Villain: Memory Exposure, The Heroine Cried For Me

Chapter 312 I Am A Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, I Know The Destiny And The Heart

Ye Changge shook his head helplessly.

It seems that another group of innocent girls will be harmed by Ao Bai in the Mortal Fire Region.

But as Ao Bai himself said.

He is with every woman willingly and takes what he needs.

Never forced any woman.

The most surprising thing is that none of these women complained about Ao Bai afterwards.

Instead, he still thinks about Ao Bai's well-being, hoping that one day he will be able to regain Ao Bai's favor.

I don't know if Ao Bai has any advantages.

Because of this, Ye Changge was willing to indulge Ao Bai.

At least Ao Bai and those women have a relationship of what they need, and there is no forced relationship.

Ao Bai smiled and said to Ye Changge; "Brother Ye, would you like to go to the Mortal Fire Region with me?"

Ye Changge shook his head and looked at Ao Bai with a half-smile, "Don't be polite, just do what you want."

"Hehe, Brother Ye still understands me."

Ao Bai smiled. Rushing out the door, the whole person suddenly turned into a white dragon and rose into the air.

Endless momentum emerged in him.

"Fan Huoyu, the young master is here!!!!!!"


I saw a flash of white light in the air, and Ao Bai disappeared in the clouds and mist, rushing towards the Mortal Fire Territory.

After a few more seconds...

Ao Bai flew back again. He was so excited just now that he forgot to pick up Mu Qing.

After Ao Bai left.

Ye Changge smiled and shook his head, continued to look at the map, and placed the target in a dangerous area.

This is a black valley marked by a red hazard sign.

Represents forbidden ground.

The name of this forbidden area is Heiyou Canyon.

It is in a no-man's land between the Ice Soul Domain, Mortal Fire Domain, and Vegetation Domain.

There is a terrifying black poisonous gas around the black secluded canyon, preventing outsiders from entering the black secluded canyon.

The poison of black poisonous gas is very terrifying, and even the chaotic saints will be life-threatening if they smell this poisonous gas.


This is an absolutely forbidden place. Since the appearance of the Heiyou Canyon, no one has been able to come out alive from the Heiyou Canyon.

"Black secluded canyon... Will one of the nine energies be here..."

Ye Changge frowned slightly as he looked at this place, lost in thought.

Now his nine spiritual energy is spread all over the chaotic world, and no one knows where it is.

Even Yun Che, who specialized in exposure, couldn't find any clues.

The only known clue so far is.

These nine energies will all be in a very dangerous forbidden area, and ordinary people cannot enter.

Those who enter will die without life.

Even if the nine energies are stripped away, the nine energies are not accessible to anyone.

Only when the song emperor reappears, will these nine energies reappear in the world.

Today, the black secluded place closest to the Ice Soul Realm has the possibility of nine energy sources.

"Ice Soul Seal...Ice Soul Domain...Black Forbidden Land..."

"If the Ice Soul Seal and Ice Soul Domain are all the layouts of my previous life."

"Then there is a great possibility that one of the nine energies exists in the black forbidden area!"

Ye Changge nodded slightly.


If the self in the previous life even knew the energy of the nine paths...

Then it can only show that he in the previous life still knew the truth of the matter even when he lost his memory.

Reincarnation is to get rid of control.

The layout is for planning in the future.

If this is the case, then who told the truth of his past life. Ye Changge ran out of ideas for a while.

From many things, he could vaguely feel that in his previous life, there had always been a pair of invisible big hands helping him.

Help him get closer to the truth of the matter.

Help him reincarnate, help him lay out.

It seems that he doesn't want him to sink forever, he has always been just a cold-blooded swordsman with no memory.

Then this person...

Who is it.

Is it Yun Che?

Not like.

Yun Che couldn't help himself in the prehistoric realm, and the Yun family couldn't even notice the location of the prehistoric realm.

And the mysterious man.

But he appeared in the prehistoric realm to call him.


Ye Changge could only shake his head and stop thinking about it.

Who this mysterious person is, and what purpose he has, is not important for the time being.

It doesn't even matter whether the mysterious man is good or bad.

At least temporarily.

Their purpose is the same.

Ye Changge wants to get the energy of the nine paths, destroy the forces of the men in black, kill all the enemies in the previous life, and rescue Yun Qianyue.

And the mysterious man.

It was to help him complete this step in his previous life.

In this life, it has never appeared.

at this time.

The nine-tailed demon fox twisted its enchanting body and walked to Ye Changge's side, with a slender and tender hand on Ye Changge's shoulder.

At the same time, a unique fragrance of the nine-tailed demon fox entered Ye Changge's nose.

Smells nice and relaxes the mind.

The nine-tailed demon fox looked in the direction Ye Changge was looking at, and said in surprise, "Heiyou Canyon, are you going here?"

"It is rumored that those super regions have jointly sent three chaotic saints to the Heiyou Canyon, wanting to explore the Heiyou Canyon."

"As a result... the three chaotic saints and more than a dozen avenue saints disappeared collectively, and there was no news."

"Until today, tens of thousands of years have passed, and they still haven't walked out of the black and secluded canyon."

"There is speculation that they are not dead, they are just trapped in it because their life cards are not broken."

"But no matter whether they die or not, those super regions have chosen to suffer a dumb loss and never dared to send people into the Heiyou Canyon, but sent some disciples to guard the periphery."

"Waiting for the return of the Chaos Saint."

"Hehe, are you waiting for the return of the Chaos Saint?" Ye Changge shook his head with a smile, and said, "Waiting for the Chaos Saint is false, and it is true to block the Heiyou Canyon."

"It seems that the forces of the men in black have also received some news, suspecting that one of the nine energies is in the black secluded canyon."

The nine-tailed demon fox blinked; "I found one of the nine energies so quickly? What a coincidence."

"It's not a coincidence, it's destined." Ye Changge looked at the Heiyou Canyon and its surroundings.

"It seems that this is the first place I will act next..."

"But how did you know about Heiyou Canyon?"

Ye Changge was a little curious.

He also only knew the location of Heiyou Canyon from the map, but the nine-tailed demon fox is amazing.

Even the information about Heiyou Canyon is so familiar.

"Hmph, I'm a nine-tailed demon fox. I know the destiny and people's hearts. I have already memorized a lot of information about the chaotic world." The nine-tailed demon fox said proudly.

Ye Changge's eyes were full of suspicion.

Does the nine-tailed demon fox still have this ability?

She doesn't look like a fox who can study hard and like to learn information.

"How's it going? Take your sister with you. If you don't understand anything, just ask your sister."

"At night, my sister can also tell you more knowledge in your ear..."

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