abyss.

Lin Han is also more confident about his intuition.

However, when many geniuses were about to reach the door of space, there was still calm under the great abyss.

Lin Han couldn't help frowning slightly. Did he really feel wrong, everything is calm, nothing?

"Haha, Lin Han, have you seen it? You lose, hurry up and kneel down to be my follower." The white-clothed boy laughed and felt that it was a sense of accomplishment to accept Lin Han as a follower.


At this moment, under the great abyss, there was a fierce roar, like the thunder and explosion, the yellow clouds on the shaking sky changed.

Then, an extremely dark "tongue" stretched out from under the great abyss, like a Heihe, with a width of several tens of feet, and a length of not knowing how many feet, stained with extremely thick black saliva.

With a scream, this tongue swept away at least a hundred geniuses and brought them back to the abyss. There was a terrified and terrifying scream of those geniuses.

There seems to be a special creature below, feeding them raw, and the creaking sound of chewing bones, which makes people shudder and feel hairy.

"What's underneath."

In an instant, countless people were horrified and went backwards quickly.

Lin Han's face also changed slightly, he only noticed that there was a special aura below, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

A huge "tongue" swept away hundreds of people. What kind of creature is this?

The bare tongue is several tens of feet wide and at least five hundred feet long. Thinking about how big the body should be, it makes the scalp numb.

The white-clothed boy also looked stiff and dumbfounded. He didn't expect this to be the result.

"Sorry, I won. You can be my follower and call the master." Lin Han smiled at the white-clothed boy.


These words were like a loud slap, slapped on the face of the young man in white, making his face flushed suddenly, and he said in disbelief: "How is this possible? With my sensitivity, how can I not sense that there are creatures under this? "

He is very confident in his own strength, and he can never make a mistake.

Lin Han is not surprised at all. Even if the other party has a special secret method, he has a vision to break the illusion, plus he has developed an intuition of danger along the way. It is not a general secret method, it can be compensated, in a certain sense Above all, it is more effective than the latter.

It's reasonable for the white-clothed boy to lose.

"Little brother, don't you think of it and turn it around?" Lin Han smiled playfully at the white-clothed boy.

This guy is so arrogant and unruly, he ended up in this end, and it made him feel a little cheerful.

The white-clothed boy couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely, no longer the arrogance before, very unwilling and embarrassed, never expected that he would lose.

"I won't be your follower, I can change a condition to kill this **** beast and give it to you." The white-clothed boy screamed coldly before rushing into the abyss.

Lin Han was startled, the inexplicable creatures in the Great Abyss should be very powerful and terrifying, and if they rushed past, they would be in big trouble.

The boy in white just jumped in, but he was a bit reckless.

Lin Jiao'er and the others also looked blank. Could the other party die?

"Damn beast, get out of here." However, in the next scene, they saw what happened in an instant.

I saw that the young man in white was standing alone above the abyss, his clothes fluttering, revealing a special sharp demeanor.

He was not at all afraid of the inexplicable creatures below the abyss, and he shouted like thunder, a golden light burst out of his hands, and he hit the bottom of the huge abyss with his palm.


Like a terrible mountain, the town fell.

There was a huge rumbling sound at the bottom of the entire abyss, and huge rocks rolled down.

Even the tall and majestic cliff face has cracked thick and thick cracks. If an ancient fierce beast shows off its power, its aura is amazing.

"A strong hand!" Many people were shocked. No one thought that the white-clothed boy was so powerful.

Lin Jiao'er's ruddy mouth was also opened in a round shape.

Lin Han couldn't help being a little surprised. With such a palm, ordinary freaks couldn't make it out. It was really surprising that the young man had such strength. What kind of identity did he have?

"He won't be from the immortal world, right." Bing Ruthless seemed to think of something, and his tone trembled.

At the moment when the boy took the shot, he noticed a touch of immortal energy, which was clearly not owned by creatures from all over the world.

Only people in the fairy world have this unique temperament.

And he also heard some news that this time the time and space treasure appeared, not only was the sensation of countless great forces in the mortal world, even in the immortal world, there were also some disciples of the forces who would be projected to compete for opportunities.

Seeing the white-clothed boy making a move now, he instantly thought that the other party might be such a person.

"A person in the fairy world?" Lin Han took a deep breath, and a touch of solemnity appeared in his heart.

So far, he has very limited knowledge of the immortal world. If the opponent is really a person in the immortal world, it would be extraordinary.

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