Following the direction indicated by the watch hands, the whole body is surrounded by blue light.

Under the pull of the teleportation technique, a three-dimensional depression formed by itself...

Zhou Yi was swallowed up in an instant.

Open your eyes again, Qianli Dadi has been left behind.

But the pocket watch needle still pointed forward firmly.

50 mana energy is consumed again, and the teleportation technique is activated again...

After ten teleportations in a row, Zhou Yi has traveled a full 50,000 kilometers!

No rush to continue.

Zhou Yi sat cross-legged, meditating on his own to recover his own consumption.

In the dantian, among the Daotai stars, 500 dim light spots are recovering...

These are empty mana units.

Currently, these mana are under Zhou Yi's meditation.

Double the efficiency, extract energy from the surrounding environment, and make up for the loss.

Fortunately, although this place is a destroyed plane.

But the magic energy aura environment also belongs to the intermediate category.

Can quickly restore energy to Zhou Yi.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yi got up full of energy.

After taking out the pocket watch to confirm the position again, the teleportation technique was activated again.

Five hours later, Zhou Yi stopped the pace of teleportation.

Don't get me wrong, knowing that this trip is not right, Zhou Yi is also consciously controlling his own consumption.

Feeling somewhat inexplicable, Zhou Yi looked at the mountains several kilometers ahead...

I thought it was a mountain in the distance.

But now after getting closer, I was shocked to find...

This is not a big mountain, but a corpse that is mostly buried in the ground!

Like some kind of giant elephant, like a big fish.

In short, the skeleton is huge and unreasonable.

On the dark white skeleton, clinging to the world, a few green plants and vines are embellished!

But Zhou Yi was unwilling to step forward.

Because of that vine, maybe it is the real culprit of this giant beast's death!

It is true that the greenery is full of greenery, but it is undeniable that the killing breath carried by this green plant itself!

Going around in surprise, even the teleportation technique was used five times in vain.

Only then did Zhou Yi come to the other side of the corpse.

Looking back at the skeleton, the appearance of this giant beast became clearer in his mind.

Combined with the surrounding environment and some traces left on the earth.

It is not difficult to infer that this place is a large area.

They should all belong to the bottom of some kind of inland sea!

That's right, the owner of this skeleton was definitely a murderous creature that shook the deep sea!

Here comes the problem.

How did the world die?

How did such an inland sea turn into land in such a short period of time?

Unusual, a little curiosity arose in Zhou Yi's heart.

Zhou Yi didn't linger until the mana energy was completely recovered.

The magic light of the teleportation technique flickered past, and it was thousands of miles away in an instant.

Going forward like this, a full three days passed...

Only then did Zhou Yi stop.

During this period, Zhou Yi realized that there are millions of miles in the land he has traveled.

I have seen the skeletons of various giant beasts in the wasteland.

As always, this kind of skeleton is dotted with the only greenery in the world.

But such greenness itself is the body of the killer...

I have also seen a certain city, the remaining corner of the ruins.

As a matter of course, such relics have been patronized by mages.

Really licking is much cleaner than a dog!

I have seen half-broken towers, and now they are completely useless ruins.

I have seen a huge crater with a diameter of nearly 10,000 kilometers!

However, he still failed to explore to the end.

It can be seen from this that this dilapidated world that is about to enter the ruins...

It is a typical world with a round sky and a place.

In the whole world, there is only one continent floating, and the stars on it are just decorations.

Of course, none of this matters.

The important thing is that the pointer of the pocket watch points to the bottom of the huge crater.

The deep blackness prevented Zhou Yi from seeing clearly what was at the bottom of the pothole.

But Zhou Yi knew that such a huge crater could definitely not be created by ordinary things.

The residual energy fluctuations told Zhou Yi that this was not a natural phenomenon.

In other words, this crater is man-made!

Compared with the surrounding geology, especially the large plate that is directly broken into several segments...

It can also be seen from this that the time when this place was formed should be before the end of the world!

The name of a spell came to mind: Falling from Heaven!

Discovering this, Zhou Yi was also speechless.

If it were an earth geologist who came here, it is estimated that the three views would completely explode.

There is an exclusive category for this kind of spells in MageNet: Legendary spells!

Unfortunately, Legendary Spells does not offer spellbooks on MageNet.

To get it, the mage has to hold the book slowly and practice by himself.

The fundamental reason is that legendary spells come with a burst of information.

It is very difficult to engrave it on the spell book...

Therefore, legendary spellbooks can only be obtained through mission rewards on

Even so, Zhou Yi could read between the lines to get a glimpse of the power of a legend.

The meteor crater in front of me is the best example!

Switched to the cosmic plane, legendary spells symbolize the real combat power of destroying stars!

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Yi flickered.

Turning one into two is the avatar technique.

Two Zhou Yi, one of them gradually faded away.

This is invisibility, silence, and ghost sound.

A variety of spells are superimposed, while erasing the sense of existence of the body...

It can also make the avatar more real.

Using the teleportation technique to wrap himself and his avatar on the way, it seemed that he was not worried about a sudden attack at all.

The darkness gradually deepened, derived from the night vision ability of the spirit characteristic.

Let Zhou Yi save casting spells.

In Zhou Yi's eyes, the natural darkness absolutely cannot obstruct his vision.

The magic net is also fully activated at this moment, collecting all the information in the crater.

After a long time, Zhou had a strange expression on his face.

The bottom of the crater.

Due to the complete death of the earth, there is no stagnant water.

But there is a huge cave here...

Even, at a distance, you can still hear the amplified whistling of a few strands of wind.

Of course, this is not true.

It's just that the wind from the underground world, affected by the terrain, has its sound amplified.

It flickered frequently around the cave for a while.

Zhou Yi knew that he had found the real mission target location.

Because around the cave, there are obvious traces of life activities.

Blessing himself with a flying spell, Zhou Yi jumped down and flew into the dark cave.

Turn around and turn around a few times, and a faint light spot lights up.

When I took a closer look, I realized that it was a special fluorescent mineral underground.

The abundant magic energy inside it can at least guarantee that it will continue to shine until the day when the world is completely destroyed.

After traveling only a hundred miles, Zhou Yi finally saw some normal greenery.

Different from the ghost vines on the surface, these mosses glowing with light green fluorescence...

It is genuine underground green!

In other words... Although this world is dead, there is still a bit of life in it.

This is the afterglow of the world!

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