The next day.

Su Chen woke up from his sleep and heard the doorbell ring. He immediately got up and walked to the door to open it, and saw a man and a woman standing at the door.

The man was tall and handsome, and the woman was beautiful and gentle.

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

The man and woman looked at each other after hearing this.

"We are staff members of the Mu Group, and we are here to deliver information."


Su Chen was stunned.

He didn't understand why these two people wanted to deliver information to him.

"Excuse me, what information is it?"

"Su Chen!" The young couple shouted in unison.

Su Chen looked confused, these two names were unfamiliar.

"Do you know me?"

"Have you forgotten?"

"You are Su Chen! I am Zhou Li, your classmate and best friend."

Su Chen suddenly realized.

"So you are classmates and friends, please come in!" Su Chen hurriedly welcomed them in.

"Su Chen, I came here today to tell you that our company is going to bid for the land in the new city area."

"Your company wants to buy our company's land?"

"Yes, so pack up now and come with me to the company!"

After hearing this, Su Chen immediately asked: "Why did you choose our company?"

"Because we are optimistic about you." Zhou Li smiled, "Our company has cooperated with your company before, and we are very confident in you, so we want to invite you to participate in the bidding!"

Su Chen was shocked: "Me?"

"Yes! You are not only an excellent designer, but also a key training target of our company. As long as you join us, we will give you more opportunities!"

Su Chen frowned.

He didn't know how to refuse the other party.

Because, when they were inside the company, they did sign a cooperation agreement with their company.

They would provide various convenient conditions to allow their company to obtain the greatest benefits.

Su Chen remembered the Su family's cold attitude towards him. After hesitating for a moment, he finally agreed.

Zhou Li and Li Yunfeng listened to Su Chen's answer, and both of them showed satisfied expressions.

They didn't expect that Su Chen would agree so easily.

They thought Su Chen would consider it.

But unexpectedly, he agreed directly.

After Su Chen agreed, they took Su Chen back to the office and handed him the document.

Su Chen took a look and signed his name.

He looked at the two people and asked, "I wonder what project the company needs me to be responsible for?"

"It's like this, we plan to build a new urban area in City A, and your company will be responsible for bidding for that piece of land and guarantee that there will be no loss." Zhou Li explained.

Su Chen frowned.

"Your requirements are too harsh!"

"You have to know that a company like us will never allow ourselves to make any mistakes." Zhou Li said, "And you can't make mistakes, right?"

Su Chen frowned, feeling a little helpless.

"But, will this cause harm to the company?"

"No, you can rest assured."

"Okay, I'll try." Su Chen said, "But I hope you understand the company's rules!"

"That's for sure!" Zhou Li and Li Yunfeng smiled.

"I'll think it over carefully!"

"Well, okay!"

After they finished speaking, they left Su Chen's room.

After Zhou Li and Li Yunfeng left, Su Chen sighed, then picked up his clothes and put them on.

After he changed his clothes, he went downstairs.

The villa was in a remote location, so he had to go out and rent a car.

However, he only had 500 yuan on him, and this 500 yuan was not enough to go out and rent a car.

Thinking of what Zhou Li and Li Yunfeng said last night, Su Chen felt that he might have made a wasted trip this time.

When he walked to the door and was about to call a taxi, he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

"Su Chen, Su Chen..."

"Why is it her?" Su Chen was a little surprised, and hurried over to open the door.

The long-haired beauty at the door saw Su Chen and immediately smiled sweetly: "Su Chen, are you awake?"

"Yes, I felt a headache when I woke up in the morning, so I didn't have breakfast. Now I'm hungry. Can you have breakfast with me?"

"Of course no problem."

So, Su Chen and Lin Feifei had breakfast together, and then Su Chen drove Lin Feifei to a nearby

Breakfast room.

As soon as Lin Feifei entered the breakfast shop, she was attracted by the aroma of breakfast.

"It smells so good!" Lin Feifei couldn't help but sigh.

"Do you like it?" Su Chen smiled, "Just order whatever you want."

"Okay!" Lin Feifei was not polite and ordered a fried dumpling, a boiled fish, a bowl of soy milk, two cups of coffee, and a bottle of milk.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled: "You are really extravagant."

"How can you die if you don't eat more?" Lin Feifei said with a smile.

Su Chen's mouth twitched after hearing what Lin Feifei said.

This girl is really a foodie.

"Don't you want to eat?" Lin Feifei looked at Su Chen.

"I'm not hungry, you eat slowly."

Lin Feifei nodded and buried her head in work.

Su Chen looked at Lin Feifei and thought to himself: This girl doesn't look like a rich girl! How come he can eat more than me after a breakfast?

Su Chen shook his head and continued to drink soy milk.

"Su Chen." Just as Su Chen was drinking soy milk, Lin Feifei looked up and called him.


"Thank you for your help last night." Lin Feifei looked at Su Chen with a smile.

Su Chen smiled and waved his hand: "Nothing, just a little help!"

"By the way, why didn't you go home last night?" Su Chen suddenly asked.

Lin Feifei's expression changed when she heard this.

She lowered her head and whispered: "I...I..."

Seeing Lin Feifei's hesitation, Su Chen raised his eyebrows in confusion: "What's wrong? Are you lying to me?"

Lin Feifei was so scared that she grabbed Su Chen's arm: "No, no! I didn't lie to you!"

"If you didn't lie to me, why did you lie?" Su Chen looked at Lin Feifei, "I see that you don't seem to dare to face me, what's the matter?"

"Actually..." Lin Feifei took a deep breath, Then she mustered up her courage and said, "Actually, I'm a model. I met some bad guys in a bar last night, so I was kidnapped by them."

"Kidnapped?" Su Chen was a little surprised when he heard that. "If it was kidnapping, you should call the police. Why did they kidnap you?"

"We don't know. Anyway, they said we were models." Lin Feifei said, "All our clothes and tools were taken away!"

"So, you were penniless and were kidnapped here by them?"

"Yes!" Lin Feifei nodded.

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