War Emperor

Chapter 1345: who are you

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty Sect is the supreme practice of Buddhism, and it has instinctive restraint against the evil forces of the world.

The disappearance of the magic net is naturally a matter of course.

However, Lin Han's consumption is not small, after all, without the strength of Young Master Ling, it is no small thing.

"Boy, who are you?" Young Master Wuling couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and shouted.

Shi Cai Lin Han stood beside Lin Jiao'er. Because he was too young, he thought he was an ordinary person and didn't pay attention.

Now let him look at it with admiration.

Being able to mix the power of the Dharma with his voice and break his magic net hand, even the average Buddhist monk may not have such attainments.

It's really extraordinary that a young man can do it.

With this blow, his eardrums were a little bit painful and buzzing.

"This is not important, what is important is your courage, dare to be so disrespectful to the Saintess of the Heavenly Bird Holy Mountain, do you really think that you are lawless?" Lin Han looked indifferent and said coldly.

The tone is not high, but with a strong power, if a high emperor, interrogate mortals.

Young Master Wuling's eyes were slightly angry, and he noticed Lin Han's extraordinaryness, and most people didn't have this attitude at all.

"Okay, I want to see what you are capable of!" Then, he smiled again. No matter what Lin Han's origins, dare to have such an attitude towards him is unforgivable.


At the moment, a fierce and unparalleled evil aura overflowed from him, and his body rushed like a beast, with a folding fan in his hand!


A blazing white light bloomed on the square, like the sun and aurora, dazzling people could not open their eyes.

The folding fan came like a heavenly sword, and the terrible murderous intent, like a rolling waterfall, submerged Lin Han!

In an instant, the temperature in the square dropped drastically, causing many people to be excited and perceive the biting taste of cold.

The folding fan in the hands of Master Wuling is a top-quality emperor, made of precious wooden heart and different iron, and extremely sharp.

The fan is also fed with snake venom. As long as it is contaminated with a little flesh and blood, many creatures can be turned into pus and blood to die.

Everyone didn't expect that Young Master Wuling would be so cruel, he clearly wanted Lin Han to die.

Lin Han's expression did not change, until the sharp folding fan was about to slash at his neck, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

With his current strength, ordinary emperor weapons were nothing in front of him.

Right now, he stretched out his index finger and middle finger, and pointed it like a sword, and with a sound of a crevice, he clamped the folding fan that was swept up quickly, and he stayed there, unable to move.


Everyone changed color again.

An emperor artifact, fed with strange poison, in front of Lin Han, it was like a child's toy, and it was restrained at will. How could this be possible.

Is this still Young Master Wuling, a poisonous fan with a fierce reputation?

Young Master Wuling also shrank his pupils, adding a touch of shock to his heart!

He thought that once he made a move, even if Lin Han knelt down and begged for mercy without fright, he should be sweating profusely and could hardly resist.

Unexpectedly, Lin Han could block his attack at will.

He could still feel that among Lin Han's fingers, there was pure and incomparable Buddha power, walking along the folding fan into his body, causing his body to be purified like a most evil thing, puffing, puffing, puffs of smoke. The stench is unpleasant.

There is also a feeling of pain that makes him a little unbearable.

"You have the realm of the supreme emperor's peak?" Then, Young Master Wuling gritted his teeth angrily.

To be able to easily clamp his folding fan with bare hands, the world can only be achieved by the physique of the peak of the supreme emperor.

Lin Han's physique had obviously reached this stage.

This shocked his heart.

The peak of the supreme emperor’s body is a legendary flesh, which can only be achieved by the Northern Emperor in the ancient times.

In front of him, it was obvious that only a teenager in his twenties actually possessed it, and it felt like **** in the day, full of incredible.

"I see, he must be Lin Han!"

At this time, everyone seemed to have thought of something, and they couldn't help but be surprised.

The world knows that Lin Han possesses the supreme emperor, or is the descendant of the Northern Emperor's Piaofeng. This young man is so young and has extraordinary bearing. Who else can anyone besides the famous Lin Han?

And Lin Han has already come to the Continent of the Beast.

He is still Lin Jiao'er's ninth brother, combined with this scene, it is not difficult to guess his identity.

"Your kid is Lin Han?" Wuling said with a cold light in his eyes.

Some time ago, the people of the Tianlin tribe went to the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain to look for things, and almost had the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain hand over the Order of Ten Thousand Beasts, making Liuyunmen very grateful.

As a result, the young lord of the ancient Li Dynasty appeared, defeated Holly, and rescued the crisis of the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain, which was equivalent to ruining their good deeds.

Now that he encounters the Lord, how is he not angry.

"Yes, I am Lin Han, kneel down, confess my mistake to Jiao'er, I will spare your life, otherwise, die!" Lin Han said with a cold expression and a strong tone.

No matter what the other party's status is, dare to be so frivolous, already committing a capital crime.

As the emperor of the Guli dynasty, if he does not find this one back, it will be a big stain on the reputation of the Guli dynasty.

"Go to hell." Young Master Wuling was instantly angry. He, who has been famous for a long time, couldn't bear it. Others spoke to him in this tone.

In the final analysis, Lin Han was just a stinky brat who completely aroused his killing intent.


At the moment, he roared, with terrible killing light in his eyes, and when he lifted his palm, immeasurable golden light burst out from his palm, and he shot Lin Han's head with a palm.

In the palm of the palm, there appeared a huge seal, full of strong and majestic flavor, like a golden mountain, falling from the sky, trying to kill everything in the world, full of immortality and domineering aura.


Many people felt tight and exclaimed secretly.

This is also a great skill of the Liuyun Sect. Its power has already broken away from the Ninth-Rank Little Fairy Skill, reaching the level of a true Fairy Skill.

Immortal skills are similar to immortal implements, and they are also divided into four levels: low-grade, medium-grade, top-grade, and top-grade.

Although Jintaiyin is only a low-grade fairy skill, its power is far from the ninth-grade fairy skill, it can be compared.

Seeing this blow, many people felt a sense of trembling from their souls. There was a trembling smell, and the whole body was hairy.

If you hit them, ninety-nine percent of the people present will be unable to resist and will be smashed into flesh.

"Low grade fairy skills?" Lin Han raised his brows, and a look of surprise passed in his eyes. Although there is only one word difference between the little fairy skill and the real fairy skill, the power is indeed not at the same level.

This is in the strict sense of his sense, seeing the inferior celestial skills without any shortage, and a sense of surprise flashed in his heart.

Under the huge golden seal, even he has some pores, and he feels a little pressured to breathe.

"Yes, Lin Han, now obediently kneeling and kowtow to me, telling me a few grandpa grandpa, I will spare you not to die." Wuling said with a grim face, full of cruel laughter.

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