Virus Throne

Chapter 639. His home court

On the only star in the small galaxy of the Compass constellation, Xu Youran's practice rolled up endless flames, like a small solar flare.

In the extreme heat and radiation, he almost turned into a man of light, and his whole body seemed to be composed of countless light elements.

Having mastered the power of the light element and transformed the energy of light, this sun is definitely Xu Youran's home court.

The two life planets in the small galaxy of the Compass constellation are not very high in cultivation level and are still in a relatively primitive state.

Although it is much ahead of Earth Star, the strongest one has only awakened five times.

Although the movement of Xu Youran's cultivation was huge, it was still too insignificant compared to the entire sun.

Even so, if anyone sees his cultivation, they will be astonished, it can be called a miracle.

If the cultivation speed of crushing spirit stones in a normal environment is 1, the cultivation speed on the Nether Spring Glacier is about 2, and the cultivation speed on the sun should be able to reach 3.

An extremely large battleship is passing through the Compass. Captain Long Qie is trying hard to exude spiritual power and detect the extremely subtle fluctuations of life.

Xu Youran didn't leave for long, only a few hours, and the breath of life had not completely dissipated.

If it is in a crowded place, there is no way to distinguish the dragon.

But this is the void of the universe, and there are no Sixth Awakenings in the entire Compass Constellation, so it is impossible for anyone to physically cross the void.

Through large-scale battleship exploration and mental exploration, everyone quickly pointed the clues to the only star in the Compass constellation.

The battleship is still heading towards the sun. Based on the material of this battleship, it is completely impossible to land on the sun.

Xu Da carefully observed Long Qie's expression and said softly: "Captain, it looks like he is on the sun."

"I know, this kid is really lucky, he can survive this way." Long Qie nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "He is still able to escape here even though he is seriously injured, and he is hiding in the sun, so he is considered a figure. "

"Us?" Xu Da hesitated.

"Are you crazy?" Although Fan Kuai was rude, his IQ was not low.

People who are too stupid will not be assigned to be supervisors.

"I'm just asking, why are you in a hurry?" Xu Da muttered dissatisfiedly, "The captain can only make judgments.

Long Qe was still deep in thought, but Fan Kuai couldn't help it anymore, "Captain Long Qe, if you want to use ship-based guns to attack the sun, I will report it immediately."

"Fan Supervisor, don't be so impatient. When did I say I would attack the sun?" Long Qie frowned and said solemnly, "I'm not stupid. There are two living planets here, both of them are vassals of the empire. Attack the sun, It will inevitably cause violent solar winds and flare radiation, and countless people will die. I am not the kind of person who inhumanely destroys humanity, and I will not violate the laws of the empire."

"As long as you know, if it really triggers a solar riot, the number of people who died on these two living planets must be calculated in billions. I hope you will be more cautious." Fan Kuai reminded him again.

What he said is correct. The sun fluctuates normally and has little impact on living planets.

But if laser cannons or other ship-based guns are really used to attack the sun, it will inevitably stimulate more violent solar winds.

Once these solar winds affect living planets, it will be a doomsday-level natural disaster.

"This kid is so cunning. He actually hid in the sun." Xu Da narrowed his eyes and said harshly, "He has calculated correctly and we don't dare to use ship-based guns against him."

"Hmph! So what if we don't use ship-based guns?" Long Qie stared at the huge light group that was getting closer and closer. "Intelligence shows that he is a water awakener. Fighting on the sun is not his home ground, and he will even be subject to many threats. With great restraint, the three of us can’t easily defeat him.”

"Don't... you two can just go. Don't count me. I am an awakened earth element, and the sun is a plasma planet. That is not my home field." Fan Kuai quickly shook his big head, "This is for you. What does it mean for me to participate in a private operation as a supervisor? "

"Captain and I can't take him down? What a joke. Do you think we are second generation ancestors like Li Weixuan?" Xu Da glanced at Fan Kuai with disdain.

"Hey, hey, hey... you are a gold awakener, and the captain is a water awakener. They are all well restrained on the sun. Let me see how you can take him down." Fan Kuai said with some gloating.

These three natural disaster generals are of the water, metal, and earth types.

Needless to say, water and metal elements will be absolutely restrained when fighting on the sun.

Although Fan Kuai's earth element is not restrained, its strength will be greatly reduced because it is a plasma planet.

"What are you afraid of? Is that kid a water awakener or a five-time awakener? He is definitely worse than us." Long Qie glanced at Fan Kuai, "Fan Jianjun, I am a person who knows how to repay kindness. What happened this time It’s also to repay the favor. Let’s do a favor together, I owe you a favor.”

Fan Kuai looked at the increasingly larger light group in front of him, showing a thoughtful expression.

As the captain, Long Qie didn't seem to suffer any loss by selling him a favor.

What's more, it's just a person who has awakened five times in the water system. Although the three natural disaster generals are not fully displaying their combat power, they don't seem to be at much risk.

You basically have it at your fingertips, so why not be a favor?

Fan Kuai grinned widely, "Okay, Captain Long Qie said so. If I, Fan Kuai, are more pretentious, it will be too shameless. I hope Captain Long Qie will remember your kindness."

