War Emperor

Chapter 1327: fury

Thousandth 327 chapters anger

The power of an ancient dragon is already very powerful, but the world can be chaotic, so many ancient dragons' power, gathered together, it is a terrifying force that ordinary people can't imagine, and it is in Lin Han's thin, happily long figure. It broke out, really incredible.

The high-level Tianlin clan who originally had confidence in Holly also changed their expressions, adding a touch of shock.

This terrible power, even members of their Tianlin clan, never possessed it.

Lin Han was clearly just a human being, how could there be, this is simply too abnormal.

"The supreme emperor is almost at the peak of his cultivation..." Hoben also took a deep breath, feeling a little shocked in his heart.

The supreme emperor is the five continents and four seas. It has been recognized as the strongest physique since ancient times. It can only be achieved after the body has undergone unimaginable tempering.

Even the emperors of the past generations, there are very few who can enter. Once possessed, it is a sign of invincible flesh, which can be called the most terrifying magic weapon in the world.

The supreme emperor is also divided into four realms: early, mid, late, and peak.

Lin Han's supreme emperor had now reached the late stage, and was only one step away from the peak, which caused waves in his heart.

The other party really deserves to be the enchanting genius who has moved the world. He shows a method at will, and it has a taste of shocking world.

Even if he is very confident of Holly's physical strength, he can't help but start to feel a little bit hopeless now.

"How is this possible..." Holly roared angrily when he saw this scene, his face changed drastically.

He couldn't believe that Lin Han's physique would be so abnormal, and he smelled an irresistible smell in Lin Han.

He thought that Lin Han should deal with it very well.

Now it was no less than a heavy hammer, hitting him on the head, making him a little confused.

"Kill!" Lin Han's face was solemn, bursting out the infinite divine power in his body, and hitting Holly with a fist.

Since reaching the late stage of the Earth Emperor Realm, he rarely used his supreme emperor.

The current supreme emperor has indeed undergone a qualitative transformation from before.

At this moment, Lin Han burst out like this, with a hearty feeling, as if the gods were blocking the killing of the gods, and the Buddha blocking the killing of the Buddha, everything in the world, nothing can stop him.


The terrible fist pushed it away, and the scales on Holly's palm instantly shattered like a chicken.

Then, the surging power hit Holly's chest sturdily, causing him to let out a bitter scream, spouting a mouthful of blood, and slammed his body against a solid stone pillar not far away, smashing all the stone pillars. The cracks were clear, showing how strong his body was.

Fortunately, there is a formation guarding the palace, otherwise this punch would be enough to razing this palace to the ground.

"The son..."

All the senior members of the Tianlin clan felt cold and screamed.

Holly was defeated when he came up. Seeing this, it is not that simple to defeat Lin Han.

If Holly loses, they really swear their allegiance to the Heavenly Bird Sacred Mountain with their souls. For them, it will be a huge disaster, which makes them feel a little dark in front of them.

"Calmness, Holly has more than just these skills, the victory must belong to him." Houben also clenched some fists and gritted his teeth.

He still has confidence in Holly.

With Holly's skills, he broke out in an all-round way and still wins.

Lin Han only relied on the supreme emperor, and his strength was relatively strong, but his realm was only in the emperor realm.

Holly's realm is so much stronger than him, it's not a display.

"Lin Han, I want you to die." Sure enough, the next moment, Holly was also completely furious, his body shook, and his whole body burst out like a mountain and sea with an extremely powerful aura, sweeping the entire hall.

He released his seventh heavenly realm of Emperor Realm without reservation.

To be eaten in Lin Han's hands is a huge shame to him.

Especially when the punch hit his chest, the flesh and blood in his chest collapsed in one piece, and a few bones were broken, which was extremely uncomfortable.

He stood up, his teeth creaked, looking at Lin Han's gaze, like a vicious wolf about to attack.

"Come again? You are not my opponent at all, why bother to ask yourself." Lin Han smiled faintly, his expression still calm and calm.

If Holly comes up and uses his full strength, it may not be easy for him to win, but the other side's carelessness has been traumatized by his supreme emperor.

It's too late to show off.

Therefore, he was very calm and felt that he had the chance to win.

"Go to die!" Holly's eyes instantly climbed into a touch of hostility, feeling that Lin Han's words were like a knife, so that he could not hear it. Then, he rushed again with a bang. This time, the aura is less than the last time. Too strong, the atmosphere of the Seventh Heaven in the Emperor Realm, set off as if he was traveling with a piece of ocean, filled with an unstoppable charm.

"God's sword, kill me!"

After flying to a certain distance, Holly bit his teeth, a scarlet sword appeared in his hand, and he slammed down Lin Han with a fierce sword.

The divine light bursting out of the knife was extremely dazzling, and the entire hall illuminated by it was transparent and extremely dazzling.

"Heavenly Killing Sword? The treasure of the Tianlin Clan?"

Many high-level members of Tianqi Sacred Mountain couldn't help but exclaim in exclamation.

This knife is famous in the Continent of the Divine Beast. According to legend, it was cast by a tooth of the ancestor of the Tianlin Beast. It is extremely sharp and can smash the mountains and rivers. dead.

Inside the knife, there is a very strong fire essence. When the skin is touched, the whole body will instantly turn into pus and blood and die.

The Tianlin clan has stood there for so many years in the Continent of Divine Beasts, and I don't know how many masters have died under this heavenly killing sword.

Holly even used the Heavenly Slaughter Sword, which was really surprising.

In Lin Jiao'er's beautiful eyes, a hint of worry could not help appearing.

The current Holly is too fierce. Not only did he fully use his realm, he also used the killing weapon of the Heavenly Killing Sword. Even if Lin Han had the supreme emperor, he couldn't resist it.

Lin Han has an unparalleled position in her mind, and she naturally does not want Lin Han to have an accident.

"Lin Han, surrender under my sword, kneel down obediently and call me a few grandpa, otherwise I will let you die without a place to be buried." Holly laughed and said frantically.

After displaying the **** sword, his confidence swelled.

In his opinion, under this knife, even if Lin Han was extraordinary, he could only be split in half instantly.

Therefore, before that, I wanted to humiliate Lin Han.

"Humph!" However, Lin Han sneered and didn't move at all. With his palm, endless rays of light appeared in the palm of his palm. A dark stove suddenly appeared, revealing a mysterious and ancient atmosphere, as if it could be disordered Time and space, so that the entire space swayed huge ripples.

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