Virus Throne

Chapter 63. Sweeping all the way

Xu Youran's roar was like a bolt from the blue, resounding through the sky like thunder!

Countless mutant beasts were terrified and fled in panic.

The awakened comrades seemed to have their potential stimulated again, and their combat power increased greatly for a while.

Xu Youran looked at the situation and found that it was not that the awakened comrades were not strong, but that there were too many mutant beasts and they could not be killed.

Although countless soldiers on the walls were shocked by Xu Youran's armor shining with dark golden light.

But now was the most intense moment of the battle, and no one would be distracted and pay too much attention to Xu Youran's armor.

Not all awakened people have such strong defense as Xu Youran. Once the mutant beasts surging like the tide swallowed them, the storm armor on them could not guarantee their absolute safety.

What awaited them at that time would be a miserable end of being torn to pieces.

Since the gold-quality ice armor had been exposed, Xu Youran decided to take a risk.

Go deep into the sea of ​​mutant beasts to disrupt the rhythm of the mutant beast army and see if you can forcibly reverse the direction of the mutant beasts' attack.

However, although his defense is strong, it is not without danger to go deep into the heart of the mutant beast army.

Endless mutant beasts, ants bite elephants to death, and they can also wear him to death.

What he wants to fight is fierceness, to see who is fierce enough, and to use all means to kill the mutant beasts and tremble.

This is also a truth that he understands more and more. It doesn't matter if you don't obey. Beat him to kneel down and stand up to speak.

If there is something that can't be solved by a beating, then give it two beatings.

This is the same for people and mutant beasts. Don't believe it, don't be afraid of them.

The battle in front of the city government office proved this truth very well. That day, it was Xu Youran who overwhelmed the heroes.

If he was beaten by Guo Ziping, then no matter how much evidence he produced, I'm afraid people would think he was forging it.

However, he also knew his disadvantages. He didn't have a powerful group killing awakening skill, and the speed of group annihilation was not fast enough.

There are only three earth spikes, which are released and retracted every two seconds, and can only kill ninety mutant beasts in one minute.

There are endless mutant beasts in front of him, big and small, of all kinds, and they are counted in units of ten thousand.

He couldn't kill so many mutant beasts even if he died of exhaustion, so he decided to call for support.

With a whistle, Xu Youran had already pounced into the area with the most mutant beasts, which was already covered by hot weapons fire.

The rain of bullets seemed to wash the ground, forming a dense fire coverage area in this area.

Xu Youran, who was in the air, had already called through the invisible headset, "Captain Ge, Captain Ge. Please order the soldiers on this line of defense to follow my trajectory for fire coverage!"

"Boom" When Xu Youran hit heavily, he knocked away more than a dozen mutant beasts, many of which were relatively weak, and died in mid-air.

More mutant beasts surrounded him. When the soldiers on the city wall saw Xu Youran rushing to the fire coverage area, they were all stunned and stopped shooting immediately.

The roar of Captain Ge came from the headset, "Platoon Leader Xu, are you crazy? How can you let the soldiers shoot like this?"

Xu Youran was also anxious. He could quickly clean up the mutant beasts, but the firepower must keep up in order to better produce the deterrent effect he wanted.

The silver-level unicorn sword rotated and instantly dismembered several mutant beasts. Then he shouted into the invisible headset: "Fire at me! Fire at me!"

Captain Ge frowned tightly. Seeing Xu Youran's hideous armor, he gritted his teeth and roared: "Damn it, cover Xu Youran with firepower!"

Several battalion commanders and company commanders under him were confused. What's going on?

Why do we need to cover Platoon Leader Xu with firepower?

One battalion commander couldn't help it. He thought he had heard it wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Captain? You want us to attack Platoon Leader Xu? He betrayed his country? Joined the mutant beasts?"

The officers and soldiers who heard this were even more confused. What rhythm is this? Can he betray and join the mutant beast team?

Captain Ge was so stupid that he cried, and continued to roar: "He has strong defense and can withstand it. He is not afraid of death, so are you afraid of being buried? Stop talking nonsense, shoot!"

The officers and soldiers only realized at this time that the duty of a soldier is to execute orders, especially on the battlefield.

No matter how ridiculous the order is, they must execute it unconditionally, and once again open fire, all kinds of light and heavy thermal weapons, pouring down like a torrential rain at Xu Youran.

"Ding Ding Ding" "Pa Pa Pa" Although Xu Youran has been moving at high speed, there are still many stray bullets hitting him.

In an instant, Xu Youran, who was wearing a hideous battle armor, looked like a fire man. Conventional thermal weapons could not destroy his gold-quality ice armor. All the bullets shot at him bounced out at various weird angles.

Warheads and shrapnel flew around Xu Youran, and Xu Youran rushed madly towards the area with the most mutant beasts.

The silver-quality shield was equipped with sharp spikes, the silver-level unicorn sword flashed with cold light, and the countless shrapnel that bounced around him were a great weapon for killing mutant beasts in groups.

Wherever he went, it was like a blood river rolling back, setting off a bloody storm. The momentum of the mutant beasts' attack was instantly interrupted by his own strength.