"Hey, hey, hey... General Fan Kuai is willing to help, that would be the best." Long Qie turned and walked towards the hatch, "I, Long Qie, value promises and loyalty the most. We are all on the same path. Fan Kuai, the military supervisor, can rest assured."

The three of them are powerful natural disaster generals. They have fought countless times in the void, and they don't need to make any preparations. They filed out and entered the universe void.

At this moment, the warship is very close to the sun. If it moves forward, it will have an adverse effect on the warship's hull and communication.

The three of them faced the violent and blazing solar storm and floated side by side in the void.

Through the large detector of the warship, the target has been locked.

Except Xu Youran, there is no other life breath in the entire sun. It is not difficult to lock Xu Youran.

The three natural disaster generals each exude their own overwhelming momentum, like three gods in the void.

Xu Youran has already completed his training, and is floating on the surface of the sun with his hands behind his back, feeling the fierce power of nuclear fusion.

If there were only flames here, it would not be his home ground, but the most intense things on the sun are light and radiation.

As a light awakener, who dares to say that this is not his home ground.

It's just that too many awakening skills and elemental powers cannot be used, which also brings a lot of inconvenience.

As a plasma planet, the sun is almost completely devoid of gold, wood, water, earth, and ice.

The steel body, ice armor, and earth shield have long been restrained and cannot be materialized at all.


Xu Youran looked into the distant void, and three amazing auras rose into the sky.

I can't believe that even though I hid in the sun, the enemy still found me so quickly.

But there are only three people. Is this looking down on me, or are they too confident?

Although the distance is extremely far and both sides cannot see each other, the induction between the strong makes them stand as if they are standing opposite each other.

The two sides can't see each other, so they just look at each other from a distance.

The atmosphere is tense and solemn, and the momentum is rising steadily.

Long Qie and the other two knew very well that this demon killer would definitely not leave the sun to fight, and they could only enter the surface of the sun.

Everyone was a natural disaster god general-level strongman, completely fearless of the sun's violent power, but entering such an environment to fight was somewhat uneasy.

There was a vibration in the void, which was Long Qie's mental fluctuation, echoing in everyone's mind, "Move out!"

"Buzz..." Three figures, like sharp arrows tearing through the sky, rushed straight to the sun.

Xu Youran still had his hands behind his back, looking at the three strong men who fell from the sky calmly and calmly.

Long Qie and the others knew that he was a water awakener, but he had no idea about Long Qie and the other two.

Is there a fire or light awakener?

Xu Youran didn't know, and didn't care.

After the trip to Liujia Star, his strength soared again, and Xu Youran's confidence also swelled to the extreme.

Even if he couldn't even condense a weapon here, the star-killing hand was not a decoration.

Even if he took a step back, he still had the vitality of light and the super-quality flying sword.

Is there anyone more suitable to fight on the sun than a cultivator with pure light energy?

Don't forget that my essence is actually a cultivator, a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage.

Well, the late Nascent Soul stage doesn't seem to be that great.

No matter, I'm just awesome, come on.

Three figures separated the billowing flames, as if the gods had descended, with unparalleled power.

Xu Youran smiled, there was not a single fire or light awakener.

From the elemental power emanating from them and their affinity with the surrounding elemental power, Xu Youran could easily judge this.

If it was a fire or light awakener, it would not be to separate the heat wave and resist the radiation, but to carry the heat wave and fuse the radiation.

Hey, hey, hey...

With this level, dare to land on the sun to kill me?

Do you have any misunderstandings about your own strength?

Or do you have any misunderstandings about me?

Xu Youran soared into the sky without using the light energy, which was too obvious and easy to be discovered.

But he exerted the power of light element to the extreme.

At this moment on the sun, Xu Youran, who used the power of light element, took advantage of the home field.

As for whether the enemy would discover his power of light element, let's wait until he survives.

The official data records that he is indeed a water awakener, but it has never recorded whether he has mastered the light element.

If someone notices the problem, he can say that he mastered the light element after entering the sun.

Moreover, from the opponent's lineup, it is not difficult to judge that it is very likely that the hunting of him is not the action of the Fengxinggu Empire Legion.

If the Fengxinggu Empire Legion wants to deal with an awakener from another country on the sun, it is still easy to send out a few fire or light awakeners.

So far, although his traces have been discovered, he has bet on one thing.

The enemy dare not use shipborne weapons against him, then he has lost the most sharp means to deal with him.

There are only three awakeners who are not good at the field, which means that the enemy's understanding of him is obviously not enough.

Take advantage of these people's carelessness and kill them first.

"Buzz..." Four figures collided with each other, stirring up ripples in the void.

The space around the sun has been scorched by extreme heat and radiation for countless years and has long been extremely solid. If you want to create a void crack here, you may need a seventh awakener.

The four people vomited blood and flew out, and the hot blood they vomited was instantly vaporized by the scorching sun.

Xu Youran wanted to test the strength of these three people, so he chose to fight hard for the first time.

Although Destroy is a wood-type awakening technique and has been greatly suppressed by the sun, it is not that it has no effect at all, it is just extremely slow.

Long Qie and the other three were shocked out of their wits by Xu Youran's palm.


How could this kid be a water awakener? He was obviously a light awakener.


This is his home court!

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