Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1463 The Hunyuan Sword is light and cold!

Luo Li didn't pay attention to Gu Beichen's words at all. His heart was like a rock and he went straight to Gu Beichen.

The twelve true spirits were released at the same time, and the twelve of them immediately exploded with all their strength.

Indistinctly, twelve people formed a large formation, and Luo Li was the core of the formation. The thirteen people worked together to form a whole, like a sharp edge, killing Gu Beichen.

At this moment, no one spoke, not even a sound. The world seemed to be in an extremely terrifying silence, in which there was only endless murderous intent, forcing them to come!

Seeing the twelve true spirits, Gu Beichen was stunned, his eyes brightened, and he said: "External incarnation? No, no! Fairy spirit clone? No, also not!

What kind of magic is this? Everyone is a clone, but they are all the main body. I have never seen it before. Good guy, good guy, good, good, good! "

In his words, with incomparable joy, his right hand flipped quickly, and in an instant, a fairy sword appeared in his hand, and then a platinum sword slashed out.

When this sword was struck, Luo Li immediately felt a kind of divine power, and the endless sacred aura was contained in this sword.

The power of this sword is restrained, and it cuts across the sky. The pale light is bright but not dazzling, and the divine light is clear but not gorgeous. With a kind of splendid domineering and irresistible power of God!

This kind of divine power has been refined to the extreme. All spells are suppressed and crushed under this divine power!

Gu Beichen said coldly: "This is the divine condensation, the power of Hunyuan that I condensed by breaking the thirty-five small worlds, killing tens of thousands of gods, and relying on the blood of the gods!

This power is the first in divine power, and this Hunyuan power is 10%. Three hundred true immortals died under my sword! "

In his words, this language is a kind of sword intention. The sword of words was injected into this pale sword light. The sword light became more and more refined, pale, and its power surged!

When the sword was slashed out, the sword rainbow was a hundred feet long, with a clever angle. The direction of the sword had already covered Luo Li and the other thirteen people. Under the sword light, it carries the power of God. All laws are suppressed,

Under the sword light, Xiao Shi shouted: "This is divine power, it can be blocked!"

If it were other powers, the Twelve True Spirits might not be able to stop it. But for this divine power, they are descended from many ancient gods, so they are not afraid!

In an instant, twelve true spirits. Quickly change positions, retreat and push away at the touch of a touch. Decompose part of the sword's power, and let others take over, then quickly change positions and continue to decompose.

Twelve people used all their abilities!

The power of Hades, the power of space, the aura of killing, the spirit of life, the power of the Dragon God, the way of cause and effect. The power of time changes fate. The spirit of fighting, the spirit of fire. The power of death, the power of sleep...

Under the sword light, they resisted frantically and tried their best to create opportunities for Luo Li.

The pale sword light was blocked by them for a moment. Immediately everyone rushed in and rushed to Gu Beichen's side. Luo Li took action!

In an instant, the Four-Nine Escape Technique crossed a distance of a hundred feet. In an instant, he arrived beside Gu Beichen. Seventeen fist shadows all burst out and appeared silently.

At this moment, the Four-Nine Escape Technique came into full play, and Luo Li unleashed his most violent attack.

Under the hands of Luo Li's Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo, all laws were broken, even divine power was ineffective.

The hundred-foot-long Shen Ning sword light was immediately shattered. Even the Hunyuan Shen Ning, which was said to have the most divine power, was shattered by the power of Yuanshi. Then Luo Li rushed to Gu Beichen's side.

But Gu Beichen dodged and fled far away. He didn't have the majesty of Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal at all, so he ran away immediately.

This speed is like a flash of light, hundreds of feet away, with an indescribable elegance!

Luo Li shouted: "Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal? He ran away like a rat, hum, he is indeed an unknown person, a shameless person!

Don't you dare, take a punch from me! "

Gu Beichen said: "Okay! I just won't answer!"

Then he aimed at Luo Li with a sword!

The pale sword light dimmed suddenly, and instantly turned into a jet-black sword light. Before the sword light arrived, the gloomy and cold evil aura had already hit his face.

When this sword came down, it was extremely sinister, and rays of light swept over it, turning into endless shock waves. Under this black sword light, everything silently rotted into ashes!

The Twelve True Spirits stepped forward again, trying to be Luo Li's shield to block the sword for Luo Li, and then Luo Li would counterattack.

"This is Dark Evil. I destroyed the twelve demon worlds and the seventeen underworld worlds. I took those worlds, the Nine Nether Earth Lungs, and the Black Evil Yin Ming Qi to refine it. As long as it touches a little, it will become a golden immortal." , also falls into the dust!”

When the sword light appeared, Luo Li shouted: "If you can't stop it, break it up!"

Under his command, the twelve true spirits immediately retreated to avoid the sword.

But Luo Li didn't dodge and took action!

This sword, light and sword technique is like a living creature, tracking automatically. The only thing that can't be avoided is resistance!

Luo Li punched, Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo's hands turned into endless fist shadows, responding to this terrifying sword light.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, all laws were destroyed. Even the dark evil spirits and the dark evil spirits of the Nine Netherlands were shattered!

