Virus Throne

Chapter 48. Xu Youran is nothing

Although Xu Youran hadn't heard this person speak for a long time, he quickly reacted, "Brother Zhan?"

"Well, I'm Dongfang Zhan. Dongfang Zhan over the phone got straight to the point," Today a friend from the 025 base sent me several posts and a video. "

"Brother Zhan, your friend is really enthusiastic." Xu Youran was a little speechless, why are there nosy people everywhere.

"Don't get me wrong. I believe that's your record. I'm not that stupid. Although I don't know much about you, you shouldn't do such a thing as killing your comrades."

Xu Youran breathed a long sigh of relief, "Thank you, Brother Zhan, for your trust. There is indeed someone behind this."

"It's normal for some people to do evil things. Even if they are as good as Lin Feng, they will be destroyed. Besides, the current general situation is actually not friendly to the awakened ones."

Dongfang Zhan is in the imperial capital, which is the political core of the Qin Dynasty. He must have a keener sense and know more.

Xu Youran couldn't help but feel something in her heart when she thought of this, "Brother Zhan, is there anything you can share?"

"This is a military network. I have nothing to share with you. However, in these troubled times, those who are capable will work harder and those who are capable will rise to the top. This is inevitable."

Xu Youran probably got some clues, "Brother Zhan means, does Prince General Xiang Ning have the guts?"

"The boy is really smart. No one must be a committee member, and no one must be the director. At this time of national crisis, or even a disaster for all mankind, whoever can save the people from the fire is a hero."

"I understand what you mean, haha. Whoever disobeys will be beaten until he kneels down. The truth will always be spoken standing up?" Xu Youran smiled, probably understanding what Dongfang Zhan wanted to express euphemistically.

"You said this, I didn't." Dongfang Zhan laughed a few times on the phone.

"Brother Zhan, how is the situation in the imperial capital? How is Dongfang doing recently?" Xu Youran finally asked the question he wanted to know most.

"The reason why I called you is to say this. Xiaobai is doing well recently. He even went on a blind date a few days ago, and both parents were very satisfied."

"Did you really go on a blind date?" Xu Youran didn't know why, but suddenly there seemed to be an empty space in her heart, and she felt a little inexplicably sad.

"Well, a college girl should get married. Besides, the other party's family is family friends with ours, and everyone agrees with it. By the way, that boy's surname is Ye.

"Your surname is Ye?" Xu Youran is such a smart person. He immediately remembered a person, General Ye Yunmie of the Council of Awakeners, "It can't be that Ye, right?"

"Smart, that's Ye! It's a pity that you are destined not to be my brother-in-law. What a pity for your little cleverness."

"Haha..." Xu Youran laughed dryly a few times, but found that his voice seemed a little hoarse, "What did Dongfang say?"

"My aunt originally wanted Xiaobai to find a well-matched man, get married and have children safely, but the current environment is not optimistic. So, my aunt means that if you have to choose, just choose the most ruthless one. "

"Choose the most ruthless one? That makes sense. What does Xiao Bai mean?" Xu Youran was still pursuing this question.

"We were born in different environments. We have been favored and cared for by our families since we were young. Now that our wings are hardened, we can't turn our backs on others regardless of emotion or reason, right? Besides, you also know her situation. Her aunt is the most important thing to her. of."

Xu Youran was a little silent, the most ruthless one, yes, would he choose the most ruthless one?

"When will you be married?"

"It's still early to get married, but things are basically settled. You are a good boy and dare to fight hard, but you are not ruthless enough. But I also want to congratulate you for finding a new girlfriend."

"That's not a girlfriend, just a comrade. Our relationship has been taken advantage of. Brother Zhan, you are a smart man, you should understand."

"Anyway, no matter what, live a good life and come to the imperial capital to have a drink together. I'll hang up first."

"Okay, thank you Brother Zhan for the reminder."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Youran sat at the table as if he had lost his soul.

After sitting blankly for a long time, I seemed to remember that I should take a shower.

After washing up, I woke up a lot. Things in the Imperial Capital were still too far away and I couldn't do anything about it for the time being.

Do the things in front of you first. He took out his mobile phone and logged into the forum.

After this period of fermentation, Xu Youran seriously suspected that his matter was widely known throughout the 025 base.

The original stories about his heroic deeds in battle have long been forgotten.

The screen was full of wonderful stories between him and Li Xuan. According to his guess, Li Xuan should be fainting in the military camp now.

Regarding his heroic deeds, everyone just looks at it, and no one even remembers his name.

But now the plot has reversed. The fighting hero has turned into a deceitful person who also colludes with others to kill his teammates. This is a big deal.

This is the most popular after-dinner show among melon-eaters and keyboard warriors.

He found the post he had made and scrolled down one reply after another to see if he could catch the fox by its tail.

Finally he saw what he wanted to see, about Dongfang Bai, about his college life, about his physical condition...

Two names came to Xu Youran's mind, Xu Xin and Ma Junsheng.

He immediately popped up the light screen and dialed the phone, "Hello Secretary Zhang... Can you help me check two people?... Yes, I suspect that many rumors on the Internet come from these two people... Tomorrow morning? Okay, I'll wait for you news."

After hanging up the phone, he wanted to wait for the information gathered by all parties tomorrow before making a final decision on how to deal with it.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, the call came.

