War Emperor

Chapter 1011: Iriyama

The first thousand and eleven chapters into the mountain


With a pinch of the seal in his hand, an endless raging fire rose from behind, like a sea of ​​fire, burning the world and everything.

The strangest thing is that the light of these flames is actually blue!

In fact, this is exactly his original sacred fire-Lan Linghuo!

It is a kind of flame in the legend, so many swordsmiths and alchemists dream of it.

If you have it, you will have an incredibly high success rate in the future, whether it is sword-making or alchemy.

Ouyang Mingze accidentally got this fire, and it was his biggest hole card.


Next, the endless blue spirit fire, as if being danced by him, opened a azure blue ocean, and killed the members of the strong demon monkey clan.

Members of the Dali Mohou clan were immediately burned to death in a large area and screamed.

Although their six flavors are really hot, they are also very powerful, but after all they have not cultivated to a certain level, and they are not Ouyang Mingze's opponents.

"Haha, the three of you are all showing off your powers, let them see my unique knowledge." Xiahoutan laughed loudly, unwilling to lag behind in momentum.

At the moment, the soles of his feet shook, the long knife in his hand slammed into the ground, and the shaking mountains and valleys were shaking. I don't know how many peaks collapsed one after another.

Then, Xiahoutan's entire body also began to grow bigger in the wind, like a big mountain, swallowing mountains and rivers with a kind of energy, disregarding the peerless air cover of Liuhe and Bahuang.

Behind him, an endless and terrifying black flame rose, permeating the transpiration, and even more set off him, there was a smell that made the world tremble.

If you have seen someone with broad knowledge, you will be shocked when you see it!

According to legend, the ancestors of the Xiahou imperial family were like this.

Xia Houtan is now exactly the same as his ancestors, just like his ancestors, after experiencing countless rebirths, possessing a body on him, there is a very terrifying and terrifying taste.


Xiahoutan swung the huge long knife in his hand and rushed through the mountains and forests.

The members of the Vigorous Demon Monkey Clan, naturally, cannot be his opponents in this state. Every time a long knife is smashed, countless members of the Vigorous Demon Monkey Clan will be smashed into blood, and they will die in the world!

The killing is shocking!

At this moment, the **** picture shows the cruelty of cultivation to the fullest.

"Xiao Jiu, what shall we do now?" Ji Keer, Lin Fenghuang and others flew over together and asked.

The spirit of the Dali Mohou clan moved them, and if they were desperate, they would just enter the sacred mountain and make them feel bad.

After all, if this continues, the members of the Vigorous Demon Monkey Clan will inevitably be killed by all Tai Haotian.

"We can't help much, let's go in first." Lin Han frowned for a moment, only sighed heavily.

He now wants to use his formation technique to wipe out all these people and help the Vigorous Demon Monkey Clan, but he wants to threaten these people. The formation technique must be at least in the middle of the sky level.

This level of formation, even if it is him, it is not so easy to arrange it.

Moreover, the strength of the Tai Haotian four, even if they were put out, they could not succeed, it was another matter.

If it is broken by these people, even if he will suffer huge damage, it will be bad.

So, in this case, he really can't help much.

"Dali Demon Monkey Clan, if you really can't resist it, you can retreat and let them in. Keeping your lives is the most important thing." Lin Han couldn't help but transmit the voice.

The patriarch of the Vigorous Demon Monkey clan, his eyes were red, and the Tai Haotian four killed too many members of them, although he wanted to fight to the death.

But it knew that it was of no use at all, and it could not kill the Tai Haotian four at all, and only death would continue.

Hearing what Lin Han said, after he hesitated for a while, he only gritted his teeth, restrained his tragic thoughts, and shouted: "Monkeys and grandchildren, let's evacuate. These people will not end well if they break into the holy mountain. Yes, let them go."

He really didn't want to see that all the members died.

Ho Ho Ho!

The members of the Great Demon Monkey who were all over the mountains gave a mournful cry, knowing that it was meaningless.

In the end, they did choose to evacuate.

"Haha, a group of uncivilized wild monkeys, aren't you guys very fierce? Why are you now?" Tai Haotian laughed.

The golden dragon aura, under his dance, was like the most terrifying battlefield harvesting weapon. There were countless magic monkeys that died in his hands, so he was very ferocious.

"Huh, don't be proud of it so early, you may not be able to ask for anything when you enter the sacred mountain, let's walk and see." The patriarch of the strong demon monkey clan snorted coldly, as if to remember the appearance of the four Taihaotians. Finally, he waved his hand and led many severely injured Vigorous Monkeys away.

Tai Haotian and others did not chase after him.

After all, the Dali Mohou Clan is really desperate to fight for their lives, and they will not be well.

"Go, let's go up to the holy mountain!"

Ouyang Mingze sneered and led many members of the royal family to fly towards the holy mountain.

Tai Haoze, Dongfang Jing, and Xiahoutan also passed.

Just like this, a group of people went up to the holy mountain.

The holy mountain is tall and heavy, like the highest mountain in the fairy world, falling into the mortal world, there is an extraordinary and immortal spirit flowing.

The mountain is very thick, with hundreds of miles long, and gradually slopes upwards like a sky pillar.

Lin Han and the others flew all the way up. They had to say that the aura in the mountains was very rich. As soon as they came in, the amazing aura struck towards their own body, which shocked people's spirits and was extremely comfortable.

It is conceivable that if you practice here, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

After flying to the top of the mountain, everyone’s sights suddenly became clear, and they came to a huge platform. On the platform, there stood a stone sword, the size of fifty meters, inserted there, covered with the wind and frost of the years, giving people A very old and terrible feeling.

Near the stone sword, there are four large characters, impressively written-Heavenly Sword!

"The heavenly sword, we finally found it. The heavenly sword is here!"

Countless people were excited.

The Heavenly Sword is made by the ancient power, using the essence and blood of the eight monster races.

As long as you get the Heavenly Sword, you can have a huge blood pressure on the eight great monster races and let them submit to yourself.

You know, the eight monster races are a very powerful and terrifying force. As long as they can be subdued, they can form an extremely powerful force.

So every time the Sky Secret World opens, there will be so many explorers who want to get the sword of heaven, control the eight monster races, and call the wind and call the rain.

The eight big monster races, in order to avoid falling into the hands of outsiders, also want to get the sword.

Now that they finally found the Heavenly Sword, naturally everyone was excited.

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