War Emperor

Chapter 1233: Refining

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-three chapters of refining

The so-called Towering Contest is to comprehend the way of heaven. It is a grand gathering held by the saints in three years. As long as you stand out there, you can get the "power of heaven" and pave the way for future advancement to the realm of the emperor.

We must know that the emperor is five continents and four seas, the highest combat power, so countless people dream of it.

The towering comparison can actually pave the way for the emperor to join the emperor, which shows its importance.

Of course, these are not important to Lin Han. As soon as Shangguan Tianyu left, he fell into a coma. This time Shangguan Tianyu's aura was so oppressive that he almost hurt his origin, causing unimaginable damage to his body. trauma.

This is also thanks to the chaotic good fortune tactic, which has the function of recreating the origin, otherwise ordinary people will be abandoned in this life.

Since then, Lin Han's name has completely resonated in the world. Everyone knows that from now on, in the whole world of five continents and four seas, Lin Han is the veritable first genius, famous for endless mountains and rivers, and can be recorded in the annals of history. .

Of course, this is only on the surface, in fact, for the holy race, this is nothing at all.

Because the saints are the overlord of the whole world.

In other words, as long as the genius of the holy race does not come out, Lin Han can almost sweep away among the people of the same age.

One month later, at the opening of Tiandaoyuan, somewhere in the mountains and forests, there were colorful falling flowers and flying petals, and the atmosphere was extremely peaceful.

One of the teenagers was sitting cross-legged there. On top of the teenager's head, there was a piece of chaotic wood that was emitting chaotic light, shining with incomparable vitality!

This is just a section of the trunk of Chaos Wood!

After this month, Lin Han has recovered from his injuries and is now absorbing this thing.

With the absorption, the aura from Lin Han's body became more terrifying, the whole figure was like a cocoon of light, illuminating the whole world, and the aura rose accordingly!

Seventh Heaven...

The Eighth Heaven...

Human Emperor Realm Nine Heavens

Lin Han's breath didn't stop until he reached the peak of the Ninth Heaven in the Human Sovereign Realm.

At this time, the aura that radiated from Lin Han's body was at least ten times stronger than before. If he were known by others, he would be shocked.

You must know that behind the Human Sovereign Realm, there is a big gap between each Heavenly Heaven, and ordinary people may not be able to ascend to the Heavenly Heaven after they have been in this realm for hundreds of years.

In an instant, Lin Han promoted the Triple Heaven, only one step away, he could enter the Earth Emperor Realm, which showed how terrifying this progress was.

The most important thing is that Lin Han did not stop, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Physical realm, break it for me!"

The endless air in his body began to condense crazily, turning into strands of golden light, giving birth to an emperor's air throughout his body!

It has been a while since Lin Han reached the nine-stage supernatural body. After this time, his realm has been very stable. Now after refining the Chaos Wood, even his physical realm has begun to increase crazily.

Boom boom boom!

In the end, there was a burst of explosions in his body, like a landslide and a tsunami.

The wind and clouds in the nine heavens are changing color, the sun, the moon and the stars are trembling, and the bearing is astonishing.

"This is the Supreme Emperor. He has reached the realm of the Supreme Emperor. What a freak." Not far from the top of a mountain, two old people were watching. They were black and white, a man and a woman, and there was a divine bird behind them, carrying an incomparable aura.

If others see it, they will be horrified. They are the famous veterans of the Kaitian Taoist Academy, the black and white elders with the title of the sparrow hero.

There have been endless disturbances in the world, even the Shangguan saints must be a little jealous of them.

At this moment, Old Hei looked at the imperial spirit on Lin Han's body and smiled lightly.

Above the supernatural body, it is the strongest physique in the world-the supreme emperor!

This kind of physique, even many amazing emperor-level powerhouses in ancient times, have never reached it, as long as they enter, they are incomparable in their flesh, can break the world and become a nightmare for cultivators.

Lin Han actually advanced into this legendary physique, which really made him admire.

"With this little guy's physique, even though he is only in the Ninth Heaven of the Human Sovereign Realm, he can display such a physical body. Under close combat, even the strongest of the Earth Sovereign Realm will suffer a great loss. It is really extraordinary." Said with a smile.

It is really a blessing to have such a disciple in Kaitian Taoist Academy.

"However, the "Towering Competition" of the Shangguan Saint Clan is about to be held, this guy should participate." Hei Lao laughed.

The Towering Big Competition is a child of the saint race. With the opportunity to fish over the dragon gate, Lin Han, as the first genius of the Eight Avenues, is eligible to participate in this grand event according to the rules.

If you gather enough heavenly energy and break into the Emperor Realm in the future, your success rate will be greatly improved.

In his opinion, Lin Han is no less walking on a broad road, with a bright future.

Mrs. White smiled and nodded. Even the saint son of Shangguan Saint Clan, because of Xiyun's relationship, she hated Lin Han.

But he also believed that Lin Han would turn the danger into a breeze and make unexpected moves. After all, this little guy walked all the way, and he didn't do such things less.

Even at this moment, they couldn't help but have some expectations in their hearts, wanting to see how Lin Han would perform in the towering competition.

"I have reached the supreme emperor?" At this time, Lin Han asked in surprise.

"Yes, entering this realm, your physical body will become the most terrifying magic weapon in the world, now with a random blow, you can smash even ordinary human imperial weapons." Hong laughed.

Chaos Wood is indeed the most fortunate sacred tree in the heavens and the earth, and just a few branches will give Lin Han a reborn change.

Lin Han couldn't help laughing. After absorbing Chaos Wood, he did feel that he had changed too much.

Not only has the physical body reached the supreme emperor's body, it has also broken through once again, ascending to the three natural realms!

This time the promotion is comprehensive.

"Take out the War Armor of the Mad God, I will repair it. When the War Armor of the Mad God is repaired to a certain extent, your combat power will soar." Hong laughed.

The Crazy God Battle Armor is a weapon that makes the emperor realm hot. After repairing, it has improved Lin Han's combat power more significantly.

"Good." Lin Han nodded excitedly.

Then Hong was in Lin Han's body, using Dao Tribulation Purple Gold, Eternal God Sand, Universe Blue Gold, and other materials to repair the Crazy God War Armor.

The next moment, the prehistoric sword-forging furnace emits terrifying flames, refining them into energy liquid, and after entering the mad god's battle armor, immediately the mad god's battle armor is like a dead tree, ushering in life, and it emits The light became more and more flaming, and the rust on the whole body slowly fell off, revealing strong and unparalleled waves.


After about three days and three nights, the War Armor of the Mad God was finally repaired. Hong deserves the title of the first swordsmith in ancient times. Now the War Armor of the Mad God is like the Supreme Treasure Armor washed out of lead, shining, There is a magical beauty that makes people feel dreamlike.

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