Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 661: Ling Ding sighs in the ocean! (Second update, please subscribe for a monthly

Chapter 661

Looking in all directions, there are tens of thousands of clones, so let’s fight, there’s nothing to say!

Luo Li immediately merged into his thousand and one clones, and all the clones formed a battle formation and rushed forward.

Although there are many people on the other side, one advantage of Luo Li's heroism is that he can charge and break the formation. No matter how many people there are on the other side, many heroes are not afraid!

The three generals Dian Wei, Zhang Fei, and Xu Chu were at the forefront, forming a crossbow vanguard. They led all the generals and counselors, thousands of them, to form a formation, kill, kill, kill!

Immediately a war begins and begins here!

The 12,000 clones of Senior Brother Du that day were not only numerous in number, they formed a large formation in the dark, surrounding Luo Li and other thousands of people. The advantage of the 12,000 clones was undoubtedly exerted, creating endless pressure. Attacking, countless long-range spells came, the sky was filled with fire, and there were powerful enemies in all directions!

If it weren't for the heroic path that is good at breaking formations, thousands of people are one, as sharp and unyielding, and they would have been completely wiped out by the opponent without fighting.

In an instant, the team charged forward, Luo Li appeared, stretched out his hand, and used his left hand to express the mighty East China Sea and the right hand to the North Sea Xuan Ming!

Under Luo Li's fierce bombardment, a gap suddenly opened in the opponent's formation, and then the heroic generals charged over and fought to the death.

All the clones of the opponent have golden light. This is the magical power of Jin Chenxi of the Eternal Buddha. However, it is too widely distributed. Only one-tenth of this defensive power exists, but this one-tenth of the defense caused Luo Li to lose his troops.

Less than ten breaths into the fight, except for the twelve heroes and one hundred and eight outstanding men under Luo Li, all the ordinary clone soldiers were killed in the battle. Even if they were to be resurrected and die immediately, Luo Li would not let them appear. In this battle, unless he transforms into a clone, there is no possibility of taking action.

Then for a moment, Luo Li's other self-incarnation clones began to die, Tian Feng died in the battle, and Dian Wei died in the battle, but as soon as Luo Li's living beings moved, they all reappeared unscathed.

Seeing the return of these heroes of the Forest of All Beings, Luo Li had a feeling in his heart that his many clones seemed to be much more powerful and powerful than before. He had rarely used them to fight in the past. Only after experiencing bloody battles, they To become stronger.

After the storm, there is a rainbow!

Then let's fight. As soon as Luo Li stretched out his hand, Xiao Bai, Xiao Shi, Xiao Hong, and Xiao Hui all appeared and joined the battle. Although Xiao Hui appeared, he was beaten into pieces by the opponent. Luo Li didn't care and continued to call.

This battle is like a furnace, which can condense and grow many of your clones!

At the same time, Luo Li was here, constantly shuttled back and forth among the forest clones of many sentient beings, changing his body shape, and then used the Glazed Sea, and used it one after another from all over the world, bombing all the five lakes, trying his best to release all the five lakes and seas under his control!

With the bombardment of many sea areas all over the world, Luo Li gradually realized that this battle was completely worth it!

In a big battle, there were twelve thousand clones of Senior Brother Du that day. No matter how damaged they were, there was still no one less. Each of them was doing his job and the formation was so powerful!

In the blink of an eye, an hour later, there was a roar, and in an instant, the battlefield disappeared. Luo Li and Tiandu returned to their positions, and they were stunned.

A voice sounded: "In this martial arts arena, after this battle, the maximum deduction ability has reached its limit. It is impossible to continue fighting. Please two fight again tomorrow!"

Luo Li suddenly sat down on the ground, took a deep breath and said, "It's fun, it's fun!"

Senior Brother Tiandu shook his head and said: "I'm not happy, I'm not happy, many of my clones are still flawed!"

Luo Li said: "Yes, senior brother, many of your clones are of no use, they are just decorations!"

Senior Brother Tiandu said: "Yes, it seems I have to study it. Junior Brother, are you still coming?"

Luo Li said: "Come, I must come, I feel I have benefited a lot!"

Brother Tiandu said: "Okay, let's continue. There is no need for a martial arts field. You and I are all clones of the forest of living beings. My clone is endless, and I can be resurrected three times. Let's just do it for real."

