Chapter 319

Chapter 319 The Second Plan

After Lin Bei left, the people around started talking.

“I said Xiaoyu, what’s the matter with you, didn’t you just hurt Mr. Gu with such an idea?”

“What does this have to do with us? Can we just save our lives?”

“Does everyone still want to endure the pain just now?”


Everyone said this in a word, and they were unwilling to do this, but Lin Bei’s order had already come down.

If you don’t do it, will the situation be a bit bad?

After everyone discussed it for a long time, I finally saw Xiao Yu slowly stand up, her child was still a little shaken, and her face was still pale.

“Since the boss has already said so, then everyone will follow suit.

After speaking, Xiaoying opened the door and walked out. Lin Bei didn’t restrict their behavior, after all, he still had to do something for him.

Seeing that Xiaoying had already walked out, the faces of a few people, even though they were a bit unsightly, still started to act.

Gu Yan still doesn’t know how they are going to deal with themselves.

But he didn’t particularly care.

I received an invitation from Charmaine Blanc early in the morning. I wanted to have a meal together in the afternoon, and he readily agreed.

The heroine of this book is very inspirational, and with the help of the people he sent, she should have sent everything to the shareholders of the company.

In fact, even if there is no one he sent, Charmaine Blanc can find a clue.

It’s just a bit slow.

I just helped him speed up the progress a little bit.


As if everything was as expected, Charmaine Bai thought that after the arrival of the antique today, she would definitely deprive Bai Sheng of the right to be the chairman, but after the news from him, she was slightly stunned.

It seems that Bai Sheng still has some things he doesn’t know.

Then continue digging.

Shiman Bai’s eyes sank slightly, and the little assistant saw her like this when she came in, and she couldn’t help but exit with a shock.

When she raised her head, Charmaine Bai’s face changed again, turning into a gentle appearance, and she smiled slightly: “I was thinking about my own business just now, should I scare you?”

Speaking of this little assistant, Charmaine Blanc still wanted to laugh.

The courage is so small.

The little assistant shook his head, and Charmaine Blanc smiled and said, “There is no need to be afraid of me. You can help me and everyone in the Finance Department. I will invite them to play together tonight, but I will come later.”

The little assistant nodded and retired, Charmaine Blanc had already made a decision.

Now that Bai Sheng escaped this time, proceed to the second plan.

It’s impossible to avoid it all the time.

The people in the finance department were a little excited after receiving the news. After all, their supervisor was notoriously difficult to get along with. They didn’t expect to take them to play tonight and let them pick any location.

It’s quite exciting to think about it.


When Bai Shiman arrived at the agreed place, Gu Yan was already sitting there and waiting. He was smiling, and it seemed that the heartbeat really missed a beat.

Red face and red ears, heartbeat speeds up.

“Mr. Gu, I’m sorry, I’m late.” After Bai Shiman finished speaking, she gently put down the small bag in her hand. Today, she deliberately changed into a red dress and a delicate makeup.

It looks a bit coquettish.

But in Gu Yan’s eyes, this dress is still good.

The heroine of this book is indeed an inspirational character, which is a bit interesting.

Compared with the heroines in the books that I have experienced, they are much better. Only when I grow up step by step, I have the desire to control.

It’s like a kitten, clutching Gu Yan’s heart.


“I’m here early, let’s order first.” After Gu Yan finished speaking, he opened the menu and ordered a few dishes, all of which were Bai Shiman’s favorite.

This caused her heart to plop and jump straight, and her face started to be hot, as if something was slowly sprouting, growing in her heart, and it had grown into a towering tree.

This is like Gu Yan, it is love.

While eating, Charmaine Blanc said all his thoughts.

In front of Gu Yan, she never concealed anything.

“Do you need me to help you?” Gu Yan handed the chopsticks over while talking. In front of these heroines, she was a perfect image of an elegant man.

He has never been picky about what he does.

Shiman Bai shook his head gently, “Thank you Mr. Gu, I feel very comfortable if I can talk to Mr. Gu. I will do these things myself and I will definitely be able to do them well.”

In front of Gu Yan, Charmaine Blanc still showed a little bit.

What if Mr. Gu doesn’t like a woman who is too strong?

Miss Bai “is excellent, I appreciate it.”

Of course, Gu Yan knew what she was thinking, and couldn’t help blurting it out. This made Charmaine Bai more certain that she must succeed in revenge, and then pursue her own feelings.

After dinner with Gu Yan, Charmaine Blanc went to the place agreed by those in the finance department.

It is a well-known hotel, where there are many private rooms.

Bai Shiman has been found out that many partners who cooperate with the company are here, and she must settle everything tonight.

Of course, not using her identity.

Report all the black materials she found, and the people in the private room immediately remembered the surprised voice.

There will be a good show soon.

Bai Sheng just finished solving it. When he returned to Bai’s house today, he inevitably felt a little uncomfortable. Just sitting on the sofa, he pulled his bow tie.

It was lightly loosened, and before he could lie down, Jiyue rushed downstairs aggressively.

“Master, that little bitch of Charmaine Blanc is too much, she actually entered our Jian’an room, maybe she thought

During the quarrel this morning, Ju (okay) had forgotten about it, so Ji Yue came to Bai Sheng aggressively.

Regarding the matter of his son, the master can never leave it alone.

Regarding Bai Jian’an, although Bai Sheng cannot ignore it, he is now coordinating the wrong time for the previous quarter.

“Go away!”

After Bai Sheng finished speaking, he gently rubbed his temples. Why did he find a woman like this to get married in the first place, and make trouble outside all day long.

He is in a bad mood now, and he is going to provoke him again.

“You don’t care about this!” Jiyue raised her voice, and then cried out loudly: “I know you care about the woman back then, but you can’t ignore our son, after all, his body But your blood is flowing in.”

“Maybe that little bitch just wants to take advantage of us to build an

As soon as Bai Shengman mentioned Bai Shiman’s mother, Bai Sheng felt a anger, and inexplicably rose up.

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