Virtual Invasion: I Started To Join Mage Network

Chapter 208 Void Invasion: Giant Battlefield

After some discussions, the two happily decided on the next PY deal.

He Xi entered the learning state again.

Only, because the dark matter is computerized into auxiliary brain.

In terms of computing power, it has a big data computing model unique to scientific and technological civilization.

Therefore, even most of the energy is in learning.

He Xi can also separate part of his main consciousness to talk with Zhou Yi.

"The void crack closest to this living star."

"How long will it take to arrive?"

That's right, this time I came to the plane of light and spirit.

The first goal, of course, is to participate in the Grandmaster Challenge.

The second goal is to find out the details of the void invasion.

Either He Xi or Zhou Yi.

They haven't forgotten that on the plane of Shenhe...

There is also the immediate threat of the Void.

No one can say for sure, when will the group of Void Demonic Beasts lose their minds...

Turn around and invade the Kamigawa universe, the first wave of sky cleaning or something.

Taking out the invitation card, Zhou Yi logged into the information network of this world.

After a careful inspection, he opened his mouth and said:

"About four or five light-years away, just now, the void crack opened suddenly.

With a somewhat inexplicable look.

Zhou Yi continued:

"On the information network, the official of this planet has issued a mercenary mission."

"Guardians of the Light Spirit are also officially assembled."

He Xi resolutely pulled his mind away from his study state.

Rubbing his chin and pondering for a moment, he murmured:

"It feels...too close!"

Turning his eyes to look at Zhou Yi, he saw the inexplicable look on his face.

He Xi reacted immediately, stretched out his foot and kicked Zhou Yi angrily.

Zhou Yi had an innocent face, and didn't quite understand what this guy meant.

He Xi snorted coldly and said:

"Still pretending, you must have expected it, right?!"


"I just said something was wrong, from the very beginning..."

"I feel like you have a problem!"

The water blue eyes narrowed slightly.

A wicked smile was brewing in his eyes.

Hexi moved closer.

Almost touching Zhou Yi's earlobe and asked:

"Little guy, what are you planning?"

The warm air flow felt by his ears made Zhou Yi's whole body stiff.

He even missed a heartbeat, and for a while, he even forgot where to put his hands and feet.

Immediately it is not good to continue to hide.

While leaning back slightly, he immediately explained:

"I've always known about the special relationship between the Reverse Mage and the Hunter."

"I have been working hard to practice before, and now I have achieved the state of transformation..."

"I want to take the initiative to expose myself and see what the plans of those anti-mages are.

Hexi's cheeks were also slightly flushed.

With a dry cough, after returning to a normal sitting posture, he asked:

"So, they opened that void crack?"

Zhou Yi smiled wryly, and said:

"I don't know, I'm just sure that there must be some actions against the law.

"But I really didn't expect that group of guys would be able to open void cracks on their own initiative."

Simply put, this is a fishing operation using oneself as bait.

But to say that Zhou Yi was really not prepared at all, that would be nonsense.

Within the coverage of the Mage Network.

The hunters are very powerful, and all kinds of eyeliner are beyond imagination.

Here comes the problem, in this case.

How did the Anti-Mage group maintain their current momentum?

Zhou Yi had never understood this question before.

It can only be roughly considered that the reverse mage has found some kind of secret neutral place.

But now, Zhou Yi doesn't think so.

Ever since I learned some truth about the endless void from the Scarecrow...

Zhou Yi has such a plan.

The existence of the endless void can also provide sufficient cover for the group of reverse mages.

Zhou Yi could imagine that the Endless Void was the retreat of the Reverse Mage.

Maybe when faced with a desperate situation, the reverse mage will teleport to the void.

Zhou Yi had always thought so before.

Zhou Yi really didn't expect that the reverse mage could directly open the void crack.

Because that was beyond Zhou Yi's cognitive domain.

As for the possibility of coincidence, Zhou Yi didn't think so.

Hexi never thought so naively.

The opening of the void crack this time is no coincidence!

The reason is simple!

When Zhou Yi and his two descended on this planet.

Both of them can feel that there are some hidden corners of sight......

Always lock yourself in!

Even, both of them communicated with each other's feelings through the heart network.

Checking your gaze...

There is a high probability that it may be the time for intelligence personnel.

Zhou Yi then knew that not only those businessmen would know his whereabouts.

The anti-mage group must be one of them.

For the sake of profit, the reverse mage can instigate many people.

Also for profit, those intelligence personnel who serve the merchant group.

It is also possible to sell one piece of information as multiple copies.

As for the process, will it affect innocent people?

Sorry, that's not something those people would think about.

He Xi closed his eyes, but his mind sank into the net of his heart.

She is communicating with Kesha.

It didn't take long for Kaisha's inner thoughts to reach Zhou Yi.

Find a good time to summon me and Liang Bing. "

"Don't object, you now are more important than you imagined...

Zhou Yi didn't object at all, although he was sure to face the Reverse Mage.

It can be used as your own apostle, and also as the Heavenly Blade King of the angelic civilization.

Of course Keisha has her own thoughts too.

As the master of the angel, Zhou Yi doesn't care what kind of thinking he has.

There is no reason to erase their enthusiasm for doing things.

In other words, for the safety of your own owner.

This is the duty of an apostle!

Liangbing also sent a similar message soon.

No matter, Liang Bing's tone is much more aggressive than Keisha...

As its master, Zhou Yi can clearly feel Liang Shui's heart.

Even, Zhou Yi didn't need to act like this, (did's) could guess a few points.

For Liang Bing, his status is even higher than Keisha!

The fundamental reason is that Liang Bing regards herself as the hope of an angel!

Half an hour later, Zhou Yi and He Xi walked out of the small shop together.

Together with the light spirit guards who went out.

Came to the place where the crack was...

Today, this place is no longer a barren cosmic background.

When the void cracks show signs of unfolding, the local Light Spirit Guard Legion.

It was also the first to notice.

Their vanguard mage legion has already begun to set up the battlefield.

Within a few light-years, there are a lot of useless desolate stars.

Driven here by the mages, before the cracks in the void unfolded.

The battlefield has been set up properly.

That is a giant continent built by desolate stars!

This place is the so-called battlefield, and it is also the plane of light and spirit...

Over hundreds of millions of years, the valuable experience summed up...towel....

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