Luo Li nodded and said: "Okay, let's come, no need for a martial arts field, let's have a real battle! Just now I seemed to have realized something!

By the way, senior brother, you have blessed all your clones with the Eternal Pagoda Golden Dawn. What kind of magical power is that? "

Tiandu said: "This method is the secret method of the Xiantian Yi Sect. Stars hang down on the plains, and the moon surges like rivers! I turned it into a magical power, and it is specially used to bless many of my sentient beings. Not only Jin Chenxi, but also other spells. Can be blessed.

Junior brother, do you want to learn? I teach you! "

This method can be turned into magical powers, but Luo Li shook his head and did not want to learn. A Jindan real person can only break through the orifice nine times at his best. In other words, he can only have nine golden elixir natal magical powers at most.

Luo Li now has three, and there are still six left. Among them, Lingdingyang from all over the world has been decided, and there are still five magical powers left.

How many of the three mountains, five mountains, and ten directions of the sky must be refined, right? You can’t let go of the ultra-level spell of Ten Thousand Hell Flames, right? The number of places is limited, and I am not majoring in the Forest of Living Beings, so I might as well forget about this magical power.

Under the leadership of Senior Brother Tiandu, the two went to a small thousand world, which was an affiliated world of Tian Qing Peak. This desolate land was the small thousand world where disciples of Tian Qing Peak could cast spells and practice.

When they got here, the two of them were fighting again.

This time, the battle was so exciting that it lasted for three days and three nights. With this battle, many living beings and heroes in Luo Li became stronger and fiercer! One hundred and eight heroes gradually reached the realm of immortal soldiers. They merged with the spiritual pets owned by Luo Li and cooperated with many heroes to achieve powerful combat power!

At the same time, Xiaobai gradually showed his power. In one gulp, he could swallow hundreds of clones of the Heavenly City. Then Xiaoshi started to take action. With a ray of light, nearly a hundred clones of the Heavenly City were turned into stone statues. Finally, Xiaohong exploded with endless flames, refining the sky. . Only Xiao Hui and not even Luo Li knew where he was hiding, and no one could find him. On this battlefield, he was hiding in nowhere and was safe.

Luo Li, on the other hand, tried his best to use all the methods from all over the world, boom, boom, boom, all the time, this was the first time he was so crazy!

Three days and three nights later, Luo Li and Tiandu were lying on the ground without a clone. They were so tired that they had no strength at all. They were laughing at each other. Lie here in the cold and slowly regain your breath!

After a day and night of rest, the two of them will recover and come again!

Another big battle, another fight to the death! Then there were two more people, lying on the ground so tired that they couldn't get up.

Then rest, then fight again!

Such a cycle, fight to the fullest!

Just like this, a month later, Luo Li has gained endlessly. Many heroes in the Forest of Living Beings are all several times more powerful than before. Xiaobai and other clones are also more powerful. The biggest gain is Luo Li. This month's Fighting to the death was equivalent to a hundred years of cultivation across the world. He had a deep understanding of this, and Luo Li had a vague feeling of a breakthrough.

A month and a half later, the battle between the two ended. The reason why it ended was because Senior Brother Tiandu also received endless benefits and his progress was even greater!

His 12,000 clones formed seven magic formations together. At the beginning, the formation with Luo Li was surrounded and fought by many clones. Now it is these clones that have evolved into many magic formations and transformed into endless attacks. Now Luo Li is fighting with him. He was immediately trapped by the seven magic circles and could not break through them at all.

However, until now in the battle, Luo Li has not used the Shape, Shadow, or Chongsheng magical powers, and Tiandu also has a trump card. He has at least three magical powers, but Luo Li has not seen them.

In half a month, the Hunyuan Sect will have a big competition. The two will end the battle and return to the sect.

When I returned to the Hunyuan Sect, I immediately discovered that the Hunyuan Sect was different from before. I saw endless brilliance in the void, and countless disciples who were wandering outside had all returned to the sect and were preparing to participate in the competition.

There is still half a month left, and Luo Li still hasn't perfected the world, but Luo Li is not in a hurry.

Because he has a secret in his heart! A glimmer of certainty!

