Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 204: See also fragments

"This is the Void Golden Black Fruit, also known as the Void Pure Sun Fruit. Everyone who has wanted to come and heard about it, especially for the Taoist who has the magical attributes of fire, space, and pure Yang. ! "

"And this thing is as good as the first Jiuyang holy water. It can also purify the true qi, making it more powerful and powerful. Its rare imagination no longer needs to be said by old money, this empty golden black fruit, the starting price, 500,000 Baiyang Dan, the price increase must not be less than 10,000 each time! "

Because of Fang Qingshan and Prince Shuo's previous lesson, every time, a lot of money will be added to a minimum outcry.

As soon as Qian Duo's words fell, they immediately attracted crazy quotes from everyone.

The beacon attribute magical power is just fine. Pure Yang magical power and space magical power are different. Although the power is great, it takes a lot of time and energy to cultivate.

Wu Chunyang's magical power can also be felt through the fire attribute, and the spatial magical power can really only rely on epiphany and accumulation.

So, at this moment, when you see Jinwugu in the void, all the talents are generously unpacking.

"Seven hundred thousand!"



Uh ...

Bidding soared all the way, and in just one minute, it rose to three million.

At this time, the price has slowed down, although it is still rising, but obviously the space is not so large.

"four million!"

I waited again, and when the price rose to 3.5 million, Fang Qingshan finally made a noise.

"4.5 million!"

With Fang Qingshan's offer, Prince Shuo, who had been silent, spoke again.

"five million!"

I heard this, Fang Qingshan's eyes flashed a killing.

I want to rob the private room but I have to raise the price with myself, it is just looking for death. I even killed two of Jin Dan's true biography of the Taiyi, and there is nothing more than a Prince of the Daxuan Empire. After all, If you have more lice, you won't feel itchy. If you have more debt, don't worry.

Not only was Fang Qingshan trying to kill Prince Shuo, but Prince Shuo also sentenced him to death.

Even if you offend yourself, you are still carrying huge sums of money. You used to buy tens of millions of Yuanying Dan to buy Jiuyang Holy Water, and now you have millions of dollars to buy Void Jinwuguo. Is n’t this fat sheep not to be slaughtered? It thundered.

Since the other person is already dead in his heart, the two will not raise each other's price, which is a pity for a lot of money.

相互 The auction house's favorite is this kind of mutual price increase, because in the end the biggest benefit besides the auction house is the auctioneer.

Fang Qingshan took a rest after Xuan took a picture of Jinwuguo in the void. Because the next auction is a variety of magical secrets.

Being able to go to the auction hall of Tiandao Pavilion is naturally a boutique, and among them there is no shortage of supernatural powers.

It is a pity that Fang Qingshan has always been indispensable for supernatural powers. Unless it is the supreme supernatural power, or the ancient secret method, Fang Qingshan is inconspicuous.

But he didn't look down on his eyes, it was only because of his high vision, and other people do n’t talk about casual cultivation. Many famous disciples are eager for these supernatural powers. Even if you do n’t practice, it ’s good to take it and contribute to the martial arts.

Time passed by a little bit, but the atmosphere in the auction house was getting higher and higher.

Because the later, the higher the quality and preciousness of the auction items appearing, and correspondingly, the higher the price you want to take.

After another half an hour, another treasure appeared that made Fang Qingshan shake.

But when I saw Qian Duoduo's wave, a huge piece of wood standing tall by one person appeared on the field. The wood showed an ancient color. The annual rings above it circled around, I don't know how many circles went deep inside. I smelled it carefully, but it didn't smell a little woody, it seemed to be a long-standing fossil.

"This is a strange thing."

Seeing everyone staring curiously at the wood in front of them, Qian Duoduo smiled and explained,

"This thing is inaccessible to guns and guns, and water and fire do not invade. Maybe it is an ancient road tool fragment. If someone can refine it, it is likely to be cheap, and the starting price is 10,000 Baiyangdan!"

人 Many people sneered at the confusion of a lot of money. If there is such a great benefit, the Tiandao Pavilion or the owner of this thing will not enjoy it.

But although many people know that there is no pie in the sky, there are not a few who are greedy and cheap. They have the mentality of picking up leaks in case they see a ghost?

Only Fang Qingshan saw the object, although his complexion was still calm, but his heart was beating violently, and the whole body's blood was boiling.

World Tree Shards!

Yes, it is exactly the same as the one I got from Haishan, a true disciple of Wangui Xiandao.

虽然 Although this thing is not as good as the Jiujie stick, it is also much bigger than Fang Qingshan got from Haishan.

After absorbed the nine knot sticks, Fang Qingshan's young tree seedlings had grown into a small tree. If he had devoured this piece of wood, I am afraid it will usher in a burst of growth.

At that time, it is not only that you can draw more fairy aura ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ more importantly, you can awaken more world tree inheritance, which is equivalent to a fairy king immortal monk giving himself a boost!

At the same time, as the world tree grows, his fortune is slowly recovering, and these fortunes are all his own, which can accelerate the growth of the chess board, open more worlds, and make himself like the son of luck general.

However, Fang Qingshan did not immediately speak, but after the number of interested people was reduced, he inadvertently exploded a price and competed for two rounds. When others saw the price was high, they gradually gave up. In the end Fang Qingshan spent a very low price to get this baby.

Fortunately, Prince Shuo is no longer with himself, otherwise, in order to get this thing in hand, I am afraid that he really has to be desperate, and it will attract other people's attention at that time.

"Well, this autumn auction is coming to an end."

After I had auctioned some strange objects, although Qianduoduo was a little bit unwilling, he was more excited.

"Here is the finale baby this time."

But when Qian Duoduo carefully took out a jade bottle, everyone saw that they were wondering what kind of precious elixir.

The baodan that can be placed in the finale is not the kind of life-saving elixir that can bring back to life, or the practice of elixir that can break through the bottleneck of the realm, but no matter which one, it is extremely precious. Attention has been attracted to the past, and Fang Qingshan is no exception.

Although he came to Tiandao Pavilion this time, although the main purpose was to shard the world tree, he has already achieved it, and he also harvested the treasures such as Jiuyang Holy Water and Void Jinwuguo, but if the last elixir really made him feel good, fight for it. Not impossible.

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