Virus Throne

Chapter 34. Meet again

Xu Youran, who returned with a full load, looked like a courier boy, with a bulging backpack on his back and a variety of materials tied up with ropes.

Bronze-level materials were too low-level for him, and he was too lazy to hunt them.

He walked on the road leading to the outside of the zoo in a dignified manner. The crazy hunting of silver-level mutants in the past ten days made the murderous aura on his body seem to have solidified.

Many evolved mutants have already had elementary wisdom. Occasionally, a few bronze-level and black iron-level mutants appeared on the road, and they fled far away when they felt threatened.

He thought that if there were blind mutants who dared to attack him, he would not mind killing a few of them.

But he did not expect that the fierce power he had shown in the past few days scared all the mutants to retreat.

When he walked out of the zoo gate leisurely, he looked back and couldn't help but sigh.

When he first came here ten days ago, he was sneaky and frightened, but now he seems to have become the devil here.

Several mutant beasts were not far from the gate, looking out.

Xu Youran stomped his feet hard as if to play a prank, and shouted "Ha", as if he was going to rush in.

The mutant beasts were immediately frightened out of their wits, and with a wail, they turned and fled.

"Haha" Xu Youran laughed up to the sky and turned and left.

Not far away, Xu Youran suddenly felt the hair on his body stand on end, and a strong sense of crisis arose spontaneously.

"Shua" the ferocious shield had flashed in his hand. He stepped back slightly, and the whole person shrank behind the shield, releasing his spiritual sense to explore everywhere.

But strangely, his sense of crisis came from far above.

He followed his sense and looked diagonally upward.

On the rooftop of a building not far away, he actually saw the muzzle of a gun, which was the muzzle of a heavy firepower anti-material sniper rifle.

He had seen this kind of weapon many times on the defensive position of the city wall.

This anti-material sniper rifle is considered a relatively heavy firepower among individual weapons, and has a certain lethality to bronze-level mutant beasts.

Several figures in military green camouflage uniforms appeared on the edge of the rooftop. They may have seen his newly changed black camouflage combat uniform and knew that he was one of their own.

Those people put away their sniper rifles. Two figures were still looking at the edge of the rooftop, and the others jumped down from the rooftop.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang" When several figures landed one after another, they walked towards Xu Youran while guarding the surroundings.

The first one was a sturdy man in his thirties. Judging from his military rank, he was actually a major.

Xu Youran took a few quick steps, stood at attention and saluted with a standard, clean and neat movement.

The major officer also stood at attention and saluted in return, "Unit? Name?"

"Sir, I am the platoon leader of the special operations platoon of the second regiment of the first division of the 025 human base, Xu Youran."

The officer introduced himself: "Hello, Platoon Leader Xu, I am the battalion commander of the first battalion of the third division of the 025 base, Zhang Jikun."

"Hello, Captain Zhang, my unit is on a search mission. We have just finished the mission and are about to return to the base."

"Your unit?" Zhang Jikun was a little confused and looked around behind Xu Youran. "Where is your unit? The whole army was wiped out?"

Xu Youran scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "Report to Captain Zhang, I am the only one in my unit, the entire special operations platoon."

Zhang Jikun understood his origins. He should not be from the regular army, but was specially recruited by the civilians. "Do you know where this is?"

"Sir, I know, the zoo."

Xu Youran has watched a lot of movies and TV shows about soldiers since he was a child. Influenced by his father's mysterious military certificate, he admires soldiers very much.

But because of his weak health, he could never fulfill his wish to join the army when he grew up.

Now he finally had the opportunity to join the army, and he tried his best to become a qualified soldier to defend his country.

In addition to fulfilling his childhood wish, he also wanted to know who his father was and where he went.

He believed that someone in the military would tell him all this.

Zhang Jikun was even more confused, "You know this is a zoo, but you still wander around here alone? Are you on a spring outing?"

"I'm on a search mission..." Xu Youran also knew that his behavior looked really confusing.

"The mission of searching for silver-level mutant beasts and determining coordinates?"

"Yes!" Xu Youran answered again, "I have completed the search mission in the zoo and am ready to return to the base to report."

Zhang Jikun really couldn't understand how this young man in front of him could live so long.

A person strolled around in the most dangerous zoo that everyone knew, like strolling around, and completed the mission?

"My unit is responsible for searching the Liyang area. There were more than 30 people when we went there, but now there are less than 10 people left. The zoo area is also within the scope of our search. Do you know what's going on there?"

Xu Youran didn't want to shock the world, so he had to answer evasively: "I have searched the zoo and found no silver-level mutants. There are probably no more than 100 bronze-level mutants. I have recorded the coordinates and am preparing to apply for fire coverage and conduct low-yield bombing."

