Chapter 86

Chapter 86: The Son of Fortune Pretends To Be Dead? Both Pathetic and Ridiculous

the other side.

It was so dark that he could not see his fingers in the computer room.

Su Qingyue relied on a little bit of cold light on the screen of her mobile phone and used the USB flash drive she carried to hack into the surveillance of the freighter at a fixed point.

The light from the screen faintly illuminates her somewhat pale pretty face, as well as the fine beads of sweat on her snow-white forehead.

There is also a stick in her right hand.

as well as.…

Lying behind Su Qingyue, the computer room security personnel who seemed to have lost all consciousness.


Su Qingyue muttered to herself and counted down. It was only at the last second that she established contact with Tiandong through the miniature headset in her right ear, “The first security room personnel, did you solve it?”

“It’s solved, how about you?”

“any questions?

Tiandong’s voice soon sounded.

Su Qingyue shook her head, “No problem, go quickly, the monitoring still has half a minute to return to normal, I will go to the next computer room, you go to the next security room!


Su Qingyue just wanted to turn around, but she felt a little soft in her limbs, her body shook, and the stick in her hand fell to the ground.

She pursed her lips.

A touch of self-deprecation flashed across Qiao’s face.

I keep saying that I want to protect Gu Yan, is it only this level?

Solve a security guard yourself, that’s it?

There are also four computer rooms, four!

Myself…why is it like a waste now?!

can not be like this!

When she thought that if the plan failed because of her cowardice, Chen Long would escape and Gu Yan would be in danger at any time!

In Su Qingyue’s heart, there was a momentum that she had never had before, and she forcibly stood up and went out!

First, go all the way to the bathroom at the designated location, put on the coat of the service staff prepared in advance, and use the disguise tools to disguise.

Quickly adjust your expression and state.

Su Qingyue immediately went to the next location!

Her task is not just as simple as going to the computer room!

She must also be responsible for monitoring Chen Long, guiding Chen Long, and ensuring that he reaches the rear deck of the freighter!

This is not only a test for Su Qingyue’s physical strength.

And mentality!

If Su Qingyue shows her feet when pretending to be a staff member because of her mentality, she will most likely be discovered by Chen Long or other staff members, and the plan will fail!

Reach the first designated location.

Su Qingyue quickly saw Chen Long walking in the distance.

Chen Long’s expression is very stiff now.

To be precise, it is very irritable.

Fujita Ichiro just sent a text message to tell him that he should wait for him on the back deck of the cruise ship, and there is something important to say.

If Chen Long hadn’t repeatedly confirmed the text message, it was indeed Ichiro Fujita.

Had it not been for the absence of Fujita 983-Lang, he could not leave Jiangcheng.

Chen Long couldn’t even deal with it!

But now he can’t help but give Fujita Ichiro’s face!

He has to go!

Chen Long spent some time getting to know Gu Yan yesterday, and only then did he discover what he was facing.

All loneliness, in front of absolute control, is like a blank sheet of paper, fragile!

Long knows that if he is still head-to-head with Gu Yan, there will only be one end, and he will die!

He buried his hatred in his heart.

Forbearance! Go abroad! Then…

When he Chen Long became famous in Wanta, he had to return to Kowloon and tortured Gu Yan to death!

Grab your own woman!

Against yourself!

This hatred is not shared!

Just think about what happened yesterday.

Chen Long’s anger could not be suppressed, but he still forcibly stabilized his mind and walked to a flat-looking waitress with a signature smile on his face.

“I ask you, how do you get on the back deck?”

Chen Long said angrily.

Su Qingyue looked at Chen Long in front of her, keeping her smile, and motioned for the passage behind her, “Just go straight.”

Chen Long waved his hand impatiently and stepped into the passage.

And the moment he turned around.The smile on Su Qingyue’s face disappeared and she became cold and calm.

She lowered her head, her red lips lightly opened.

“The next target point collection.”

Top floor of freighter.

In a luxurious box.

Gu Yan couldn’t help but smile as he watched what happened before him.

Su Qingyue and Tiandong cooperated in the division of labor to perform the strategy of “leading the snake out of the hole” perfectly.

Gu Yan can see that the entire cargo ship can be monitored.

So from his perspective, the wisdom of these two women can be seen more intuitively.

There are no flaws, and the fit is perfect!

Su Qingyue was able to arrive at the computer room on time every time, successfully transferred in, and shielded the surveillance for Tiandong.

Tiandong can also solve the people in the security room with a decisive and decisive skill.

Then, Su Qingyue withdrew from the computer room, and Yi Rong pretended to be a staff member to guide Chen Long.

Tiandong went to the next security room.

When Su Qingyue confirms that Chen Long is going forward according to the scheduled route, he will also go to the next computer room!

