Three days have passed, and Zhou Yi hasn't gone anywhere for these three days.

Not even going out to buy necessities.

Staying at home and flipping through books has become a daily routine for Zhou Yi.

Of course, Zhou Yi is still human.

Therefore, in order to meet the needs of life.

Zhou Yi spent 1 mana to decorate his home well.

It turns out that money is useful in any society!

Including Master Network.

In MageNet, as long as you have mana, you can buy many things.

It is difficult for you to tell whether the one-click home equipment is a technological product or a mysterious creation.

But no matter what, Zhou Yi no longer needs to worry about household problems.

Including sweeping, cleaning, tidying and changing renovations and more...

Through the LCD screen of that thing, Zhou Yi only needs to select one of the options, or multiple options.

Then, that thing does the rest automatically.

Most importantly, the whole process is silent!

Also, as a giveaway.

The mage who was born in the interstellar era also presented Zhou Yi with a batch of special instant food of that era.

The taste is unique, but it is not inferior to the famous Huaxia cuisine.

More importantly, this kind of food itself is extremely rich in nutrition for life.

Therefore, Zhou Yi has basically relied on this thing for a living these days.

This also shows that in Mage Network, material things may be the least valuable thing.

For enjoyment and pastime, in, you can also find existences of various eras and styles...

Guaranteed to make any mage linger in it until the end of time! ! !

Even if you only experience one at a time!

In the mage net, what is really important is not the so-called materials.

But the mage himself!

Because of this, Zhou Yi didn't go out even once in the past three days.

Every day at home, I spend my time wrestling with those two books.

No way, unlike spell books, these two tomes are pure knowledge.

It's not impossible to learn quickly like a spell book, just buy a reading skill.

However, Zhou Yi didn't plan to do that for the time being.

At least, Zhou Yi didn't plan to spend too much until he got to know the Master and the Master Network.

After all, at this moment when various forces are in a certain delicate balance, Zhou Yi feels to himself...

Or silently develop yourself first.

Gently close the "Master's Net Experience".

After three days of non-stop sleepless knocking, Zhou Yi can be said to have conquered these two books thoroughly.

This is thanks to the special mechanism of the Mage Network. Once you enter the network, you will automatically gain a little mana.

In this process, in fact, the mage himself has undergone an optimization at the level of life.

In addition to the substantial increase in physical fitness, there was also a slight change in the structure of the brain domain...

Recalling the previous plan, Zhou Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, before that, I resisted the little impulse in my heart.

After three days of reading, Zhou Yi has a basic understanding of the situation of

Since the apprenticeship, the mage needs to learn more spells while accumulating the upper limit of mana.

But that's just an ordinary mage, that is, a mage outside the net.

In MageNet, because of its trading mode and some magical operations, learning becomes simple and treats everyone equally.

At this time, the important thing is no longer the spell itself, but the mage himself.

He was also very fortunate that he didn't rush to learn more new spells.

One is the upper limit of its own mana, which does not allow the mage to cast enough spells per unit time.

The second is the growth of a mage, and the participation of magic is bound to be impossible in the process.

This leads to another question, do you really know enough about your spells?

In other words, is the mage's position really the kind of fort that can only bomb?

Zhou Yi is skeptical.

At least, a mere turret system is absolutely impossible to be the masterpiece of those powerful people from all worlds!

Taking out the mana bottle, Zhou Yi's expression changed.

According to the book description, if the mage's own original mana upper limit reaches 100 points.

Master Ze will usher in another life leap.

Generally speaking, since there are shortcuts, it is the right way to directly absorb these mana to obtain the greatest growth.

Although it is good in the book, the scarecrow is also good...

They have all said that the mana in the mana bottle is a pure product without any private affairs.

Once incorporated into itself, there is no hidden danger.

But Zhou Yi was instinctively unwilling.

It feels like, using this method to improve, even he looks down on himself.

To be honest, this is an emotion that even Zhou Yi himself cannot see.

Perhaps, influenced by the online novels of his previous life, this sneaking behavior may involve his own roots...

Or perhaps, it is a more original, deeper intuition.

But no matter what, this is Zhou Yi's choice.

He prefers to take one step at a time and only rely on his own talents to progress.

This may be the best path for you.

His figure shook slightly, and when Zhou Yi's figure became clear again...

On his left wrist, there is already an elegant bracelet surrounded by ivy.

The official name of this thing is the portable storage bracelet, and it has a portable space of about 100 cubic meters inside.

It is a standard mysterious prop.

Just now, Zhou Yi went to the Mage Network.

Obtained from the Scarecrow at the cost of 10 mana.

In addition, Zhou Yi also traded a lot of spell books for backup.

Of course, Zhou Yi didn't intend to go to school now, so he was saving up...

It's just for emergencies.

This time, Zhou Yi even ignored the newcomer benefits of

As for the remaining two opportunities to open the free trial space, Zhou Yi didn't plan to continue...

It's only 1 mana point, Zhou Yi said that he can afford it.

Now, for Zhou Yi, the most important thing is to settle down.

He needs the precipitation of time, and he needs to lay a solid foundation for himself in the process.

At least, with the current level of brain development, Zhou Yi feels that he is still too weak.

Lying down in the yard under a big banyan tree, Zhou Yi silently began to practice.

The first is the idea of ​​scholars.

For an apprentice mage, there is nothing more important than opening up his own brain.

This is the foundation of everything. Without a brain that is smart enough and efficient enough, no amount of flamboyant manipulation will be in vain.

With the deepening of practice, Zhou Yi also felt more and more that as a human being...

How big is the limit.

At least, the perspective of a mortal is definitely not suitable for the group of mages!

They are all too shallow.

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