Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,408 The Road to Rainbow Transformation and Ascension to the Immortal Realm!

Above the Hong Bridge, Luo Li soared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Soaring up, Luo Li felt the difference in his body in an instant. In that moment, his body was turned into ashes in the brilliance, and then on the rainbow bridge, his body was reshaped bit by bit. Birth!

Luo Li shook his head. This is recorded in other sects' ascension books. This is called Honghua Ascension!

There are two forms of monks' ascension, one is the ascension through rainbow transformation, and the other is the physical body becoming an immortal!

Rainbow ascension means that during the process of ascension, the body is reshaped by attracting the fairy light, and becoming a fairy means that the body does not need to change much, but is nourished and strengthened by the fairy light, and ascends to become a fairy.

Between the two, according to the records in the ascension books, the one who becomes an immortal in the physical body is far superior to the one who ascends in the rainbow transformation, because the body becomes an immortal without changing the original body. In the immortal world, the potential is endless, and it is more suitable for cultivation.

In fact, with Luo Li's accumulation of potential, he is fully qualified to become an immortal in the physical body. However, before Luo Li ascended, he cut off the Five Dharma Holy Land. A large part of Luo Li's cultivation came from the Five Dharma Holy Land. The lack of these Five Dharma Holy Land, Causing Luo Li's physical body to collapse.

Therefore, in order for Luo Li to ascend, he had to ascend through rainbow transformation, so that he could reshape his physical body during the ascension process and get rid of the hidden dangers caused by the lack of the Five Dharma Holy Land.

Luo Li was mentally prepared. Not only that, but the tribulation thunder was also the key when ascending. The body born after the Chaos Thunder World-Destroying Heavenly Tribulation Thunder was far higher than the body born from the Heavenly Martial Flame Transformation Tribulation.

However, there is no other way. It would be great if the Hunyuan Sect can ascend, so there is no need for a flying car!

However, during this ascension process, Luo Li felt the reshaping of his body and couldn't help but be stunned!

I originally thought that I had transformed into a rainbow and ascended to my own body. It will be completely different from before, and it will be infinitely weaker than before.

But to Luo Li's expectation, this rainbow ascended and the reshaped body was actually stronger than the previous body. Far higher than becoming an immortal in the physical body.

why is that?

Luo Li doesn't understand!

In fact, it is very simple. During Luo Li's cultivation, he once captured the immortal flesh and bones that the Tao De Sect immortal had worked so hard to refine. The reason why the Tao De Sect immortal did this was to obtain a powerful immortal body after ascension and be ahead of the starting line. . Otherwise, why would he be working so hard in the Middle God World and behaving in such a perverse way?

In the end, everything he did was beneficial to Luo Li.

In fact, Luo Li couldn't see anything special about the immortal flesh and bones in the world of Zhongtian Lord, because this thing needs the injection of immortal energy. Only when you reach the fairy world can you show off your power!

Now is the time to ascend. Immortal energy was injected, and the immortal flesh and bones immediately began to take effect. Luo Li's reshaped body was completely an immortal body!

This immortal body is far beyond the ascension of any physical body, and directly shapes the path of Daluo Hunyuan Golden Immortal!

but. In this process of reshaping, what Luo Li has learned throughout his life has changed.

First, many divine powers began to change.

That divine eye gradually disappeared. After blending into Luo Li's eyes, there was no longer any great power, and it just became Luo Li's basic physical instinct.

Similarly, the light of God turned into Luo Li's skin. Looking over it, Luo Li's skin was somewhat fair and emitted a shimmer. He no longer had any divine power and became a basic instinct!

Shen Zhiying blended into Luo Li's shadow and disappeared.

God's hands, God's feet, God's thoughts, God's holiness, God's nose, God's skin...

All the divine power that Luo Li has mastered, except for the God's Ax and the Pangu Ax of the End, can still be vaguely felt that this method has not been lost!

Other divine powers were transformed into parts of Luo Li's body and integrated into himself.

In the past, it was divine power and supernatural powers that needed to be used, but now it is directly instinct and physical characteristics, which have returned to their original nature.

The only thing that hasn't dissipated is the God's Ax, the Pangu Ax of the End Times. It still has feelings, but it seems to have mutated.

These are all good things, but there are also bad things. The divine power that rewards good and punishes evil, which Luo Li has always relied on the most, has also dissipated and integrated into his body.

In the way of heaven controlled by Luo Li, time, space, yin, yang, life, death, light, darkness, dryness, and glory suddenly have more morality!

At that time, space, yin, yang, life, death, light, darkness, dryness, and glory were all opposite each other. Only this morality merged into one, and the Tao was virtue, and virtue was the Tao!

Overwhelming many laws of heaven, exuding endless auspicious light!

And the eternal guidance that still had one chance to be used disappeared unknowingly. Luo Li knew that it was just hidden, but he could not find it or use it!

In addition, Luo Li's Taichu Cave Heaven also slowly disappeared during the process of reshaping his physical body.

In fact, it didn't disappear. Luo Li felt that it was in the process of evolution, but he couldn't feel it.