It was almost done, Luo Li quietly left the Hunyuan Sect and came to the small island in the South China Sea without a trace.

This is Luo Li's certainty. On this small island, Luo Li advanced to the realm three times in a row and realized the Great Desolate Devouring Heaven. He had a vague feeling that this place was not simple, and it was related to the original enlightenment of Patriarch Wang Yangming in the South China Sea.

If you want to feel the Dharma left behind by Patriarch Wang Yangming, then this small island is just right!

Arriving at the island, Luo Li immediately used his divine eyes to look around, and immediately saw that the aura of light on the island had been restored again.

Luo Li smiled, and settled on the spiritual light, where he began to practice hard to become the world's only ocean.

The sun rises and the moon sets, the tide rises and falls. Five days passed like this on this small island with no visible mountains and rivers. Luo Li felt extremely calm and calm. He looked at the vast sea and the purple sun in the sky. The land brought endless peace to Luo Li.

Continuing to practice, Luo Li was not impatient or impatient, and was not anxious at all as the competition was approaching!

Above the void, streaks of light continued to fly by. They were all disciples of the Hunyuan Sect who had gone out to travel. They returned to the sect one after another. Looking at the lights, Luo Li couldn't help but think:

"I wonder, will Senior Sister Ruotong return?"

I continued to practice for another five days, but still gained nothing. After another five days, it was time for the competition!

Luo Li was still in no hurry and continued to practice!

In the blink of an eye, four days passed, night came, and tomorrow was the sect competition, but Luo Li was still in no hurry.

On this midnight and night, looking from a distance, the peaks above the void of Xuanzhou Continent are soaring into the sky, the sea of ​​clouds is boiling, the golden pagoda is twinkling, the forest is endless, and the hell is exploding!

These five great phenomena exploded endlessly, and there seemed to be bells ringing in the dark, stirring and fluttering above the South China Sea!

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. If he couldn't make the world into a single ocean tomorrow morning, he would have no choice but to leave!

He slowly stood up and knelt down toward the aura of light on the island and in the earth!

He opened his mouth and said: "Luo Li, a disciple of the Hunyuan Sect, has been practicing hard. I just want to achieve the great Dharma, promote my name of Hunyuan, ask for the protection of the ancestor, and ask for the Dharma from my seniors!"

After saying that, Luo Li bowed three times!

After a long time, Luo Li stood up. After three bows, there was no response.

He let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had failed and everything was in vain!

Luo Li sighed, this feeling was really bad. After putting in so much effort, he still failed in the end!

But so what! Even if I fail, it doesn't matter, but if I come back again, as long as I work hard and persist, I will definitely succeed!

Although frustrated, Luo Li is extremely determined and will never give up on the road ahead!

Just when he was thinking about it, the white light flashed. In an instant, Luo Li seemed to have entered a dream. In front of him, there was darkness. There were countless beasts and powerful enemies hidden in the darkness.

In this darkness, there was only a little light, and that light was emitted by a monk. Looking at his face, it was clearly Wang Yangming, the founder of Zhongxing!

However, at this time, Patriarch Wang Yangming was not as elegant and unrestrained as in the portrait. He was very downcast, with frosty temples, a sad face, and even one arm missing.

Countless ferocious beasts and enemies in the darkness rushed towards him. With their impact, the protective light on the Patriarch's body seemed to dim and dissipate at any moment. As long as it dissipated, the ferocious beasts and enemies in the darkness would tear him apart. To pieces!

But he did not give up, but continued to persist, persist, persist!

He suddenly raised his head, roared loudly, and chanted:

“Once we have experienced hardships, only the stars around us are scattered.

The mountains and rivers are broken, the wind flutters and the catkins float, and the life experience is ups and downs.


As he chanted, the light on his body immediately surged endlessly, exploding the heaven and earth, and was about to ignite the entire world. All beasts and powerful enemies screamed, and were turned into ashes in this light!

Then he suddenly stood up, as if from afar!

Luo Li had a feeling that he seemed to be looking at him, and then heard a sentence in his ear:

"Afraid to say panic on the beach, sigh alone in the ocean."

Boom, Luo Li felt as if his eyes were exploding, and he had obtained the will of the law and made it from all over the world! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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