It was like suddenly throwing a huge rock into a turbulent river, and no matter how fierce the waves were, they had to take a detour.

If this huge rock was big enough, it could even forcibly block the direction of the water flow.

And now Xu Youran is playing the role of this boulder, and this boulder is still moving, following the direction of the water flow.

Although there are many ordinary mutants in the mutant herd, there are occasionally black iron-level or even bronze-level mutants.

No matter what level of mutants, as long as they approach Xu Youran within a three-meter radius, they will face a devastating blow.

The mutants whose attack direction was forcibly interrupted used countless corpses to prove that this road was blocked and they could only change direction.

The awakened warriors behind Xu Youran suddenly felt the pressure greatly reduced.

The mutants that Xu Youran missed were baptized by the torrent of hot weapons again, and there were few left.

Even if a few of them barely rushed to the front of these awakened warriors, they were at the end of their strength and were quickly killed by a group of warriors.

The warriors, who were much more relaxed, began to have spare energy to pay attention to the battle situation on Xu Youran's side.

Although everyone saw Xu Youran's fierce fighting power from the battle in front of the city government.

But what they don't know is that it was Xu Youran's fighting power to control the lethality.

Mutant beasts are the public enemy of all humans, and every awakener has the potential to become a valuable fighting force against mutant beasts.

That battle was just a test for Xu Youran to show his strength, so he tried his best to reduce the lethality in that battle.

But now he is facing an infinite army of mutant beasts, which is the mortal enemy of mankind, a mortal enemy with no room for maneuver.

In order to increase the lethality and reduce the casualties of human warriors, Xu Youran even did not hesitate to expose his gold-quality ice armor.

He once saw countless human warriors fall, and even many warriors died in front of him.

At that time, he was still weak, and it was even difficult for him to protect himself in the face of powerful mutant beasts.

But now it is different. After several months of rapid growth and hard training, his strength is no longer what it used to be.

He is already able to do more, and he is already able to protect more comrades.

So what everyone sees now is Xu Youran at full firepower, with a large silver shield with a row of sharp spikes in his left hand, a silver unicorn sword in his right hand, and a dark golden armor covered with ferocious spikes.

The rain of bullets pouring down and the countless shrapnel that bounced back became a sharp weapon for him to finish off.

Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, he wantonly slaughtered mutant beasts of various levels, rushing left and right to cut off the torrent of mutant beasts.

Among these awakened warriors, there are many former comrades of Xu Youran who have fought side by side.

There are also some people who once questioned Xu Youran and thought he lied about his military achievements.

But seeing Xu Youran at this moment, everyone was convinced and no longer had any doubts about Xu Youran's record and his sincere heart.

Some awakened warriors who still had spare strength have begun to actively support Xu Youran, and a crazy bronze-level porcupine rushed to the side of Xu Youran.

"Shua" a tough vine suddenly rose from the ground and instantly tied up the porcupine's trotters.

The porcupine, which was running wildly, was like being hit by a tripwire, and it rolled and flew out directly.

When the porcupine was in mid-air, the moment Xu Youran brushed past it, the silver unicorn sword had already cut the porcupine in two.

The powerful porcupine that had hit Xu Youran and almost vomited blood, was just casually killed by a sword, and blood was spilled in the sky.

With a beautiful roundhouse kick, several mutant beasts were swept away again, and Xu Youran raised his thumb in the direction of his comrades.

The fewer awakening times an awakener has, the fewer awakening skills he has mastered, and the greater the restrictions he will face in battle.

For example, the awakening skill entanglement mastered by Li Xuan, if Li Xuan did not have a strong fighting skill, she would hardly be able to kill the mutant beast alone.

You can't let her entangle the mutant beast and never let it go, starving the mutant beast to death.

So the lower the level of awakeners, the more they value teamwork.

Medical, auxiliary, strengthening, defense, offense, element, single, group, point control, group control.

There are many types of awakening skills, and the effects are also ever-changing.

When forming a team within the Watcher Corps, we will try to consider the diversity of awakening skills mastered by these ten warriors in a row to increase combat effectiveness.

Two warriors who have mastered offensive awakening skills are far inferior to one auxiliary warrior plus one offensive warrior in terms of lethality, defense, and endurance.

The more times a warrior awakens, the more awakening skills he masters, and because he is infected with different types of viruses, the awakening skills he masters must also have different attributes.

This makes it easier to form a perfect combination and build a self-contained offensive and defensive system.

Guo Ziping and Zhang Tianbing are both three awakeners. Guo Ziping's awakening skill combination is more reasonable, so his strength is stronger than Zhang Tianbing.

When everyone saw Xu Youran smiling and giving a thumbs up, they all occasionally supported Xu Youran when they had spare energy.

With the support of his comrades, Xu Youran opened fire at full power, and his lethality increased exponentially.

Xu Youran, covered in blood, seemed like a butcher sent by God to clean up mutant beasts, sweeping all the way to the farther front.

There were more comrades waiting for his support, and there were more mutant beasts waiting for him to slaughter!

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