Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 234 The Awakener

Yue Yuan took a deep breath to calm down as much as possible, then slowly stood up from his desk and looked around at everyone with regained clarity.

Finally, focus again on the golden section cuboid on the big screen.

After putting aside the fear, this cuboid with each side in line with the proportion of the golden section looks really beautiful and has a pleasing feeling. It is a type that becomes more pleasing to the eye the more you look at it.

Not only is it eye-catching, it's also very rustic.

The granite-like appearance exudes a strong retro style, but its huge size and strict golden ratio always reveal a strong sense of technology.

To be honest, Yue Yuan has never seen anything that can combine simplicity and technology so perfectly. But it is this 'good-looking' thing that prevents humans from even thinking about resisting.

"It seems to be taking us somewhere." Yue Yuan murmured first, then looked back at everyone on the bridge and said, "Go back to your work stations!"

Yue Yuan was speaking to everyone on the bridge of the Tianqin, and at the same time, he was speaking to the command centers of other warships through the fleet's internal system.

The prestige of the past had an effect. Although everyone was still worried and in low spirits, they all returned to their posts.

After that, Yue Yuan also sat back on his seat and said in a calm tone as usual: "Connect the full frequency band of electromagnetic waves and neutrino communication, aim at the golden section cuboid, and prepare to record."

Now that we have reached this point, let’s ask what the Galactic Alliance wants to do! In fact, Yue Yuan was also beating the drum in his heart. After all, the so-called communication request would probably be ignored.

But it’s better than doing nothing.

"Yes, Yue Shuai." The correspondent also cheered up.

After hearing what the correspondent said was ready, Yue Yuan looked at the golden cube that was stationary with the human fleet on the big screen and said: "Hello, great civilization! I am Yue Yuan, the leader of human civilization. .Excuse me, are you the Great Galactic Alliance? Can you tell us where you want to take us?"

Yue Yuan believes that since the Galactic Alliance has time to search this star field, the war must be over and seems to have been won. Otherwise, how could they have the leisure to search the star field.

"I didn't expect the Galactic Center Alliance to be so powerful. No wonder it dared to broadcast arbitrarily." Yue Yuanxin said, "It's a pity that humans can't detect the specific situation two hundred light years away. Otherwise, we should be able to know what is happening there."

In fact, after being found by this super large cuboid, Yue Yuan already knew that the future of mankind was bleak, but he still couldn't help but think about it.

At this moment, Yue Yuan's brief communication had been sent out, in the full electromagnetic wave band, plus neutrino signals.

It was very brief, and even the normal operation of the first contact-the accompanying dictionary was not sent out.

Because Yue Yuan believes that this cuboid is the Galactic Center Alliance, and we can know from the Galactic Center Alliance's broadcasts that they can convert the signals into words that humans can understand without translation at all. With such intelligent broadcast technology, it is impossible to There is no difference in distributing dictionaries.

After the communication request was sent, the entire bridge fell silent, and everyone was quietly waiting for a response.

But after a long time, the expected response did not appear.

If it is the Galactic Alliance, it is definitely impossible not to receive information from humans, so the most likely possibility is that the other party does not want to pay attention to humans.

But this is so uncomfortable.

Anyway, it was already under human control. After a round of internal discussions, humans decided to send the message again. If you break the jar, you will know how to die.

During this period, humans also conducted a series of analyzes of their own situation. More than 80% of scientists believe that humans are now moving at high speed, and it is very likely that they are traveling at the legendary warp speed.

In other words, the human fleet is now packed away by the golden section cuboid above its head.

As far as the current situation is concerned, human detectors cannot detect conditions beyond the distorted starry sky at all, and the detection spacecraft that were sent out in advance due to navigation needs have lost contact.

Humanity is currently probably being packed away by the fleet, including the space where the fleet is located.

This is a judgment made by scientists based on humankind's own scientific theories combined with observed phenomena. In the human scientific theory system, warp navigation is a space-time distortion technology, which means that the front of space and time is twisted and the rear is stretched, allowing the spacecraft to achieve super-light motion that does not violate the theory of relativity.

There is a warp bubble theory that believes that when a spacecraft enters a warp voyage, a warp bubble will be formed around the ship, and the spacecraft is wrapped in the warp bubble and moves through space.

If warp navigation is really the case, then the current human fleet is wrapped in the warp bubble generated by the golden section cuboid.

The second message still received no response, so after a while, the human sent another message.

Finally, there was a response to the third message, and the response was so fast. The human being had just sent it, and before he could gather his mood and continue to wait, the response arrived.

But there is something special about this response.

Because it was neither picked up by human signal receivers nor appeared as text on the screen, but sounded from the built-in loudspeaker in the bridge of the Lyra.

"Little guys, stop barking. I'm just busy erasing the track, so I keep barking."

The voice was still an electronically synthesized voice programmed by humans, but it was truly Chinese. If the content hadn't been so different, everyone on the Tianqin would have thought someone was playing a prank.

The loudspeaker equipment suddenly made such a sound, which prompted the technicians to rush to check the equipment, but no system problems were found. The self-check of the 'Light of the Galaxy' also showed no problems.


Hearing this voice, Yue Yuan subconsciously looked at the place where the voice appeared, and said, "It's not the Galactic Alliance. Then is this cuboid your body? Are you a member of the Yingxian Community?"

The Reapers were first eliminated by Yue Yuan, followed by the Silicon-based Federation, so the only civilization mentioned in the broadcast was the Community.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he slapped his forehead and felt like he was having a brain convulsion, actually speaking into the loudspeaker in the Lyra.

If you want to answer, you have to send a message through the communicator!

However, Yue Yuan just had such thoughts in his heart, and the loudspeaker immediately responded: "No, I am very curious, how can you recognize a battleship as 'my' body, and you seem to be right. Not very knowledgeable."

Battleship: Is this cuboid a battleship?

"Then who are you?" Yue Yuan came back to his senses and continued to ask. He noticed that the reason why this existence did not respond just now seemed to be doing something to erase the track.

Now listening to this tone, it seems that he is easy to talk to.

"The Awakener!" the voice answered.


Yue Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly ran through his mind of everything mankind had seen and heard about alien civilizations from the solar disaster to the present.

First it was the unknown civilization spacecraft that crashed on Callisto, then it was the Mok civilization, the nano consciousness body, the Galaxy Axis Alliance, the Reaper civilization, the Immortal Community, the Silicon-based Federation, and finally the Kuntai civilization and its database. The Quill civilization recorded in .

As for the Awakener, I've never heard of it.

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