Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 385: Nowhere to be found after wearing iron shoes

Immediately afterwards, countless bulge-like bulges began to appear on the vast land, and in less than a thousandth of a second, these bulges exploded like exploding rocks, and in an instant, a ball of light as bright as the scorching sun bloomed. , infinite light instantly illuminated the entire continent, bathing the continent that was originally in the dark time in the ocean of light.

Countless earth and rocks turned into hot magma in the next moment, and then rose up from the ground. The endless earth and rocks turned into lava were like countless soaring fireworks, soaring into the sky.

The blazing white earth was now dyed with a hint of red color.

The brightened earth was soon shrouded in the huge smoke and dust that followed, which was the magma that was heated and turned red, and was also the diffuse smoke and dust thrown on the sky.

And when the infinite light continued to diffusely reflect on the tiny dust clouds in the sky, the sky of the entire planet seemed to have entered a purple morning glow.

If someone could stand on the planet and look up at such a scene, he would definitely say with emotion: Purple Qi comes thirty thousand miles from the east.

Of course, the real scene was more than thirty thousand miles away, because almost the entire planet's sky was lit up. Yes, the countless dust thrown into the sky at this moment seems to have become the atmosphere of this planet that originally had no atmosphere.

That is to say, this planet has no atmosphere. Otherwise, the atmospheric turmoil caused by the simultaneous explosion of three million hydrogen bombs with an equivalent of 300 million tons would be even more majestic.

But even though there was no atmosphere, under this shocking explosion, the entire planet was enveloped in a layer of dust clouds that filled the sky.

This is an explosion big enough to change the surface environment of a planet.

It is estimated that the large meteorite impact that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs was equivalent to one trillion tons of TNT. The current big explosion was three million hydrogen bombs with an equivalent of three hundred million tons of TNT, with a total yield of nine trillion tons. TNT equivalent.

The equivalent of nine large meteorites that killed off the dinosaurs hit the Earth at the same time.

Of course, since these hydrogen bombs are dispersed rather than concentrated, the instantaneous burst force caused by the concentration is not as intense as the impact of a large meteorite. However, precisely because of its wide range, its impact is no less than that of several large bombs that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. A meteorite struck.

It is certain that for a long time to come, the planet will remain in a smoke-filled environment, and countless dust will be scattered in the sky and even in its low-Earth orbit.

If this planet has a rich atmosphere like the Earth, then this kind of dust cloud that blocks the sky will last for thousands of years, and it will also be accompanied by large tsunamis sweeping the earth and shaking continental plates, causing volcanic eruptions. Unfortunately, this planet The planet has no atmosphere, and even its core is cold.

It can be said that it is a planet that has lost its geological movement and a dead planet.

Therefore, it will not react as violently as the earth was hit by a large meteorite. In a period of time in the future, this dust will slowly fall back to the ground under the action of gravity, covering the ground with a thick layer of dust.

However, there are also some dusts that are blown up too high and even reach planetary orbits, which will remain there for a very long time. However, at least within a hundred years, it will be difficult for them to fall back to the ground on their own based on the reduced kinetic energy caused by the collision of dust clouds.

Therefore, if the artificial intelligence consciousness does not take any measures to remove this dust, its supply work will face great risks, because this dust will affect the operation of all equipment in planetary orbit, and the transportation lines between heaven and earth will also be greatly affected.

For example, the cables of the space elevator will inevitably stick to countless dust, which will cause the additional cable to become heavier and eventually exceed its tensile limit, causing the space elevator to collapse.

If you use an orbital mass accelerator to transport resources, you will have to face the obstacle of countless smoke and dust in the sky. Materials launched from the ground using an orbital mass accelerator will be as difficult to move as a boat on the vast sea, and it is more likely to cause damage due to severe friction. The supply container overheated and burned.

Therefore, in the next period of time, the artificial intelligence fleet's idea of ​​replenishing this planet will definitely come to nothing, because with the technology of the second-level civilization, there is no way to clear out all this dust in a short time.

The coalition's demolition plan was successful this time.

From this moment on, the planet will fall into a "nuclear winter". Even on the day side, the light of the distant red dwarf star will not be able to reach the surface, so its surface temperature will remain at more than 200 below zero. within the range.

But that's all. The power of the second-level civilization is not enough to destroy a planet. Even if it buries ten times the amount of this explosion, it cannot shake a planet.

At most, it can only sneeze a few times.

This is the second level civilization, not to mention humans in the earth age. Even if all mankind detonates all nuclear weapons, the earth will probably not even sneeze. At most, it will feel like being bitten by a mosquito, and then stretch out its hand to scratch the quilt. Where it stung, a pile of old dead skin from its body was raised.

