Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 237 What is an awakener?

Listening to the words of the awakener, the top human beings fell into various emotions.

They lamented the power of the Awakener, who could sail directly three million light years, and at the same time despaired of the so-called limits of wisdom.

Just imagine that even such a powerful civilization is looking for this road and has not yet been able to realize it. You can imagine how difficult it is.

However, it is useless for humans to think about it at this stage. After all, the awakener also said that it stands to reason that this thing will only be discovered by a sixth-level civilization.

At present, human beings are still very far away from level six civilization, and it is still unclear whether they can even reach that level.

Of course, regardless of the limits of wisdom, humans can still get a lot of useful information from the short words of the awakener.

For example, it stands to reason that only level six civilizations know the limits of wisdom. This contains a lot of information. First, due to the emergence of a certain technology or a certain scientific theory, the sixth-level civilization can discover the so-called limits of wisdom, and then embark on the road to find a way to break through, just like the awakener.

Secondly, after the sixth-level civilization, there are higher-level civilizations.

Thirdly, after reaching the sixth-level civilization level, there will be another form of relationship between civilizations. If the limit of wisdom exists in every intelligent life race, then finding a way to break through must be the main theme of the sixth-level civilization level.

In this case, the so-called dark cosmic forest definitely does not exist, or it does not exist at the level of advanced civilization.

As for the so-called advanced civilization level, some human sociologists have done analysis before, and they think it should be the speed of light.

The speed of navigation is faster than the speed of light, and the communication is faster than the speed of light.

If these two conditions are met, communication between civilizations will not be as delayed as the previous civilizations encountered by humans.

Suddenly thinking about the dark forest, Yue Yuan hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't hold it back. He asked: "Great Awakener, have you heard of the theory of technological explosion?"

"I know what you want to ask. I can only tell you that technological explosions exist, but they only exist within the same civilization level. Explosions across civilization levels will not only not occur, but will become barriers." Individuals representing awakeners Life slowly said: "In my long life of more than 80,000 years, I have seen that there are many civilizations that perished under the barriers of science and technology. Some of those civilizations were because they had no talent, some were sunk by despair, and some failed. We have reached a dead end in scientific theory.”

For more than 80,000 years, we are not talking about the awakener civilization, but this intelligent life itself.

Yue Yuan felt that every word from the Awakener could bring countless information to mankind. Just a random reply might indicate to mankind which approach was feasible and which was not feasible.

Just like this sentence, humans understand that intelligent life can live to be more than 80,000 years old, and perhaps more. In other words, human research in the field of life span is feasible, and the future of life medicine is bright.

Just as Yue Yuan was sighing, he heard the awakener continue to say: "But I think you little guys have pretty good talents."

"Racial talent? What kind of racial talent? Why don't we know about it? And what does sinking mean?" Yue Yuan's eyelids jumped wildly. What kind of racial talent? As a human being, he doesn't even know about racial talent. This The Awakener seems to have done nothing, so how does he know that humans have any so-called racial talents?

Could it be that humans are used for research?

Thinking of this, Yue Yuan's heart sank and his face became dark.

Although they know that the other party is extremely powerful, humans have no possibility of resistance. Even now, humans are not aware of what the other party has done to humans. But the thought of being used for research made Yue Yuan feel very uncomfortable.

Due to being influenced by xenophobic trends for many years, Yue Yuan did not have any such psychological burden at all when he ordered the study of the Kuntai people. However, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable when he thought of human beings being studied. It seemed like there were double standards.

The awakener has no ability to know what Yue Yuan is thinking, but he seems to have guessed something from Yue Yuan's rhetorical questioning skills.

The awakener first imitated a human voice and laughed, and then said: "Let's not talk about racial talents for now. With your current level, it is useless to talk about it. You just need to remember that if you encounter the interstellar market in the future, No matter what, don't trade your scientists in the interstellar market. Oh no, not any of them, otherwise... well, forget it, maybe the galaxy is a little different."

? ? ?

Interstellar market? Trading scientist?

Yue Yuan understood that what the awakener said should be about the situation in the Triangulum Galaxy where they were located, but in his words, humans learned a big secret of the universe, at least it was a secret to humans.

Another point is that Yue Yuan noticed that the awakener said, "If we encounter the interstellar market in the future," it means that the awakener really has no malicious intentions.

Could it be that he just arrived in the Milky Way and met us, and his actions now are really smooth?

At this moment, Yue Yuan also somewhat believed what the awakener said.

The Awakener seemed to have seen through what he was thinking, and then said: "Don't worry, I have no malice, and I have not studied you. The reason why I know your racial talents can be understood as our unique technology. But then again, if we When I met you in the fifth-level civilization, I might have taken you for research."

"As for sinking, do you know why we are called the Awakener?" The Awakener did not say it directly. Instead, he asked a question first.

"Why?" Yue Yuan cooperated.

"Because of the fall. Well, or fallen civilization, the awakener is not the original name of our civilization. It's just that we have awakened more fallen civilizations, so we naturally became the awakener."

Awakening a fallen civilization? ? ?

"What is a fallen civilization?" Yue Yuan asked immediately as his mind moved.

This awakener seemed to be very talkative, and it would be helpful if he could ask more questions. After all, if according to what the awakener said, meeting humans was just a coincidence, and there was no guarantee that he would leave at some time. After passing this village, there would be no shop like that.

"Science and technology has stagnated, there is no innovation in theory, and civilization as a whole no longer pursues progress subjectively." The awakener's words were concise and to the point.

Yue Yuan hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Fallen civilization. Which level of civilization does it belong to?"

However, this time the awakener did not answer directly, but said: "They do not belong to any level of civilization, and they may be any civilization below level six."


Yue Yuan wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by the Dao Awakener.

"Okay, you little guys are really long-winded. Many things will naturally be understood when your scientific theories advance and reach the corresponding level. No matter how much you say now, it is useless.

Moreover, having said many things, it may become a stumbling block that hinders your scientific development. The universe is so vast, and there are so many unknowns. There are countless possibilities for the development of civilization, and we awakeners are more willing to see more possibilities."

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