War Emperor

Chapter 1360: Little Chicken Cub

Even in the ancient times, there were masters like clouds and outstanding people, no one opened the treasure of time and space.

Lin Han narrowed his eyes, feeling something was wrong, and shouted, "Hold on!"


The sound was like a thunder, which exploded here, causing everyone to vomit blood directly, and the others looked terrified and stopped.

"What are you doing?" The person in front was puzzled and asked angrily at Lin Han.

Some big power leaders couldn't help but cast some shocked glances at Lin Han.

From this voice, they felt that Lin Han had stronger blood and energy than a few days ago. In other words, Lin Han's strength had increased in the past few days.

This guy is too abnormal.

It didn't take long before Young Master Wushang was defeated, and his realm improved again.

"It must be the elixir!" Liu Feng gritted his teeth viciously and said angrily. That elixir was a precious treasure of their Flowing Cloud Gate. It was treasured for many years. No one had ever wanted to eat it, but now it has made Lin Han ready for it. He wanted to make Lin Han eat it raw and refine it into a great medicine to compensate for his urge to come back.

"Lin Han, now the time and space treasure is open, what do you mean to stop everyone? Don't you want everyone to go in and swallow it by yourself?" Then, he sneered.

He, who has a grudge against Lin Han, is always and not instigating.

As soon as these words came out, those people who were a little uncomfortable by Lin Han's voice, as expected, all looked at him with some ugly eyes, threatening.

Even if Lin Han's strength now increases, his combat power goes against the sky, and the world's elites gathered around him, they are not afraid.

No one can resist this force.

Lin Han's eyes were cold, this old clapper, really has nothing to do, he sneered: "Old Pifu, the space-time treasure has just been opened, and no one knows if there is any other danger in it. Just rush over and die? "

He is the closest to the gate, and he is more sensitive to danger than ordinary people, and he can perceive a little.

Now you must not venture in.

"What do you mean, you still want to scare us, are we stupid?" Liu Feng sneered, "You are obviously delaying everyone."

"Attention everyone, this guy must have no good intentions, maybe a conspiracy is brewing, let's take him down first, and torture him to extract a confession!"

He shouted to everyone.

Everyone can't wait to enter the treasure of time and space, and naturally agrees with Liu Feng's words.

Right now, many people raised the weapons in their hands, and they felt like they were about to deal with Lin Han at any time.

Lin Han couldn't help but sneered: "You deliberately provoke you, OK, then I will keep you in first and explore the way!"

He didn't really go in, and he wasn't sure what was the danger inside.

At the moment, his body turned into a flash of lightning, rushing directly towards Liu Feng, with his five fingers forming claws, clasping towards Liu Feng's neck.

I have to say that Lin Han has now reached the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm, and his strength has increased too much. At this speed, it is like a ghost, so that many people in the audience can't see clearly. If you ask yourself, you can't even react. Will find a trick in an instant.

Liu Feng's expression changed. He didn't expect Lin Han's speed to be so fast, and then he said angrily: "You bastard, you are looking for death!"

He is a strong veteran, and Lin Han was not a big deal in his eyes a few days ago, and he naturally doesn't care about it now.

On the contrary, Lin Han dared to take the initiative to act on him, so that a touch of anger rose in his heart, which obviously looked down on himself.

At the moment, his body shook, his whole body exploded with incomparable vigor, and he struck Lin Han with a strenuous punch. The fist contained a blazing milky white light, and his vigor was vigorous.

This is exactly what he practiced, "Liuyun Gong", which is the treasure of Liuyunmen!

Today, it is a very high-level exercise.

I believe that with his strength, with this punch, Lin Han's five fingers will be broken instantly, and the entire arm will be shattered!

As if he had expected that scene, a vicious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


However, when the two collided, there was a sound of bone frustration, but Liu Feng's arm, like it hit the strongest iron stone, snapped off.

Liu Feng was stunned immediately, and then let out a scream like a pig!

"How is this possible, how can you be so strong?" Liu Feng screamed bitterly while clutching his broken arm.

Suddenly, a sound of cold breath sounded all around.

This is the elder Liu Feng. Since ancient times, the veteran who has existed to this day has lost to a young man, making them feel very dreamy.

Even if Wei Zhong was a little stunned, he didn't expect Lin Han to be so strong now.

Originally, he still felt that Lin Han was a little impulsive to attack Liufeng. This result was also far beyond his expectations.

"Old clapper, you are in front of me now, it's nothing, dare to yell in front of me, looking for death." Lin Han flashed a cold light in his eyes and sneered.

The realm reached the sixth heaven of the emperor realm, and the supreme emperor was also formally completed. He is not what it used to be. Even if the Lord Wushang is in front of him, he can't even handle three moves. He can also crush!


As soon as Lin Han stepped on the ground with his toes, another rushed towards him, faster than before. Everyone felt the space flickered and Lin Han appeared in front of Liu Feng.

This time Liu Feng didn't react, and with a click, Lin Han grabbed his neck, lifted it up like a beast, and lifted his feet off the ground.

"Well...what are you going to do..." Liu Feng said with a flushed face, angrily.

He has lived for a long time, aloft, and now being so humiliated by Lin Han in front of the hero of the world, his chest is about to crack.

However, Lin Han's five fingers clenched very deadly, causing the bones in his throat to frustrate a little, for fear that the opponent would pinch his neck with force, so he did not dare to mess around.

"Don't you like to be in the limelight? Let you be in the limelight now." Lin Lian Lian smiled, this old scumbag repeatedly picked things up and made him angry, and then involuntarily said, carrying Liufeng back to the giant gate again. Before, like a dead dog, he still entered the giant gate directly!

Inside the giant gate, the light is a bit dim, and you can't see the exact things in it, but you can see that the floor is dark blue, very dense, and flowing with ancient aura. Liu Feng was still on the sturdy floor, and he suddenly made a bang, an extremely dull voice, and the tremendous strength, causing several bones in his body to break, and he yelled in pain, his expression distorted.

"Lin Han, even if I fight an old life today, I will make you dead without a place to bury you!" He screamed up to the sky, his hair standing upright at the root, hissing.

The shame was too great for him to bear.

Even if he died, he had to pull Lin Han down to **** to swallow this breath.

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