The two of them were so angry that they were beaten.

"You bastard! What are you doing to my Xiaohao?"

Lin Jianjun was furious when he saw someone bullying his son.

The three of them had just finished the press conference and were about to walk back to the staff dormitory. They didn't expect such an accident to happen.

This man...

Why does he look familiar?

It seems...

I've seen him somewhere before...

Looking at Lin Jianjun's aggressive face, Su Fan was stunned for a moment and didn't respond.

(キ`゚Д゚´) Oh, my temper! ! !

These days, who dares to ignore me?

Lin Jianjun rolled up his sleeves, ready to fight.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear me?"

"Young man! If you don't want to leave this alley lying down, kneel down and apologize to my son immediately."


Hearing this.

Su Fan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he said indifferently:

"Like an ant."

"Oh, you dare to talk back, right? It seems that this matter today can't be easily resolved."

Seeing Su Fan standing there with a calm face, his hands in his pockets, looking arrogant.

Lin Jianjun's anger was ignited in an instant.

Especially in the other party's disdainful eyes, he vaguely saw the figure of a rebellious son.

Just when the situation was about to escalate...

Bai Yuelan hurried forward to stop it and grabbed Lin Jianjun.

"Forget it, husband~~~"

"Today is our big day, it's not appropriate to shed blood."

Lin Hao, who was originally slumped on the ground, also stood up to dissuade:

"Daddy. Forget it! I'm not seriously injured, just forgive this guy!"

"I guess he must have been obsessed with playing with his phone while walking and didn't pay attention to the road, so he knocked me down."


Under the advice of his wife and children.

Lin Jianjun finally reluctantly decided to show mercy and let Su Fan go.

Before the three of them left, he didn't forget to speak arrogantly.

"Hey. Boy, walk carefully in the future."

"Otherwise, you will suffer sooner or later. After all, not everyone is as generous as me, Lin Jianjun..."

Looking at the backs of the strange trio going away.

Su Fan's face was still indifferent.

But there was a trace of silence in his eyes.

In these years, he has traveled all over the country and has come into contact with countless people of all walks of life.

But it was the first time I saw such a strange family.

Lin Jianjun...

Lin... Jianjun? !

Silently repeating this slightly familiar name.

Suddenly, Su Fan's pupils widened slightly.

He finally had some impression of who the other party was...

Aunt Tang's husband, Lin Jianjun.

And Aunt Tang was a business partner who had a good relationship with his parents 5 years ago.

She was a strong woman who acted decisively.

In a very short period of time, she led the Lin family to continue to grow and develop.

Five years ago, when Aunt Tang and the Su family had close contacts, Su Fan was familiar with her and had met her son several times.

"Five years have passed, and things have changed. It seems that Aunt Tang has divorced this man?"

"That's good. I heard that this man often abused Aunt Tang..."

Su Fan was deeply moved when he accidentally met a familiar person and thought of familiar things.

What he wanted to do most now...

Actually, he wanted to go back to the Su family to meet his grandfather and sister, and live happily together forever.

But for the absolute safety of his family, Su Fan was determined to cut off this idea.

After all, he was going to be invincible, which was destined to be full of blood and rain, and countless enemies.

If his enemies knew the existence of his younger sister and the others, it would inevitably cause trouble.

"Anyway, grandpa and the others thought I was dead..."

"Then there is no need to recognize each other, so as not to be sad after separation in the future. I just need to find a chance and take a look from a distance..."

"And even if I stand in front of them now, my younger sister and grandpa won't recognize me!"

Su Fan sighed, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Thinking back to the beginning, he was also a handsome young man, but since the fire disfigured him...

In order to be more convenient.

He took the initiative to ask the second master to change his face to an ordinary passerby.


Even if his parents were alive, they might not recognize him.

My own son...

"Hey, and my little sister, I wonder if she has a boyfriend..."

"If she has, what kind of person is he? What's his personality like?"

"My little sister was so beautiful back then, I really don't know which pig will take her away in the end?"

"I will have to secretly test that man then. If he is a scumbag or a domestic violence man, then I'd better screw his head off as soon as possible!"


Su Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

He would not allow his sister to marry a man like Lin Jianjun in the end.

If she was unlucky enough to meet a scumbag...

Then he would not mind secretly making the other party disappear physically and leaving a place for the next person next to his little sister...

While Su Fan was thinking.

He gradually approached a small villa with fashionable decoration.

Finally stopped at the gate.


Is it the Chen family? !

"Rubber rubber machine gun--"


Listening to the strange noise coming from the villa, Su Fan was a little confused.

But he quickly cleared the inexplicable thoughts in his mind, raised his legs and stepped forward........


Su's home.

Looking at his granddaughter lying quietly on the hospital bed, with her right index finger trembling constantly.

Su Shengtian burst into tears.

He never expected...

He came here to sign the share transfer agreement today, but he got another big surprise.

Since Su Qingge unlocked her little toe last time, she unlocked her right index finger today.

"My precious granddaughter. If you are really conscious, draw a circle with your finger for grandpa to see."

In Su Shengtian's excited eyes.

The white index finger paused, and then slowly drew a circle on the bed sheet.

"Good, good, good!"

Su Shengtian said several good words in a row, shaking with excitement.

At this moment.

He seemed to see the day when Su Qingge woke up completely...

"Hearing that her grandfather was so happy, Qingge..."

"She will definitely be very happy too!"

Beside Su Shengtian, Lin Xuan witnessed this scene with a smile on his face.

But the next second.

He raised the "Share Transfer Agreement" in his hand and read it again and again. It only needed his signature to take effect.

"Xiaoxuan! Come to the company when you have time in the future. I will take you to get familiar with it first. Prepare for your future takeover."

Hearing this.

Lin Xuan instantly turned into an old man on the subway.

(ÒωÓױ) What?

Want me to work 996? ? ?

Impossible, absolutely impossible! ! !

My generation of contemporary young people just want to lie down and cling to each other.

I really have no interest in working hard! ! !

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