Chapter 93 The protagonist thinks it is hemorrhoids (seeking subscription, sixth)

Chapter 94 Zhu Yeqing finally got his wish (seeking subscription, sixth more)

At night, Chen Fan sat in the living room with his legs folded, looking at Cao Zijin who came back in front of him, and said, “Is it interesting?”

Cao Zijin smiled and said, “Um, sorry, I came back a bit late, I’m sorry, I had a lot of fun.”

Chen Fan got up, grabbed her neck and said, “Are you looking for death? How many times have I told you, do your own job, don’t shame me, what did you do today? ”

I’m sorry, girl, this paragraph needs Laozi’s madness.

The original plot just happened to need to go crazy by oneself, and there was no way.

I can only wrong you.

“I’m just doing my routine, just drink a little, after all, this is what the studio needs.

“It needs to be so? Don’t you know, do you want to marry me in the future? Why, now you are planning to shame our Chen family~?”

‘I didn’t, I really didn’t mean it, I’m just that, I want to help you, go to the needle-check Ye Aotian.

I f*ck.

Don’t be like this, you let me go crazy, okay?

Laozi please.

At this time, Zhu Yeqing, who had changed clothes upstairs, looked at Cao Zijin very angrily. Isn’t it good for you to walk the plot well?

Why, you want to mess around, the master is crazy, I am happy, really, weirdly annoying.

But the young master is really strong, so he lifted everyone up directly.

Chen Fan finally let go of his hand. In fact, he also noticed that something was wrong with this woman.

If you change to the previous words, it is estimated that she will not say anything to herself, and the two will not be able to say two words in three days.

This is also the reason why Chen Fan was irritable in the end.

But now, don’t talk, Chen Fan even suspects, give her a chance, this girl can eat all of herself, it’s too scary, just like a crazy lioness.

f*ck, a male lion, he can rest a little every day.

Uh, but it seems that the animal world seems to be a bit cruel in the words of male and female lions, thousands of times.

Well, forget it, this analogy is not very appropriate.

No, it’s not the time to think about this now. What I think about now is that I will follow this story.

“What happened tonight?”

Cao Zijin took Chen Fan’s hand, sat on the sofa, and said: “Listen to me and tell you, don’t be angry, I lied to Ye Aotian today.”

“Cheated him?”

‘Yeah, I know, I have a marriage contract with you, and you still talk to me. This kind of person has character problems, and I hate it.

In your words, Laozi’s punctuation is not believed once, f*ck. In the novel, there are too many people killed by you.

You are the female villain that the author has spent a lot of ink on, second only to Laozi.

I believe you? You can deceive others with this aggrieved look, but it’s really impossible to deceive me.

“What then? So you came back late?”

“Stupid husband, why are you stupid at a critical time? You sent Tao Xiaotian to protect me, aren’t you also supervising me? How could I be so boring.”

Uh, it seems right too, damn it, I’m superfluous.

“Then what?”

“Just drinking, Ye Aotian wants to be a star. This is normal. He doesn’t know people in the entertainment industry. Moreover, your company is my endorsement. In the entire entertainment industry, who is more popular than me? I don’t think it exists, so he I can only become a star myself and drive the company’s stock.”

“Well, this is a good reason, continue?”

Cao Zijin said: “Then I drank too much, so I asked someone to knock Ye Aotian unconscious and took it directly to the hotel.”

Hmm, I went to the hotel. Oh, you are great.

Wait, did you ignore any key words?


: “What did you stun him for?”

Does Feifei know?”

Of course I know the nonsense, the existence of a strange work written by the strange work author, this person has a problem with his head.However, I have to say that the appearance of Feifei really makes this plot happy and a lot, and it is no longer so bitter and bitter.

“I don’t know, who is it?””

“Let’s put it this way, he’s a gay and Ye Aotian’s agent.”

Damn it.

You are really outrageous.

However, Chen Fan does know that Feifei is a homosexual. The novel only describes it vaguely without much writing.

But judging from the sissy appearance, it is indeed possible.

In fact, the author also wants to take this opportunity to describe the chaos in the entertainment industry.

Then it became obvious, what was the innocence of the girls who played next.

But these are things to follow.

“”What does this have to do with that Feifei?”

“I gave Feifei medicine.”

Chen Fan was full of energy, looked at Cao Zijin next to him, and said, “What do you mean? You have given him medicine, are you sick, I don’t know too much?,

“It’s very simple. I filled him with alcohol, made him drink too much, then prescribed the medicine and threw it to Ye Aotian’s side. I told you that, in fact, Feifei likes Ye Aotian.”

