Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 313 Demon Morgana

"Thank you, sir, ten punishments lead to orders." Ten punishments attacked.

There was a flash of joy in his eyes.

Can the protoss and the human race finally live in peace?

"Mingyue, as you can see, our wish is finally fulfilled, finally fulfilled. Ten punishment's mood seems very exciting.

Not just because the Protoss and the Terran live in peace.

It is also because of Mingyue, the person he loves most in his heart.

He will never be seen.

This is the reason why the ten punishment is complicated.

"Zi Shou, regarding the matter between the Protoss and the Human Race, you should negotiate with the Ten Punishments. I think you can do this." Li Yu looked at King Zhou beside him.

Prince Zhou Shou also came to Li Yu's side at this time.

"Yes, President, I can do it." Prince Zhou looked a little happy.

The king of the merchant family was finally able to fulfill his lifelong wish.

Let the human race and the god race live on an equal footing and live in peace.

"God, regarding the situation of the Protoss, you may need your assistance." Li Yu flicked his finger, and two rays of light shot out.

One fell into Tian's hand, and the other fell into the black dragon's mouth.

Tian did not hesitate, and directly swallowed the medicinal pill in his hand.

In an instant, the 07 King of the Protoss widened his eyes.

He found that his injuries and strength were recovering quickly.

This is simply magic.


The black dragon also floated up from the ground, and it also regained its strength.

From the weak look just now, he is full of vitality directly.

However, after seeing Li Yu, the black dragon was still a little frightened and made a small sound.

As if to thank Li Yu.

After all, this dragon also understands one thing.

If Li Yu didn't want them to live, they didn't deserve to live at all.

The strong man in front of him has forgiven them.

"As per your order, you can rest assured." Wang Tian, ​​the king of the God Race, responded respectfully.

Also at this time.

"Ding, the mission of the collapse of divine power is completed, the Lord of the Worlds will get 35,000 points, and 5,000 points for the freedom of mankind."

The sound of mission completion rang out.

There are ten punishments, the presence of King Zhou, and the presence of heaven.

The divine authority of the past has collapsed.

The future is an era of peaceful existence between human beings and the Protoss, which can already be met.

"Then the matter is left to you." Li Yu nodded to these people, his figure turned into a ray of light and disappeared in this world.

Soon after, Li Yu returned to his own world.

This mission was also an unexpected surprise for Li Yu.

With more than 30,000 points, Li Yu can do a lot of things.


In this Wu Geng era world.

A city where human beings and the Protoss co-exist slowly appeared.

Humans and Protoss developed together.

In the same way, some people saw the God Race King Tian digging for blood ore.

Naturally, this all happens in the future.

In the Wu Gengji world, it will take a long time for you to become such a situation.

The existence of the Shenyin clan, the Ming clan, etc., also requires communication and processing.

Perhaps for the Shenyin Clan and the others, the collapse of divine power is also a good thing.

Angel Nebula, City of Angels.

That is where the king of angels, the king of the gods, Keisha is.

She is the god of the whole universe.

On this day, news about Morgana came.

"Wang, Morgana has been determined, and she is currently on a planet called Earth in the Milky Way." Angel Yan reported on her investigation of Morgana during these times.

"Earth?" Keisha showed a graceful smile.

For Keisha, who had joined the Wanjie dimensional group for a long time, she had known about the demon Morgana for a long time.

Now that I heard the news of Angel Yan, it was only expected.

This time, Carl and Morgana's plan, Keisha will not let them succeed.

Something in the Wanjie dimensional group.

Carl's so-called void power, that is not worth mentioning at all.

After all, in terms of Keisha, the most powerful person in the universe, there are still many things on her body that can be exchanged for points.

These points will be exchanged for corresponding things from the Wanjie dimension group.

Therefore, Keisha doesn't need to worry about Karl's power.

And now she is almost ready.

Since joining the Wanjie dimension group.

A certain amount of time has passed.

"Yan, get ready then, we'll head to the Milky Way Earth right away." Keisha showed a smile.

Keisha, who is in the city of angels, can directly jump in space through the Sky Blade No. 7, come to the place where the earth is, and then enter the earth.

This time, Keisha also intends to enter the earth with integrity.

"King, there is one more thing, the gluttonous army of the Styx galaxy seems to be aggressively attacking the earth this time, and they are said to have Shinigami Carl behind them. 35 Angel Yan told his intelligence.

"Shinigami Carl, a former student of the Super Seminary, is a good genius." Keisha said softly.

About the general situation of Shinigami Carl, Keisha also learned a thing or two from the super seminary and the story.

He has conducted such in-depth research on the void, and he will also use some void power himself.

A genius indeed.

"Yan, if the so-called gluttonous army dares to stop us, we can only judge him. Kaisha stood up from the throne.

"Yes, King." Angel Yan responded respectfully.

After that, Keisha led a part of her army of 610 angels and came towards the earth on the No. 7 Tianren.


Demon No. 1, where it is.

The siren rang out in the spaceship.

"My lord, the system of Angel's Heavenly Blade No. 7 has locked us, and it seems that the King of Angels Keisha has come in person this time." A demon reported to the charming and charming woman in front of him.

This coquettish woman was wearing a black leather coat with some kind of makeup around her eyes.

That was the demon Morgana.

Morgana, she was not a demon in the past, she was also an angel.

At that time, she was called Lian Bing, and she was a kind-looking angel.

But the discovery of the so-called ultimate fear.

Let Liang Bing disagree with Kaisha's theory, and finally Liang Bing betrayed the angel civilization and established the demon civilization by himself.

And she is Morgana, the king of demons.

It can be said that Morgana is the goddess in the hearts of all demons.

Demons are willing to pay for the goddess.

"Kaisha, damn Bitchi, she found out that I was on Earth so quickly, did she have a dog's nose? 39 Morgana scolded.

"Sir, what are we going to do now?" the demon asked.

"Well, first drive the spaceship to a city with a lot of people on Earth, otherwise it will be easy for that Bichi to be judged, and then it will be bad." Morgana ordered.

"Yes, my lord."

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