The various treasures carried in Luo Li's storage space disappeared one after another during this evolution.

In order to ascend to the immortal world, Luo Li specially prepared twelve top-quality spiritual stones and seven ninth-level magic weapons, but they all disappeared, and only a few things remained.

The bead left by the Demon Lord, the world's treasure exchanged in Taichufang City, the contract of the shop in the fairy world, the upper and lower volumes of the Book of Creation, and in addition, there are two or three items...

However, the Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand and the Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Hand were strengthened during the ascension process. The right Hunyuan Hand and the left Tianluo Hand were transformed from martial arts into supernatural powers and instincts, which can be used at will. , the power seems to be stronger!

Feeling the changes in his body carefully, Luo Li shook his head. Ascension is like this, there are gains and losses!

After an ascension, I am now as poor as I was when I came to the world of Zhongtian Lord!

Suddenly, the Hongqiao beneath my feet trembled. With this trembling, a strange feeling appeared, as if I was swimming in the water, rising rapidly from the bottom of the sea, rushing towards the sea, and the pressure on my body quickly decreased. But I felt like I was going to vomit.

The physical body is reshaped and the real ascension begins!

Soar, soar, naturally you have to soar upward!

During this process, it was as if worlds were flying by Luo Li!

The original energy contained in those worlds flows through Luo Li.

All kinds of strange Yuan Power shook Luo Li continuously. They reminded Luo Li that countless worlds were passing by him!

Time and space are separated one by one, as if they are flying upward endlessly. This feeling is very weak at first, and then becomes more and more intense. The vitality vibrates past the body layer by layer, and each time and space disappears before the eyes, gradually falling away. There was a strange feeling, as if he could see these times and spaces.

Some sink deeply into the endless dark void...

Some are worlds composed of countless suns...

Some time and space are filled with intense turbulent light...

Some time and space seem to be the core of the red flow of molten rock in the center of the earth...

Some are as blue as water...

Some are as fervent as fire...

One world after another, passing quickly, without realizing how much has passed, endless, endless...

Gradually, the feeling of these worlds passing through, those Yuan Power, formed a time and space channel similar to a whirlpool in front of Luo Li!

These elements couldn't help but invade Luo Li, making Luo Li extremely painful. It was like the time and space channel was constantly bumping, as if it would suddenly collapse and shatter in front of it.

This feeling is extremely painful, like being cut by a knife, like being struck by thunder, but you can only persevere!

Following this passage, Luo Li flew upward endlessly!

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly, the passage shook!

The bumpy feeling completely disappeared. Luo Li found that this passage no longer looked like a chaotic whirlpool. Instead, it looked like a smooth avenue. The various world energies that made up the passage became extremely gentle and no longer invaded Luo Li. , there is no longer any bumpy and uncomfortable feeling!

Flying here, I feel extremely comfortable!

Luo Li immediately knew what was going on!

This bumpy journey is the destroyed section of the passage connecting the Zhongtian Lord World and the Immortal Realm!

Later, it can be considered reconnected, but it will be extremely bumpy and difficult to walk, but now it is back to the normal road to the fairyland, there are no damaged parts, so it becomes extremely easy.

Luo Li gasped for air and continued to fly forward along the passage.

Looking at the body at this time, naked, Luo Li frowned, it was too indecent.

He tried to use spells to transform into a robe, but in this ascension channel, the spells were difficult to operate and transform. The originally extremely easy spell could only be transformed into a simple and extremely simple cyan robe, which could barely cover the body.

At this time, Luo Li discovered that there was no longer just one passage like before, but there seemed to be tens of thousands of passages spread out in all directions, and these passages gradually converged towards one point.

Luo Li suddenly understood that it was said that the immortal world once opened up countless worlds, and the world of Zhongtian Lord was just one of the thousands of worlds opened up by the immortal world. It seemed that these passages were the ascension passages of those other worlds!

Just when Luo Li was thinking wildly, suddenly, Luo Li found a person in front of him!

There was actually someone ascending, Luo Li was stunned!

The man looked over from a distance, his whole body was lying in the passage, and he was also flying along the passage, but he was motionless, as if he was too tired.

Just when Luo Li looked at him, he seemed to be born with telepathy and immediately felt Luo Li's presence. He hurriedly got up and looked at Luo Li, his eyes lit up!

The two felt each other, and the speed of their ascent changed. It was like magnets attracting each other, and they began to get closer quickly.

The two sides approached, and the other party looked at Luo Li. He saw Luo Li wearing a green robe and looking elegant. He was naked. He suddenly seemed to be covering up and felt extremely embarrassed!

But Luo Li was shocked. When the man turned around, Luo Li saw that there was a human there!

Although it is a human head, there is no miscellaneous hair on the head, but the ears are a pair of cow's ears. The mouth, nose and eyes can still be vaguely seen as a cow's mouth, nose and eyes. What is even more strange is that there is a pair of cow's ears on the top of the head. To the horns, there is also a tail, wandering behind the butt,

Luo Li was shocked. This is the passage for immortals to ascend. Immortal, immortal, why did the demon clan appear?

Luo Li immediately put all his heart and soul on guard, just in case! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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