Villain: My Wish, The Enemy Gets Doubled

Chapter 109 Another twist, the two protagonists collapsed!

The other party answered about the soy contract that was uploaded on the Internet.

The other party made it clear that there is indeed an intention to negotiate in this regard.

However, as a basic agricultural product, soybeans involve too many aspects and affect everyone's vegetable basket. Therefore, whether to introduce soybeans from the other party needs careful consideration.

Therefore, this news is false and completely unreliable.

As for why the official of the beautiful country published the news, they said they did not know.

At this moment, the beautiful country responded.

Just now, their official website was attacked by hackers, and the hackers reported the news on their official website as a prank.

Now, the hacker has been arrested by us, and the official website is back to normal.

Therefore, this news is false, please don't believe it.

All of a sudden, those who shorted soybean futures were dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the soybean contract between the two countries that caused the turmoil in the soybean futures market turned out to be a big oolong!

A hacker caused a big oolong!

The futures market wailed all over the place.

"tmd! It turns out that I was bullish on soybeans. I bought dozens of lots and sold them all!"

"I just shorted soybeans, and I'm going to slap your lungs!"

"Hurry up and close the position for me! If it's not safe, it will be too late!"

"It's a loss! This time it's really going to be a loss! My decades of hard work! 33

"Damn hacker! Don't let me meet you!

Soybean prices bottomed out and started to rise.

How fast it fell just now, how fiercely it has risen now, all the way to the sky!

It came back quickly!

At this time, the headquarters of Longya Capital.

The Dragon King Zhao Tian and the people in black were still stunned to watch the news, and the scene became very quiet.

After a long time, the Dragon King said loudly: "Is that news fake just now? 33

The man in black said bravely, "Yes, Dragon King!

The Dragon King spoke again: "Is it a hacker's prank?"

The man in black continued to bite the bullet and said, "Yes, Dragon King!"

The Dragon King looked over in confusion: "So, we're going to lose money again, aren't we? 39

The man in black continued to bite the bullet: "Theoretically yes!

The Dragon King's eyes lit up: "Actually?"

"Actually it is!

The Dragon King spurted blood: "Cough!

Everyone was careful, no one dared to breathe, for fear of irritating the Dragon King.

It's been a long time.


It was the Dragon King who spoke first.

I saw him holding his chest in one hand, his face pale and tired, and he moaned in great pain: "Ah."

This sigh is full of endless sadness!

Endless pain!

Endless despair!

It's like having a terminal illness.

The people in black were anxious: "Dragon King, what's wrong with you?

"It's nothing, just a little pain in my heart, a little cold, a little uncomfortable..."

The people in black were even more anxious: "Dragon King, hold on!

Dragon King Zhao Tian clenched his fists and said with a firm expression: "Don't worry, I can stand it! Even a small difficulty can't beat me! I am the dignified Dragon King, the one who oppresses the world!"

"Dragon King, awesome!" The people in black worshipped wildly.

"By the way, my heart is a little cold, bring me a radiator!

People in black: "..."

"One is not enough, maybe two!"

People in black:

"Forget it, bring it all!

People in black:

In the end, Dragon King Zhao Tian held 10 radiators in his hand, and he felt a little warm on this sunny afternoon.

He waved his hand and said weakly: "Okay, you can do your own thing, don't worry about me! 99

The people in black were worried: "But the Dragon King..."

"Don't bother me, I want to be quiet!" Dragon King Zhao Tian stood up with 10 radiators in both hands and staggered toward the stairs.

One of the men in black thought for a while and said, "The Dragon King wants Jingjing, who is Jingjing?"

A man in black raised his hand weakly: "My nickname is Jingjing!

"The Dragon King misses you, so hurry up and comfort the Dragon King!

The Dragon King thumped and fell down.

Compared with the heavy atmosphere here, Lin Beifan's side was full of laughter.

"Fuck! I didn't expect it to be an Oolong! An Oolong caused by a hacker!

"If we don't close our positions, we will all lose money!"

Almost "! Almost!"


"It's still Mr. Lin who is wise, saw through the truth in advance, recovered the loss, and made him a fortune!"

"This time is a technical correction, and the price will definitely rise back to its original position! We now have a long position of nearly 2 million lots, and it is conservatively estimated that we can earn 10 billion yuan, which is crazy!"

"Adding the previous 7 billion, this day will come down to 17 billion! It's so terrifying! 33

"Boss Lin is awesome (broken voice)!

"Boss Lin is awesome (broken voice)!"

Flattery is rolling in!

Lin Beifan, who was complimented by everyone, couldn't help laughing proudly: "Hahahaha...

Laughter filled the trading room!

Angkor, surrounded by laughter, completely collapsed!

Why did it go up again?

I almost killed Lin Beifan, but you tmd tell me it's an oolong?

Tell me this is fake news?

Is it a prank made by a hacker?

Bullying is not so bullying, right?

tmd, flip the table!

Stop playing!

No one plays like that!

I want to go home!

I don't want to stay here!

I'd rather be with a bunch of zongzi than with you guys!

Dumplings are the most disgusting!

You are not only disgusting, but also heartbreaking!

At this moment, he was pushed out by Lin Beifan.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?" he asked in confusion.

"Brother, stand up for me, the next is your highlight moment!

"Everyone listen to me!"

Lin Beifan clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"The reason why I have achieved these achievements today is all thanks to Brother Wu!

Lin Beifan said very excitedly: "Just now, if Brother Wu hadn't reminded me that this news was unreliable, I wouldn't have been so determined to throw away all the short positions and recover the losses!


Angkor felt a stab in his heart.

"Just now, if Brother Wu hadn't always stood by my side firmly, helped me with operations, and helped me with my work! We wouldn't be able to take so many long positions and make so much money! 93


Angkor felt another stab in his heart.

"He helped us withstood the pressure! He turned the tide at a critical moment! He gave us this victory with his own hands! Don't forget the well digger when you drink water, so we must thank Brother Wu! Thank him for his selfless dedication !


Angkor felt that he had been stabbed again.

After listening to Lin Beifan's words, everyone was very moved.

"Mr. Lin is right, we would like to thank Angkor!

"If it wasn't for his reminder, we would all lose money!"

"It's amazing to be able to remain calm at such a critical moment!

"Angkor, I wrongly blamed you just now!"

Angkor ", awesome!!!"

Lin Beifan said excitedly: "I only ask you one question now, where is the applause? Where is the cheering?"

The applause suddenly thundered: "Papapapa..."

"Puchi" "Puchi"

Angkor felt that he had been stabbed several times.

This knife kills without blood!

The body is shaky with stimulation, riddled with holes, and I will never love again!

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