Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 185 Some people are happy and some are sad

"It doesn't matter, at least now we have confirmed that the Kuntai Civilization's Chinese fleet does not have positron cannons. If it is hidden, then the one that did not fire the cannons is their flagship in the Chinese army. In this way, the harassment and delaying tactics of the Wudangshan ship and the Emeishan ship are also easy to do. A lot." Yue Yuan waved his hand, and upon hearing such news, he felt much more confident.

The same goes for everyone on the Tianqin.

The armor of human warships adopts a multi-compartment structure, which is very powerful. If it is not directly shot by a positron cannon, it will basically not sink after dozens of shots, unless every shot can hit the last place.

"Commander Yue, the Wudangshan Ship and Emeishan Ship formations have retreated into the asteroid belt, and the four Kuntai Civilization formations show no signs of slowing down. Our army's first wave of self-destructing space carriers and self-destructing shuttle boats have passed the enemy's left and right formations. , heading towards the enemy residential spacecraft cluster, expected to arrive in twenty hours." The announcer's update on the situation was recalled on the bridge.

"Let the second wave of self-destruction raids start at the scheduled time!" Yue Yuan thought for a while and ordered.


Now that the Wudangshan Ship and Emeishan Ship formations have withdrawn, if the second wave of self-destruction raids departs according to the scheduled time, if the Kuntai Civilization Fleet keeps accelerating towards the asteroid belt, it will be just before they enter the asteroid belt.

Although the targets of human self-destruction raids are not the opponent's battleship formations, they can also be psychologically intimidated to scare them.

After saying this order, Yue Yuan looked at the time and found that it was already meal time, so he asked some people to have a meal first and then come back.

He himself returned to his seat and continued to study the comparison of various parameters of the civilizations of the two sides.

People are like iron rice and steel. If they don't eat one meal, they will be hungry.

The Tianqin has not really taken action yet, including the staff on the bridge and in other positions. Although their work and rest have entered a wartime state, they have not yet reached the level of the Wudangshan and Emeishan ships.

So if you still need to eat, you can just come back and take turns.

If you actually enter the battlefield, it will be different. In order to ensure that the battleship's power is fully utilized, like the Wudangshan ship and the Emeishan ship, the entire crew must enter the acceleration buffer.

Since a war is not fought in a few minutes or hours, a war in space sometimes takes several hours just to maneuver from one point to another, so in order not to let the crew down Hungry, the acceleration buffer is also formulated with nutrients.

And just having nutrients is not enough, because people have three urgent needs, and these things are not dependent on people's will. That's why humans designed the spherical space filled with acceleration buffer to have a one-way view, because each acceleration buffer filling chamber is equipped with various 'ergonomic' pipes.

These pipes are connected to automated equipment, mainly to prevent the crew from being pulled into their own acceleration buffer when facing three emergencies during combat, and then the acceleration buffer enters their mouths.

In order to design this set of circulation equipment, human scientists did not know how many hairs they had turned gray. Although there is experience in the space age in this regard, after all, today is different from the past, and the requirements are higher than in the space age.

Just like how the pipe is connected to the lower body, what material it is made of, what shape it is, what is the designed pressure during discharge, and so on.

These are things that are not reflected in the TV series, but as a living person, these issues must be considered.

Therefore, when designing a battleship, we should not only consider the size of the gun, the strength of the power, and the strength of the armor, but also consider many humanized designs. Unless one day, humans themselves can evolve to a higher biological level again, otherwise these problems will always accompany humans.

Of course, it's not just humans, it's the same with all other aliens who eat, drink and poop.

At this moment.

Kuntai civilization.

The flagship of the Chinese army.

An ultrasonic wave was transmitted in its internal channel: "Sir, Mr. Pierce, the second wave of small ships of human civilization and the mother ship equipped with suicide drones have been detected. They are launching a surprise attack on our residential cluster formation. Some of its warships have already If they enter the range of directed energy weapons in my left and right formations, do you want to launch an attack on them?"

Pierce, who was soaked in the acceleration buffer and his body was connected to various pipes, said with a stern look: "Don't worry, human civilization just wants us to return to the army to support the rear. This further shows that they do not have an advantage in terms of the number of warships. Moreover, The mere small ships have nothing to do with our Quaker-class warships. Just send an order for the ten Quaker-class warships to stay behind and attack to intercept. The giant gas planet is our main combat target.

Proceeding according to the original plan, the same is true for human civilization. The more it proves that our bet is right, they have residential spaceships and they are hidden behind those three planets. "

"But Mr. Pierce"

"No buts!"

Pierce cut off the long string of words after 'but', but at this time another voice came to her hearing organs.

"Sir Pierce, the analysis results have come out. The main guns of the two human battleships fired positron beams! Only positron beams can be so powerful."

This ultrasonic voice is very familiar to Pierce. She is the most famous physicist of the Kuntai civilization or the current Kuntai civilization. Her words are definitely not wrong.

"Positron beam?" Pierce was stunned for a moment. As a leader of civilization, she certainly didn't know what a positron was, but being able to integrate positrons into such a huge positron beam to launch a strike was something she didn't expect. .

So she asked: "Human civilization is also a first-level civilization. Positrons are the antimatter of electrons. How can human civilization possess such weapons? How do they control those positron beams?"

"No, Mr. Pierce, it is indeed possible that they have that kind of weapon." The chief scientist of Kuntai civilization explained with a bit of bitterness in his tone: "Maybe you don't know, in fact, before the decisive battle with the Quill civilization, our civilization's home planet The related possibility of positron cannon has been proposed, and in this regard, we Xinkuntai people have been doing research, but the time is still short and we have not achieved much results."

"What's going on? Why didn't I hear you say that?" Pierce said with some dissatisfaction.

"That's it." The chief scientist of Kuntai civilization sighed inwardly, and then explained to Pierce, "You should know that our Kuntai civilization has mastered controllable nuclear weapons as early as five thousand years ago. Fusion, and taking to the stars.”

"Of course I know." Pierce said seriously.

"But you may not understand the way our Kuntai civilization achieves controllable nuclear fusion."

"How to achieve controllable nuclear fusion?" Pierce asked immediately.

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