The Poké Ball hits the Pokémon, and even collects it into the ball. This is still not the end of the capture, on the contrary, this is the most thrilling stage of the capture.

If the Pokémon's ability to break free is strong enough, even if it is collected in the ball, it can still break through the capture net and escape from the ball again.

Link held the Initiative Ball tightly, even though he knew that the possibility of Ho-Oh being caught by the Initiative Ball was very small, he still chose to pray in his heart.

Catch him, catch him...

Not for the power of Ho-Oh, but simply because he has been in the Pokémon world for 16 years, he longs for a trace to prove that he has been here.

The Ho-Oh in the Initiative Ball seemed to have heard Link's voice, and the sound of the struggle became weaker and weaker.

From three movements per second, to one movement per second now.


The Initiative Ball completely stopped, and the capture seemed to have stagnated.

【Fancy check-in completed, basic completion 200% (special check-in, completion 200% starting), location completion 20%, fancy completion 20%, check-in reward 240% issued - 1. Random time travel scroll January (Note: time travel���2. Proof of Domination Ⅱ 3. Panacea × 2 (each pill can cure 10%)】

"Extract all!"

The rewards were extraordinarily rich, especially the last mysterious reward [Panacea], which made Link burst into tears of joy.

The congenital waveguide deficiency he suffered from had always been a headache for him. Even after strengthening the attributes, there was still no trend of improvement. Now he finally saw hope of improvement.

Two white pills, similar to vitamin C lozenges, appeared in Link's hands, exuding a fruity fragrance.


Without any doubt, Link knew that in addition to believing that the system's products must be high-quality, he could not save himself by relying on the medical treatment of the Pokémon world. After the two pills were swallowed, almost at the moment of entering the stomach, the medicinal power spread throughout the body, and the congenital deficiency symptoms were nourished by the panacea, repairing Link's body in an incredible way.

Name: Link

Level: Ordinary Level 5

Physical fitness: 16.5

Spirit: 42 (Haki upgrade +10)

Skills: Conqueror's Haki (Expert), Poké Ball Manufacturing (Mastery)

Pokémon: Rallas (Ordinary Grade 7), Chansey (Ordinary Grade 8)

According to the fact that humans in a world without magic are weak in combat, Link's physical fitness is three times that of an average person, and his spirit is eight times as much. Not counting his waveguide deficiency, he can act as a little superman in a world without magic.

Of course, in the Pokémon world, Link's ability is just that of an ordinary person who is slightly better than the average person.

Before Link could check the random crossing scroll, the initiative ball in his hand suddenly began to heat up, like a red-hot iron.

Link subconsciously wanted to let go, but the initiative ball seemed to be stuck to his hand, and he never let go despite the rising temperature. The initiative ball soon burned completely red, and the white flame spread outward along the initiative ball, even wrapping around Link's left hand.

"Uh huh——"

The flames flowed along Link's hand and into his body. The scorching energy burned in his body, but after experiencing the initial pain, Link could no longer feel the damage caused by the flames.

It seemed like a year had passed before Link regained consciousness.

He looked at the Opportunity Ball in his hand. The upper half of the ball had already been burned to ashes, leaving only the lower half of the ball in his hand. As for the Phoenix King inside, it had completely disappeared.

"Lily, Lulu……"Link came back to his senses, looked at the two Pokémon beside him, and asked,"Ho-Oh, has he left?"

Lily and Lulu nodded in unison. They did not lose consciousness like Link, so they naturally saw the scene where Ho-Oh hit the first ball.

"Alas~ If it wasn't the first ball, but the master ball, maybe……"Link took out the remaining half of the ball from his palm and said,"Hey, what is this thing in my palm?"

A white flame pattern appeared on the palm of Link's left hand. As Link's consciousness gathered, pure white flames were released from the flame pattern.

"Holy fire...Ho-Oh's flame?" Link still remembered the color of the flame of the Ho-Oh before he fell unconscious, which was undoubtedly almost the same as the flame he summoned.

What is this? A humanoid Ho-Oh?

Even in the Pokémon world, there are fighting kings such as Sheba whose physical ability is comparable to that of fighting Pokémon, and psychic girl Nancy whose psychic ability can defeat 90% of psychic elves, but no one has ever heard of anyone being able to control fire, let alone the flame of the Ho-Oh.

Re-scanning the personal attribute column, Link found a new skill that suddenly appeared in the skill column: Ho-Oh Messenger.

Ho-Oh Messenger (Basic): Holy Spark (already mastered, similar to the Holy Fire version of the Spark trick), a power that special humans recognized by the Ho-Oh can possess, symbolizing that the Ho-Oh has once again recognized humans and possesses the power given by the Ho-Oh.

PS: Holy Fire Enhancement

Name: Link

Level: Ordinary Grade 5

Physical fitness: 26.5

Spirit: 42 (Haki upgrade +10)

Skills: Conqueror Haki (Expert), Poké Ball Manufacturing (Mastery), Phoenix Messenger (Basic)

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