The two women will arrive at the computer room and the security room at the same time, and then start to act and repeat the above steps!

Had it not been for Gu Yan’s preparation, he had spent a lot of money and installed an independent network camera, he would not even have seen what the two women did.

have to say.

The performance of Su Qingyue and Tiandong gave Gu Yan a surprise.

Although they couldn’t kill Chen Long like this.

But what if Gu Yan allocates some manpower to them in the future?

That’s totally fine.


Today’s action is still an experiment for the two women, allowing them to take the first step.

As for Chen Long, who will kill?

Gu Yan has planned everything a long time ago, he wants to play a game with Mu Xuehan!

At the same time, it is also the last point of Chen Long’s value, squeezed cleanly!

I just don’t know if there is any villain’s treasure chest this time.


Mu Xuehan looked at the surveillance video in front of him.

Seeing Chen Long being played between his palms, his expression was dull and shocked.

The seamless matching of Su Qingyue and Tian Dongtong’s clothes, as well as the beautiful appearance and appearance of the two women, made Mu Xuehan feel ashamed!

The woman next to Gu Gongzi

Are they all so good?

She just stared blankly until Chen Long walked out of the cabin and reached the rear deck.

The gentle, magnetic, pleasant sound once again rang in my ears.

“Miss Mu, the game has started.”

Gu Yan took out a silenced pistol and placed it flat on the table, with a calm tone, “Starting from the moment I left the luxurious box.”

“You can choose to continue to sit here and watch the show, or you can choose to take this pistol and go to the back deck to shoot Chen Long.

“It’s up to you where you want to fight.

“Your choice time is only ten minutes.”


Gu Yan stood up and left without looking back.

Only at the moment when the door was closed, he told the bodyguard at the door, “After ten minutes, if no one comes out, just go in and kill the person inside.”

Only Mu Xuehan was left in the luxurious box for a time.

She turned her head.

Looking at the silencer pistol at hand, he looked at Chen Long on the big screen.

Her beautiful eyes were dull, without any emotions.

Just picked up the glass of red wine that Gu Yan had just poured her and drank as much as possible.

Then, tremblingly picked up the pistol!

Rear deck.

Standing on the edge of the deck, Chen Long overlooked the calm sea, took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed Fujita Ichiro’s number!

“The number you dialed is turned off, please call again later, Sorry…


Chen Long yelled angrily.

What’s the special situation?

What about Dongying Devil?!

However, at this moment.

Chen Longmeng then went cold on his back, and a sense of crisis he had never felt before covered his whole body.He looked back completely subconsciously!

In the distance, the side door.

Two beautiful women stood on the spot, their expressions were surprisingly consistent, cold and calm, and they aimed their black guns at themselves.

Then, fire!

Chen Long’s hands and feet are cold!

He subconsciously wanted to find a shelter, but he couldn’t find it at all, and the space on the back deck was empty!

There was a groan in my heart, I was fooled!

Who are these two women? Gu Yan’s people?!

That said…Isn’t Fujita Ichiro dead?

Are they texting themselves?!

Between the thoughts in his brain, he sorted out all this clearly.

As soon as Chen Long gritted his teeth, the hatred in his heart surged, but instead of giving up, he fell directly to the ground and rolled on his side, very fast.

I don’t know what caused it.

Su Qingyue and Tian Dongming didn’t make any movement, they were first discovered by Chen Long.

In the subsequent volley, the bullets did not hit Chen Long, but only scratched his arm.

Tiandong and Su Qingyue did not stop shooting.

But after playing all the magazines, they still did not cause fatal injuries to Chen Long.

Both women began to faintly feel something wrong in their hearts.

(chde) You know, when they practice with Fenchuan Yingxue this afternoon, their shooting accuracy can be guaranteed to be more than 80%!

Tiandong is even more accurate at 90%!

At this distance, the two still shot together.

Can’t hurt Chen Long?!

“Hehe, Gu Yan’s person, right? Wait for me!”

Chen Long ran, and turned over, just wanting to jump into the sea directly!

At a height of nearly 100 meters, even if there is sea water underneath, the impact is no different from that of a hard concrete floor!

Ordinary people will undoubtedly die if they go down!

But Chen Long has this confidence!

Before he even jumped into the sea, he looked back at Tian Dong and Su Qingyue, and remembered them deeply!

“Your plan is perfect, but there is only one flaw in it.”

“To deal with this kind of person, you shouldn’t give him any opportunity. If you trick Chen Long into a sufficiently confined space, not on an open deck.”

“Then no matter how hard he struggles, the result will only be death.”

Just when Tiandong and Su Qingyue didn’t know what to do.

A voice that made them very familiar, sounded from behind!

The two women looked back together, and they were both stunned!

I saw a tall, handsome man with a gentle smile, slowly walking over.