Chen Fan took a deep breath.

Silently got up and came to the position of the window.


Then he smashed the glass with a fist.

Then he returned to the house again and said, “I am very tired now.”

Reincarnation, forget it, Laozi is too tired, really too hard, I am numb.

Go to your uncle, this f*ck, this plot, why is it so crooked?

“Husband, are you too happy?

“It’s okay, you can keep talking, and then.”

“Then I have to wait, don’t you, husband, you said, Ye Aotian, you have to deal with it yourself, how dare I play it to death, right?”

You might as well kill him, really.

What’s the difference between you being like this and killing him?”

Whoops fucking.

“Then it’s okay. Ling Xiaoyun sent that Feifei away and arranged to go to another place. Don’t worry, Feifei may have a memory, but Ye Aotian definitely has no memory.”

Chen Fan was relieved and said, “Are you sure?”

“Of course, I’m sure, I’m not sure, do I dare to tell you? Little sister Tao fainted, I was worried that his martial arts was too high, so I prescribed the medicine again.”

You are cruel enough, you are the villain, Laozi retired, really, if you are the villain, the protagonist can live more than ten words, f*ck, he is a miracle.

Really, he is not only a miracle, but also an awesome existence that creates miracles.

Chen Fan’s hanging heart was let go. Seriously, according to Chen Fan’s understanding, if Ye Aotian knew about this, then 80% of them would have committed suicide.

“Uh, that Ling Xiaoyun?”

“Don’t worry, Ling Xiaoyun won’t say it, he can’t say it, anymore, he also knows that Xiaolan and Zheng Shaoyang are sneaking, didn’t they?”

Damn it. It really is.

It’s awesome, it’s really hard for Ling Xiaoyun. It’s probably very tiring to stand on such a protagonist.

It’s not just exhausting, Ling Xiaoyun has the heart to die.

The reason why he didn’t move Ye Aotian away was completely because he couldn’t bear such a disgusting picture.

In the end, I had no choice but to go back by myself.

However, after returning, they found out about Zheng Shaoyang and Xiaolan.

Now he suddenly started to feel sorry for Ye Aotian. Seriously, this way, if Ye Aotian knew, this guy wouldn’t collapse.

Forget it, I still can’t say it, if I say it, this person will be abolished.

Men can’t suffer such a big blow.

Forget it, let the flow take its course, he feels that these few days, he may not be able to eat.

At this time, in the villa, Chen Fan looked at Cao Zijin, who was beating his leg, and said, “You have done a good job in this matter, but don’t be nosy in the future.”

Laozi, please, let the protagonist be spared, I am very worried now whether this guy will survive the last episode.

F*ck, this is too ridiculous, okay?

“Come on, husband, drink water, drink water, hey, I bought it for you outside.”

Chen Fan took a sip and said, “Okay, go and rest. Remember what I said, don’t mix things up with things you shouldn’t care about in the future.”

“Guaranteed to be obedient.

After speaking, Cao Zijin ran away.

Chen Fan reluctantly returned to his room, cocked his legs, and sighed.

The protagonist, don’t have any trouble, Laozi is worried about you now, damn, you really are, forget it, destroy it, fend for itself.

At this time the door was pushed open, and Zhu Yeqing walked in with supper.

“Master, I think you are angry downstairs.

Zhu Yeqing hinted.

No, this is expressly stated.

Chen Fan said: “Yes, I am very angry. I don’t listen to me one by one. I always like me to disobey me. I must let these people know my methods, Ye Aotian, I will personally destroy him. ”

Master, you don’t have any lines. You villain will also have no lines.

But these are not the main points.

Chen Fan got up and looked at the supper on the table. Without hesitation, he directly gave Tuifan to the ground.

Hold it up, the bamboo leaves are green.

“Tonight, Laozi is very angry.

Zhu Yeqing looked at all this in disbelief, could it be said?

Sometimes the things I always look forward to, when the real comes, I feel a little scared again.

Cao Zijin was in his room, processing his fingernails and calculating the time.

Well, it’s almost there, the effect of the medicine is basically better.

Looking out the window, she laughed helplessly. As a villain, she did a little bit well.

After all, it’s hard to be a wife like yourself.

It may be because of the so-called love and hatred in the entertainment industry.

I rarely believe in love.

Just like his own father, he also has many wives.

It is a pity that after all, it is still this family, and there can only be one woman.

My mother never got a good home.

Yawned and sent a message to Zhu Yeqing.

“Are you asleep?”