"No silver-level mutants?" Zhang Jikun was a little unbelievable. Based on his experience, he thought that there couldn't be no silver-level mutants in the zoo. "Are you sure? Not even one?"

The regular army soldiers behind him were obviously awakened. They stared at each other in confusion.

"It's true that there are no more. There is not a single one left now." Xu Youran scratched his head awkwardly and turned a blind eye.

Zhang Jikun felt that Xu Youran didn't seem to be lying, but he couldn't explain the awkwardness, "You are an awakener, right? Awakener Council?"

"Report to the commander, Awakener Council, second awakening, bronze fighter."

"Second awakening? The young man is interesting. Go back and ask your superiors, the Watcher Corps, see if you are interested." Zhang Jikun smiled playfully, "I am also an awakener, the third awakening."

"Watcher Corps?" Xu Youran heard this name for the first time, "Third awakening? The commander is awesome!"

"Well, we'll know when we go back and ask. Okay, you should return as soon as possible and be safe!" Zhang Jikun and the soldiers behind him stood at attention and saluted.

"Yes!" Although Xu Youran was a little confused, he still stood at attention and saluted, then trotted away.

Looking at Xu Youran's gradually receding back, Zhang Jikun was a little absent-minded.

Until Xu Youran's back could no longer be seen, he said in a daze: "Alas, I have to admit that I am old. Are the young men nowadays so fierce? They dare to break into the zoo alone."

Suddenly, he seemed to react to something and asked several soldiers in confusion: "I was wondering why this boy seemed a little strange. Did you notice his backpack?"

A soldier also said in confusion: "It seems that there are a lot of things in his backpack, and a lot of materials are tied up, but I didn't pay attention to it."

Another soldier said: "Is this boy here to pick up materials? Or resell materials? He carries such a big bag."

Zhang Jikun looked around. He found a few mutant beasts on the rooftop just now. Why are they gone now?

He turned on the light screen of his mobile phone and called the team members, "Did the sniper position find anything?"

"Report to the battalion commander, the only special situation is that the mutant beasts that were scared away just now are surrounding you again."

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier! What level?" Zhang Jikun shouted, "Prepare for battle! Sniper support!"

"Several bronze-level, a group of black iron-level." The soldiers in the light screen continued to report.

For a powerful three-time awakener, a few bronze-level mutant beasts are indeed not a threat.

Their team suffered heavy losses because they encountered several silver-level mutant beasts.

Xu Youran also knew that for a team led by a three-time awakener, the bronze-level mutant beasts in the zoo were actually not a threat as long as they were careful, so he left with peace of mind.

Now he is considered to be skilled and bold. He holds the silver unicorn horn he found in his right hand and the silver shield in his left hand, running wildly on the road back to the city.

The gold-quality armor is too eye-catching. He doesn't plan to use it in the future unless it is a high-intensity battle.

If he encountered a blind mutant beast on the road, he would basically kill it instantly.

When he was running all the way to Jianglin University Town, he vaguely heard shouts of killing coming from the front.

Turning the corner, a man rushed towards him, with disheveled hair and blood on his face. His black camouflage combat uniform had several large holes and obvious injuries on his body.

A few hundred meters away, six people wearing black camouflage combat uniforms were chasing him.

Xu Youran was stunned. What was going on?

This man looked familiar. He hugged the girl who was running towards him, "Li Xuan, what's wrong with you?"

Before the girl panicked, she raised her hand to attack Xu Youran, but Xu Youran grabbed her hand.

She struggled frantically, but suddenly found that it was Xu Youran, "Why are you here again? Don't ask, run!"

Xu Youran was also speechless. Why are you stealing my lines?

In fact, he didn't have a good impression of this girl who was obviously spoiled and lacked social experience. "Why are you running? There are mutants? What happened to you? Where is your captain?"

A series of questions were thrown at the girl, who was anxious to cry, and struggled to continue running, "Run first, they want to kill me!"

"Who wants to kill you?" Xu Youran was a little confused. The pronunciation of "they" and "they" in Chinese is the same.

At this time, the six people in black camouflage combat uniforms behind him had already run to the front and stopped one after another.

Li Xuan looked at Xu Youran with hatred, but stopped struggling, as if she had completely accepted her fate. "Forget it, we've been caught up anyway. Our team killed several bronze-level mutant beasts and harvested some materials. These people are jealous and took advantage of the captain's injuries to attack us."

Xu Youran roughly understood the situation and looked at the six people in front of him in confusion, "Where is your captain?"

Li Xuan threw the backpack to those people, but tears were already flowing down, "In order to cover my escape, they killed me. If you want it, I'll give it to you. This matter has nothing to do with Xu Youran."

"Killed?" Xu Youran was stunned and looked at the six people in front of him in disbelief.

Aren't you here to kill mutant beasts?

How can you kill people?

How can you kill your comrades?

The Undertaker's Paranormal Record

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