“Gu Yan?!”

Tiandong and Su Qingyue spoke in unison.

Why is Gu Yan here?!

They are not stupid.

Does Gu Yan know their plan?!

Gu Yan walked to Su Qingyue’s side, hugged him gently into her arms, and stroked her cheek, “Thank you.”

Then, he looked at Tiandong again and smiled faintly, “There is also Tianzong.”

“For more things, I will tell you clearly later, but now…

Speaking of which.

Gu Yan looked at Chen Long interestingly, and then took the pistol from Su Qingyue’s hand.

Chen Long obviously saw Gu Yan!

The anger in his heart broke out at this moment, “Gu Yan, you wait for me, I will kill you one day, hahaha! Wait!!

See Gu Yan again.

Chen Long is already a little crazy.

Husband, “Only the last bullet is left.” Su Qingyue looked at Gu Yan’s profile and said in a worried voice.

Tiandong also frowned slightly.

It is impossible for a bullet to kill this person!

“Gu Yan, leave it to me about this person. After returning to the magic city, I will find someone. No matter if he escapes to the end of the world, he will


I haven’t waited for Tian Dong’s words to finish.

The gun in Gu Yan’s hand spit out, and the huge gunfire was suppressed by the silencer and became dull, like a cork of red wine bursting out.

Chen Long had already crossed the guardrail, and he was about to enter the sea!

But he felt a chill in his body, like falling into an ice cave!

A sense of danger that has never been felt before, emerges in my heart, and at the same time the limbs are weak!Tangy!

There was a cold in the chest, and then there was a severe pain!

Chen Long rounded his eyes, vomited blood, and slowly fell to the ground!

The bullet penetrated through his left chest and hit a direct match!

Spilled blood!

The audience is silent!

Gu Yan handed the pistol to Su Qingyue again, smiled gently, and said, “Okay, it’s solved.

“You and Tiandong go back and wait for me.”

It is normal that the two women cannot solve Chen Long.

After all, Chen Long has the protagonist aura, and he is still in this open area.

But when Gu Yan only needs to be assigned to their own forces, they will naturally be immune to the aura of the protagonist of the son of luck, and things similar to today will not happen.

Su Qingyue and Tiandong were just stunned for a while.

Afterwards, there was a little dullness in their expressions.

The plan still failed!

They understand that if Gu Yan didn’t take the shot today, Chen Long would have run away like this!

Still failed!

Su Qingyue pressed her lips tightly.

Tian Dong sighed, his icy eyes still on Chen Long’s body all the time.

“Husband, am I a failure? Su Qingyue raised her head to look at Gu Yan.

“Gu Yan, I… Tiandong also frowned slightly, looking to Gu Yan.

“All right.”

Gu Yan smiled helplessly, “Go back first.”

I heard Gu Yan say so.

The two women did not continue to insist, but turned and left in a depressed mood.

Go back to the hotel and wait Gu Yan!

Tiandong and Su Qingyue left.

The deck fell into silence for a while, only the smell of blood floating in the air, as if to tell something.

Gu Yan walked towards Chen Long, first took out a yellowed book from his arms.

This is the medical book that can make Chen Longfei Huang Tengda.

The medical book was taken away.

Chen Long still had no response, as if he had already died.

It’s just that his right hand is behind him, fucking tightly, his fingertips pierced into the skin!

Gu Yan gave Chen Long an interesting look.

Inexplicably smiled in his heart.

How could he not know that Chen Long was not dead?

The system hasn’t prompted yet…

But looking at Xiao Baiwen, the son of luck, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, pretends to be dead in front of him.

There really is a different kind of coolness.

It’s so pathetic and ridiculous

However, Gu Yan did not directly end Chen Long.

Maximize the benefits.

Chen Long still has his remaining little value that has not been played out.

Gu Yan leaned on the railing leisurely, looking at the watch.

It has now been nine minutes since he left the luxurious box.

There is one last minute left.

Will she come?

If Mu Xuehan comes, then Gu Yan will play a game with her.

In fact, as early as yesterday, Gu Yan was laying the groundwork.

He used a well-known psychological effect-the threshold effect.

As long as Mu Xuehan comes.

Then she will completely fall into the rhythm of Gu Yan, and she will also reshape her personality…

The beginning of Blacken!

One more thing.

Gu Yan hasn’t forgotten his villain treasure chest, why not take it?

In addition, Gu Yan just saw on the surveillance video that Chen Long was impatient with Su Qingyue…

Although that was when Su Qingyue pretended to be a staff member, it was part of her and Tiandong plan.

However, her own woman can only bully herself, and Gu Yan does not allow her own woman to be wronged by others, even a little bit.


How could Gu Yan make Chen Long die happy?

Isn’t it too cheap? He…

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