“you are boring?”

“That’s not it, just to send you a message, are you satisfied with the gift?”

Zhu Yeqing smiled and said, “What does it have to do with you? I’m sorry, I am Ye Aotian’s first woman.”

…Seeking flowers 0……

“I know, I prescribed the medicine, don’t you know?”

You are too much.

Suddenly Zhu Yeqing felt very lost, typing and saying: “Why are you, I don’t understand.”

“You are the only person following Chen Fan, and the only person who believes in Chen Fan. I don’t believe in the Chen family. Chen Changsheng will kill Chen Fan. I don’t think no one in the Chen family wants Chen Fan to die.”

“Chen Fan told me that I am his only relative. I probably understand, right?”

“But is it worth it? Chen Fan likes Lin Qingyue? You won’t get the place in Chen Fan’s heart after all.”

“Are you sure?”

Both f*ck are the ones who read the diary, so what kind of innocence do they pretend to be.

Cao Zijin said: “Forget it, there are some things that can’t be blocked. By the way, I’ll tell you a little secret. Do you want to listen?”

“Say, I won’t thank you for what happened tonight, I think I deserve it.

Cao Zijin nodded and said, “Yes, yes, yes, you are the best, let me tell you a secret, it’s very simple, in fact, I suspect that Chen Changsheng was killed by Chen Fan.”this.

In fact, Zhu Yeqing also had doubts, but was not sure, but unexpectedly, it was true.

Cao Zijin is very smart, knows what to say and what not to say, and she cleverly avoids the set rules.

You know, what you see in the diary is impossible to tell others, but using your own ingenuity, it is easy to get stuck in a bug.

This is not difficult for Cao Zijin at all.

“Well, I doubt it too, but what does this have to do with the secret you said?”

Cao Zijin said: “You fool, I ask you, your master didn’t tell you that when a person’s strength is above the super-grade, that is, it is above the first-grade, what do you say.

“Hundreds of poisons do not invade, do you mean that, in fact, he didn’t get caught.”

“That’s natural, so don’t have any pressure in your heart, he actually likes you.”

Zhu Yeqing felt that this might be the best news he had heard.

There is nothing happier than this news.

“But, what exactly are you drawing?”

“I need the Chen family, I need Chen Fan to marry me, and I need the Chen family to help me get my place in the Cao family. Therefore, you are the closest person to Chen Fan, so naturally you need to help you.”

After a moment of silence, Zhu Yeqing typed Cao Zijin and said, “Thank you.”


Hey, you are talking, why are you not talking.

Damn it.

This woman is shameless, shameless, and now it’s sisters talking, how can you suddenly know that if you have a man, you don’t need a sister?

It’s really too much to make an appointment.

Putting down the phone and picking up the diary from the pillow, Cao Zijin recalled the short poem written by Chen Fan.

Holding a paper umbrella, like a lilac girl.

It’s a pity that I am not writing about myself, because I am not as young and lovely as lilac, but I am a rose, the king of flowers.

I don’t know, who is this written about, who is this lilac-like girl?

As a result, here, Cao Zijin, who was just about to brew sleepiness, received a message from Zhu Yeqing.

“Sorry, something happened just now, I just wanted to say thank you.”

“You, I regret it, Laozi is going to kill you and poison you tomorrow, you all go to death, you, really, I’m going to fall asleep.

“I, hug”

I’m half done typing again.

Cao Zijin was very angry, and then sent a message to Lin Qingyue. ,

“Are you there?”

“Say, it’s late, if it’s not a big deal, I’ll kill you.

“Nothing serious, Chen Fan and Zhu Yeqing are sleeping in the same room.


Lin Qingyue said angrily: “Are you sick, you don’t sleep in the middle of the night, what do you send me this news for?” Who is Chen Fan with and what does it have to do with me? .”

“Oh, you don’t care, forget it, I’m just curious, and ask, you look at you, what do you do when you are angry, it is not good for a beautiful woman to be angry.

“You grew up in a tea mug, right?”

“That’s for sure, many people say that I am a master of tea art. I am very good.”

Ha ha.

Lin Qingyue put down the phone angrily and turned it off directly. She knew that she couldn’t sleep well tonight, and she couldn’t sleep angrily.

Although she knew that this event would happen, but it did happen, she was a little uncomfortable, as if something was missing in her heart.


But after the morning sun awakened Ye Aotian, Ye Aotian immediately noticed something was wrong.

Myself what’s wrong? what’s going on?

Are hemorrhoids committed?

ps: Please support, thank you all, please read it.


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