Chapter 268

Chapter 268: No, I Don’t Believe

Chapter 268: No, I don’t believe it


Gu Yan bends down gently, looking at Liu Quan’s resentful and already approaching crazy eyes, he gently curls his lips.

“Because from the very beginning I wanted to watch myself lift you down from the altar with my own hands, and then pull you down with my own hands and let you fall into the mud!”

“Why you…

Before Liu Quan’s question was finished, Gu Yan went on to say: “Because this is an interesting game, because I have long been attracted to Shen Wanqi!”


When he heard the news, something inexplicable suddenly exploded in Liu Quan’s heart, and he felt that his heart was blown to pieces.

He didn’t react at all.


Before he could think about it, he felt a tingling pain in his head, and then he kept his expression sluggish, half kneeling on the ground, and everyone felt puzzled when they went to check and found that he had died in this posture. NS.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing 27 Children of Qi Luck and gaining 1 million villain points]

The sound of the system rang, Gu Yan nodded gently, it seems that the goal has been achieved.

This Liu Quan is alive and angry.

Because from the beginning, he thought that he was relying on his influence to set up the company along the way, and then he took the position of the altar. Even the recognition of Zheng Mingyang’s father was unexpected. He had never thought about it before.

Originally thought that everything would go smoothly, he would marry Shen Wanqi and have children smoothly.

Two people will live a happy life.

But I didn’t expect that from the beginning of the antique, all the things afterwards were all planned by Gu Yan.

This is a bureau.

I don’t know how long this game was arranged. When Liu Quan died, he didn’t even figure out Gu Yan, why bother with such an ordinary person like him.

No, he still doesn’t believe it!

However, now he had no chance to say these words. He was already dead. When everyone learned of his death, there was no great sympathy on his face.

Everyone is indifferent, and who cares about such a person?

What’s more, he did a lot of evil, and even planned the accident of Master Shen.

Master Shen is a kind person in Huadu, and he has established a charity foundation. He has helped many weak children and those who can’t afford to go to school. Everyone sympathizes with him.

Because this matter has ended, everyone has dispersed.

Zheng Mingyang also had no drama to sing. He had found a chance to sneak away when they were arguing just now.

As long as he can live, he doesn’t particularly care about the others.

Gu Yan and Ye Liuli walked to the door, and Shen Wanqi quickly followed up with her high heels. She still didn’t dare to look up at his eyes until now, she could only lower her head gently.

I took out a card and offered it with both hands.

“Mr. Gu, this is the money you lent me back then, and the money I bought the company is already in it. My father said that he would give me that company, and I can change it into a design company.”

“Even if the company is my investment, it will be managed by you, you can report to me in time if there is anything in the future.”

“Even if I invest in the shares of your Shen family, I believe Master Shen shouldn’t mind.

When Gu Yan said these words, there was still a faint smile on his face, and the words that he said were also very nice. The voice was like the sound of a cello with some deepness and a hint of temptation.

When she heard it, Shen Wanqi felt that her heart could not stop shaking.

She closed her eyes and Gu Yan’s long eyelashes trembled. Seeing her shy look, she couldn’t help but smile.

Sure enough, it is also stunning in the world.

“Miss Shen, goodbye!” Seeing that Chen Wanqi kept silent, Gu Yan and Ye Liuli still had something to do. After he spoke softly, he took Ye Liuli’s hand and quickly walked towards the black Maybach that was parked at the door.

Two people got in the car.

Shen Wanqi looked at the back of the two talented women from behind, and couldn’t help sighing in her heart.

But after watching the black car leave, he clenched his fist tightly, and she will also become an excellent woman as fluent as a lotus leaf, and hope that one day she can also stand beside Gu Yan.


After Ye Liuli returned to the villa, she went to Gu Yan, but when she lost her, she met Su Lixue on the other side.

When Su Lixue saw him, she wrapped herself up like a fairy, wrapped one hand around his waist, and the other hand around his neck, her posture was unusually warm.

I did a good job this time, right? Should I be rewarded?

Su Lixue’s heart was pounding. She was already prepared for a long time. When she completes the task, she will be rewarded by Gu Yan and officially become his woman.

Gu Yan caught his waist, and the clear waist was gently touched. It was very protective. He took him into his arms, gently curled his lips and smiled, and then hugged her. Upstairs.

The ambiguity in the room heats up.

After Liu Quan’s matter was resolved, Huadu fell into a temporary calm again. Shen Wanqi drew all the design drawings of the villa and handed it in. This matter was handed over to Ye Liuli to ask someone to decorate it.

Because this house was given to Ye Liuli by Gu Yan, everything was decorated according to her 233 preferences.

It seems that I should stay in Huadu often in the future, and I don’t know who is like a child of luck.

What kind of story will there be?

Some afternoon.

Gu Yan and Ye Liuli went out to buy things. Just after sending Ye Liuli home, he heard the roar of the sports car. Looking back, Tian Dong drove a red sports car and parked in front of him.

Today Yaodong wears a coquettish red dress with exquisite make-up, big wavy curly hair draped behind his head, and his eyes are full of amorous feelings.

Blinked softly at him.

“Handsome guy, go for a drive?” Tiandong whistled softly, then quickly got out of the car and opened the door for Gu Yan. After he got in the car, he stepped on the accelerator of the sports car and drove all the way on the road.

The roar of the car is called an excitement.

The sports car has never stopped. Sitting in the car, Gu Yan tilted her head slightly and looked at Tiandong next to her. She touched the steering wheel with one hand, and stretched out the other hand, feeling the speed of the wind.

Sure enough, the heroine in every book is extremely good.

Or coquettish, or pure and seductive.


I don’t know what the next heroine will be like. Gu Yan gently groped his chin, and he began to look forward to the next game.

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