Gu Beichen frowned and said: "The legendary Yuanshi Power is indeed powerful! My seven Hunyuan Powers can be said to be the ultimate power in the immortal world, but they are still no match for it."

However, Luo Li's blow broke through the dark sword light. He couldn't remember how many punches he had thrown. All the original power in his body exploded. He was suddenly exhausted and could no longer track Gu Bei. dust.

The twelve true spirits immediately came to him to protect Luo Li.

Suddenly, another sword light emitted from Gu Beichen's hand!

This sword light, bright blue, condensed into a thick and clear bright blue sword light, and shot out angrily!

Xiaobai shouted: "Let's all work together to block!"

During the words, Xiaobai looked at Xiaojin, Xiaojin nodded vigorously, and all the twelve true spirits suddenly understood!

Twelve true spirits and twelve people work together to block this sword light, which is a hard resistance!

But Gu Beichen smiled coldly, and the sword light suddenly changed. The sword rainbow swallowed like lightning, and the thick and bright blue sword light suddenly stopped.

Then he drew circles of circular sword light, and the bright blue sword light whirling rapidly around each other was like a beautiful tornado, instantly shattering all the vitality of the world and forming a storm of destruction within a thousand feet. .

"This is Lan Yan. I have watched the sea and understood the thunder from the sky for a full three thousand seven hundred and sixty years. The power of understanding is the ultimate of thunder and the ultimate of water. With one percent of this Hunyuan power, I can kill seventy-two people." Golden Immortal!”

Under the light of this sword, Luo Li frowned, then used all his original strength and shouted: "I'll do it!"

When the battle began, Luo Li frantically released his Primordial Power to break Gu Beichen's terrifying sword light. The Primordial Power was used without restriction and spread all over Luo Li's body.

The cross badge obtained from Taiwei Zhenyi slowly absorbed Luo Li's original power, then released it and injected it into Luo Li's body. After the injection, the original power became even more refined.

But at this time of the battle, Luo Li didn't care at all. He was about to burst out with the power of the Origin and break through Gu Beichen's Hunyuan Blue Sword Light!

Xiao Jin suddenly pushed Luo Li and shouted: "Let's go!"

The twelve true spirits worked together. They pooled their strength and sent Luo Li thousands of miles away. The twelve true spirits were then swept and surrounded by the sword light!

They knew that they could not stop Gu Beichen's sword light, that Gu Beichen was too strong, so they sacrificed themselves and sent Luo Li away.

Luo Li shouted: "No!"

In an instant, space teleported, and he was thousands of miles away.

At this moment, there was a loud roar on the ground beneath my feet.

Lands and lands collapsed, trees collapsed, and the whole world began to tremble, as if the heaven and earth were shattered.

Luo Li gritted his teeth, turned around, and ran away like crazy!

Luo Li was not running away, but buying time to think about how he could defeat Gu Beichen.

Run, think, fight back!

This is Luo Li's tactic!

Gu Beichen was too strong and terrifying. It could be said that he was the strongest opponent he had ever encountered.

I actually have one more move, Pangu's World-Destroying Ax, but I don't dare to use it easily. The opponent is so powerful, I'm afraid there is a corresponding method.

what to do? what to do? How to defeat him!

In the process of escaping, Luo Li frantically searched for a way to defeat the opponent. Suddenly, Luo Li frowned and discovered a problem. His twelve true spirits were not dead!

These twelve true spirits are part of Luo Li. Although they were reincarnated as humans, they still have an endless relationship with Luo Li. They did not die, and Luo Li felt it immediately.

Luo Li smiled, but his face turned cold. He immediately thought of a possibility!

"I know, I know!"

"This Gu Beichen took away Magatama Sanren and Wei Bufan, and then abandoned them immediately. It turns out that the person he really wanted to take away was not them, but me!"

"He knows that I have the power of the Origin, the Power of the Supreme, and such a strong body, how can he give up?"

"I understand, I understand! That's why he was so happy when he saw the Twelve True Spirits, so he still hasn't killed the Twelve True Spirits now, because he already regards them as part of himself!"

"If you know his purpose, it will be easy to handle, then it will be easy to handle!"

"Xiyi didn't succeed back then, and you couldn't do it even more!"

"But what should we do? What should we do?"

"Yes, there is a way. You can give it a try. I don't know if it is feasible!"

Thinking of this, Luo Li picked up the badge on his chest. During the battle, he felt the purpose of this badge. This badge could absorb the power of the Origin, store it, purify it, and release it.

Luo Li began to desperately inject the Primordial Power into the badge. As he injected it, the badge began to gradually change color, storing Luo Li's Primordial Power.

Luo Li took a deep breath and said, "Finally there is a glimmer of hope. Thank you, Taiwei!"

Then Luo Li smiled, opened his mouth, swallowed the badge, and continued running and escaping.

Sure enough, just as Luo Li thought, he did not escape a hundred miles. A white light flashed in front, and Gu Beichen appeared in front of Luo Li again, but behind him, there were fourteen light balls floating.

Among the fourteen light balls, two of them are dusty as a dream and thousands of miles in the sky, and the remaining twelve are the twelve true spirits. (To be continued)


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