Therefore, it is an exaggeration to say that humans will destroy the earth, because even if humans try their best, they can at most trigger a nuclear winter, destroy the earth's ecosystem, and then themselves burp as a result, that's all.

On the other hand, although the current human civilization and Niel civilization are not going all out and spending hundreds or thousands of years to create hydrogen bombs, they are still working hard enough to give this planet a sucking blow.

But that's it.

However, from a strategic perspective, the goal has indeed been achieved.

So next, the coalition fleet will start to launch a surprise attack on the artificial intelligence fleet as previously discussed, and then pretend to be defeated according to the plan and go to the second battlefield.

However, unexpectedly, as soon as the three fleets in the same place ordered to rush forward with full power, the fleet's signal receiving device received a radio broadcast the next moment.

The signal form was very familiar. When the signal appeared on the Lyran, the staff could tell at a glance that it was a form of communication and broadcasting commonly used by the Nair civilization.

So when they saw this signal, the staff thought it was a communication message from the Third Fleet.

It's a bit strange, because now, whether it is long-distance information communication or direct video communication between the coalition fleets, they all use the channel of the coalition headquarters. Information communication is rarely carried out in this way as before.

However, although it seemed strange, the staff still followed the procedure and began to transcode and analyze the message, and then let the translation system translate it.

But just as the staff started to take action, another message came from the channel of the Allied Forces Command. Upon looking at it, they found that this message came from the Third Fleet.

The Tianqin was carrying the body of the 'Light of the Galaxy', so the transcoding and translation system worked very quickly. In less than one breath, two pieces of information were translated and presented to everyone.

[Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, there seems to be something going on. It is a message sent by an artificial intelligence through electromagnetic wave broadcast. It seems to be very angry. 】

This message was very short, and it had been confirmed that it was indeed a message from the Third Fleet. After this message appeared, the Lyra received a video communication request from the Nair Governor-General.

The staff immediately connected it.

When the image of the Nair Governor appeared on the big screen of the Tianqin, Yue Yuan looked at another message.

[Damn Nel civilization, hateful Nel people, despicable Nel people, you actually buried so many hydrogen bombs, how dare you do this, you all deserve to die! You have challenged me again and again, and I will destroy you all! No, I want you to watch your compatriots being killed by me one by one.

After I eliminate you wretches, I will kill all the Nairs on your spaceships. Don’t think that I don’t know which star your spaceships are running to. You will definitely not be able to escape this time. Don’t If you think that this method can slow me down, don't think that I'm running out of fuel. Just wait. When I kill you all, I can still catch up with those bugs that ran away in advance! 】

"Artificial Intelligence Consciousness"

Seeing this message, Yue Yuan knew where it came from. No wonder it was a broadcast message. It turned out that the Resource Planet Cup, which had been conquered with so much hard work, was so damaged that it was temporarily unable to exploit resources.

This is so irritating.

It was an unexpected surprise. It took no effort to find it after trying hard to find it.

Just now, they wanted to charge the artificial intelligence fleet with the second and third fleets, pretend to be defeated, and then taunt them. Now it seems that there is no need to perform the drama of charging and pretending to be defeated.

Just as he was thinking about it, the observer's voice came to mind on the Tianqin: "Shuai Yue, news from the optical telescope, the artificial intelligence fleet has moved. Judging from the direction of their lengthy tail flames, they should be heading towards us."

At this time, the Nair Governor on the big screen in the main control room of the Tianqin also said: "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, you should have also received the angry message from the artificial intelligence consciousness. It seems that our plan was successful. Now we are still Do you want to continue charging?"

Why are you rushing? People are so angry that they are coming to kill you, so why don't you rush to the second battlefield to moisturize?

This Nair man's military acumen seemed not to be very good, and Yue Yuan didn't know whether he was pretending or if he just didn't like this.

"The plan has changed, and it has changed in a direction that is beneficial to us. Therefore, our actions naturally have to be based on the situation." Yue Yuan smiled and said to the Governor of Nair.

Speaking of this, Yue Yuan asked the correspondent to connect the commander of the second fleet, Man Yuemei, to the video communication, and then spoke again: "I order the second and third fleets to immediately follow the direction of our fleet. Action, target second battlefield area, execute immediately!"


"Perfect plan, Commander-in-Chief!"

Seeing that the commanders of the two fleets agreed, Yue Yuan then clicked on his work platform and switched the conversation channel to another department.

"Ministry of Communications, point the broadcast radar in the direction of the artificial intelligence fleet, and let's add another fire to that lovely artificial intelligence consciousness."

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