The first caller was not Secretary Zhang, but Cheng Lin, and then several of his friends also called one after another.

The strange thing is that Li Xuan's little pepper didn't call to question him.

This was probably when Li Xuan was the most angry, and Xu Youran didn't dare to provoke her.

However, more and more information gave him feedback that pointed to a department, the Council of Awakened Persons.

In the morning, Secretary Zhang's call finally came, and Xu Youran finally understood something.

Secretary Zhang told him that those two people had awakened one after another in the past few months and had joined the Awakened Council.

The clues were obvious now, but what Xu Youran couldn't figure out was, why?

Is there such a big hatred?

Also, are those two people so bold?

He asked Secretary Zhang for the addresses of the two people who came. Ma Junsheng was worthy of being a second-generation rich man. He actually had a house in 1912 Square, a place where every inch of land was worth a lot of money.

During this day, Xu Youran was on duty as usual, and there was nothing unusual.

At nightfall, Xu Youran asked the soldiers on duty to bring a Warrior and went straight to 1912 Square.

When approaching 1912 Square, he parked his car some distance away and walked towards the address given by Secretary Zhang.

Before the virus outbreak, there were at least five million people living in the main urban area, but now there are only about one million.

There are very few pedestrians on the streets during the day, and after nightfall it becomes even more like a ghost town.

The cold wind in winter was slightly biting, and even though Xu Youran had been strengthened by the second awakening and adjusted by the natural meridians, he still felt a little chilly.

When he walked to the residential building next to 1912 Square, Xu Youran saw a familiar car parked on the roadside.

He walked into the house and took the elevator to the top floor.

The door to the rooftop was locked, so he kicked it open.

"Huh!" A sharp north wind blew in. He tightened the collar of his black combat uniform and came to the rooftop of the 32nd floor.

Ma Junsheng's house here was on the 18th floor. Xu Youran jumped down and jumped down.

Silently calculating the height, he swung out his flying claws and firmly grasped the balcony railing on the twenty-first floor.

Xu Youran was like Spider-Man, hanging himself in mid-air and falling towards the lighted window on the 18th floor.

When he approached the window, he retracted his flying claws and slowly approached along the outer wall.

At this time, he was hidden in the darkness, but the light in the window was as bright as day.

When he saw a few people in the window, he already understood most of it.

When these people get together, nothing good will happen.

Those in the window were Ma Junsheng, Xu Xin, and Ding Xiang, Xu Youran’s three ‘old friends’.

On the table in front of a few people, there were dozens of wrist-type mobile phones. On the light screen of each mobile phone, a large amount of text, pictures, and videos were flashing.

Xu Youran quietly turned on the recording function of her phone. Unfortunately, the sound insulation of the window was so good that she couldn't hear what was said.

He took out his flying claw and used the sharp claw tip to gently draw a small round hole on the edge of the glass.

The conversation in the room could be heard clearly. These three "old friends" of Xu Youran were chatting happily while fiddling with the dozens of mobile phones.

Xu Xin no longer looked as embarrassed as when she was hiding in the supermarket that day. She was wearing heavy makeup and looked like a nightclub girl, talking happily.

"If it weren't for Mr. Ding's ability, there would be no chance of seeing that idiot Xu Youran being defeated. Haha!"

Ma Junsheng is also flattering Ding Xiang, "Without Mr. Ding's dozens of mobile phones, we wouldn't be able to do it even if we wanted to. Now these dozens of military intranet mobile phones have really helped us a lot."

Ding Xiang scolded arrogantly: "What do you two bumpkins know? You can enjoy the shade with your back against a big tree, and do you really think that Master Guo is here to avenge you?"

"Any other big plans?" Xu Xin asked curiously.

"Since you are all participants, I'm not afraid to tell you. Xu Youran is just a cover. Master Guo's real purpose is to win over more awakened people." Ding Xiang said proudly, "You two bumpkins, if you have a chance, Master Guo will benefit from you in the future."

"If it's a confidential matter, we won't listen. Anyway, it's enough for us little people to work for Master Guo." Xu Xin said flatteringly.

"The military wants to recruit more awakened people to be cannon fodder for them, and Master Guo wants to protect more awakened people from becoming cannon fodder. This is not a big secret, and anyone with a semblance of respect knows it."

Ma Junsheng also understood something at this time. He is a rich second generation, not a stupid second generation. "Mr. Ding means that Master Guo wants to use Xu Youran's incident to hit the military and let more awakened people," he said. Join our camp?"

Ding Xiang smiled wildly and said: "Xu Youran is nothing. He is not worthy of Master Guo's attention. Our Secretariat has just been established. If we want to quickly gain a foothold, we need a large number of awakened people to strengthen the team."

Xu Xin also suddenly realized at this time, and said flatteringly: "Mr. Ding, in our posts on the forum, are we trying to bring some rhythm to the military headquarters?"

Ding Xiang looked at Xu Xin with contempt, "You know nothing, don't deliberately lead the rhythm over there. Just focus on Xu Youran's matter and there will naturally be keyboard warriors to help us lead the rhythm. Those awakened people will see the ugly side of the military and will naturally turn to our affairs bureau."

Xu Youran lay on the wall by the window and recorded the whole scene.

After hearing the conversation between several people, he could no longer hold back, kicked the window and jumped into the room.

Staring coldly at the three people in the room, he said in a cold tone: "You are right, Xu Youran is nothing!"

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