Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 345 The Killing Is Over, Su Fan Is Unstoppable

"Heavenly Dipper, instant flash——"

Just when Blood Crow urged Tang Rou to step forward, he caught a glimpse of Su Fan's figure disappearing from the corner of his eye, and was suddenly shocked.

Just when he was about to react, he realized that the world in front of him had inexplicably rotated 180°.

At the same time, the surrounding light quickly dimmed, as if darkness had fallen in an instant.

It wasn't until his consciousness completely disappeared that Blood Crow suddenly realized that it was not the world that was spinning, but his head...


As the body fell, Su Fan took a deep look at the frightened Tang family, and finally walked away.

In fact, the reason why he saved these people was not only because he was moved by the touching family ties between brothers and sisters.

Another point is that the Tang family is also one of the families that the third master made a marriage contract for him...


2 and a half hours later.

After Tang Guoan and his party finished recording, they finally returned to their home under the escort of the police.

"I was really scared to death! I didn't expect that weirdo to be so powerful. He broke the nigger's neck in the blink of an eye."

"Fortunately, that guy didn't attack us, otherwise we would be afraid..."

Since it was the first time he saw a dead person with his own eyes, Tang Chuan was still frightened and frightened even after some time had passed.

Of course, the situation of Tang Guoan and others who came to the scene in person was not much better, and their faces were all pale.


"Okay! That's it for now!"

"The target of the cloaked man is not us, it's just that we happened to appear at the other party's murder scene..."

"Since that man did not attack us, it means that he is also a principled killer and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"If there are no accidents... we will never have anything to do with that kind of dangerous existence in the future. Let's put an end to tonight's bad things!"

"It's not too early now, go and get some rest! We'll talk about anything tomorrow!"


In Xu Shuyun's calm words, everyone finally felt a little calmer.

They immediately returned to their respective rooms and soon fell asleep one by one...

[...This night, readers once again remembered the fear of being dominated by hydrographic lines...]

Tonight in the Magic City is destined to be a sleepless night worthy of being recorded in history.

Almost all the police officers in the city came out.

A large number of police cars patrolled the streets, sirens blaring.


But it still couldn't prevent the vicious murder case from happening. Someone called the police here and someone called the police there.

When the police arrived in a hurry, all they were left with... were corpses in different forms of death...


In a small alley in Bar Street, Su Fan slowly walked out with an expressionless face.

Behind him lay a fresh corpse that had been cut in half.

"It's not enough. We haven't killed enough people..."

After leaving the Shenghao Hotel, Su Fan did not stop there and was still hunting everywhere.

For a time, the killers lurking throughout the city were panicked.

Especially when the famous [Blood Crow] on the killer list was also reported to have been killed by a mysterious man...

It immediately caused an uproar! ! ! ! !

Some of the killers who could not bear the psychological pressure gave up their mission decisively and rationally, and escaped from the terrifying city of Magic City overnight...

In the early morning, when the first ray of morning sun penetrated the clouds and lit up the whole world, Su Fan slowly walked out of a billiards club with his hands behind his back.


At this time, a morning breeze blew gently, bringing a bit of coolness.

"The ninetieth? Or the ninety-first?"

"Forget it! Anyway, this is the last batch. I think it is enough to scare those international killer organizations."

"For a long time, they should have considered their abilities and the consequences of invading the Magic City..."


Just like that, Su Fan tilted his lips, faced the warm morning light, and left leisurely with his hands behind his back.

Behind him, in the open door of the billiards club, horrific corpses lay scattered on the ground, and the whole hall was dyed red with blood.

This is a temporary stronghold established by the killers.

Because I feel the strong sense of crisis brought by the mysterious man.

So some people from overseas forces planned to unite and gather everyone's strength to jointly attack Su Fan.

But who would have thought that in the end, Su Fan came to the door directly and was killed by the group on the spot...





ε=(´ο`*))) It’s not good, and I don’t have the time to code, so I’ll finish it tomorrow.

I talked with my family for a long time today and finally decided to make an appointment in the next two days and go to Shantou First Affiliated Hospital to see a doctor in a week.

[Have you ever been to this hospital? Anyone with experience can give me some advice! ]

I may check the sperm quality first, and then check various other indicators. In fact, before I check, I know that there must be a problem with the sperm quality now.

Kidney is the foundation of Innate!

When your kidneys are weak and your kidney qi is insufficient, you can tell with your toes that the sperm you produce will not have enough vitality.

In fact, I prefer to adjust slowly and let my body recover on its own.

Alas, this road to recovery is long and arduous. I hope I can meet a good doctor by then...

The main reason is that most of the hospitals are Western doctors, and I think they will probably prescribe a large number of Western medicines to me when the time comes.

Damn it! My parents didn’t know anything. They only believed in doctors and kept asking me to take medicine!

I have a headache, I don’t know what to do now, and I don’t know how to tell my wife when the time comes...

I didn't really want to go to the hospital with her, but she said she wanted to go with me! w(゚Д゚)w

And the hospital is a money-burning place. I really don’t know how much money it will cost to treat the disease. A few months ago, when I was not married, I spent thousands just on medicines, but I felt that the effect was not very good... .

Hey, we can only see what the doctor says then...

I really hope to meet an experienced Chinese medicine practitioner, and then get some Chinese medicine to slowly heal my condition, instead of taking Western pills.

But today’s hospitals seem to be all about Western medicine, bastard! How come no one inherits the good things from our ancestors? o(╥﹏╥)o

Be self-disciplined. You need to be strong to strike iron. You can only become stronger by yourself! ! !

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