Villain: Marrying A Vegetative Heroine, Crazy Posting

Chapter 309 Tang Guoan Learned Of Chu Ling’S Existence!

"Oh oh oh~~~" (rapid gasping sound~~~)

Looking at the exciting scenes that kept coming into view on the computer screen, Tang Guoan's face turned red and he became more and more excited.

Finally, in a long cry~~~

The study became peaceful again...

Just when Tang Guoan looked exhausted and seemed to have lost all his strength, Ge You lay down on the computer chair...

Out of the corner of my eye, I just caught a glimpse of the time displayed in the lower right corner of the computer.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he jumped up in excitement.


"That bowl of soup was so effective?! It actually made me last five seconds!!!"


Tang Guoan never expected...

The 2 and a half seconds that used to be stable in daily life were actually extended to 5 seconds, and another 2 and a half seconds were added out of thin air! ! ! ! !

This feeling of becoming stronger is so... so cool! ! ! ! ٩(๑>◡<๑)۶

At this moment, Tang Guoan's eyes were slightly red, and he was almost moved to tears...

After gathering himself, he put on his pants again and tiptoed to return to the room.

Because he has experienced it many times, Tang Guoan is not panicked. He knows that his wife is still sleeping like a dead pig and does not notice his departure at all...

"What are you doing?|_・)"

At this moment, a sudden questioning sound resounded in the silent study, making Tang Guoan freeze up, and his blood seemed to stop flowing in an instant.

Click, click, click!

He twisted his neck stiffly and saw a familiar figure suddenly appearing at the door of the study...

"Honey, haven't slept yet?"

"Haha... I just got up to go to the bathroom! Why did you secretly sneak into the study room in the middle of the night and masturbate?"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Tang Guoan shook his head wildly and denied it three times. Then he had an idea and quickly made up a random reason.

"I simply couldn't sleep. I suddenly wanted to listen to the new song released by [L], but I was afraid of disturbing you, so I came to the study for some quiet time..."

"Okay! It's getting late, and I'm a little sleepy too!"

"(_ _)( - . - )(~O~)......( - . - )Yawn~~~ Let's go back to the room and rest! We have to get up early to work tomorrow!"


Glancing at the large piece of paper in the trash can, Xu Shuyun's eyes were dark, but she did not expose her husband's lies that were full of loopholes.

I just felt a little in awe of Lin Xuan's mystery again.

Immediately, Chu Ling and her paternity test report were handed directly to Tang Guoan, who had black question marks on his forehead...

"Huh? Wife (O_o), what is this?"

"Zi~~ Paternity test report? Hmm!!! Why does this girl show that she has a paternity relationship with you?!"

"Oh no! (•́へ•́╬) Wife, are you cheating on me? Are you cuckolding me? Tell me, who is the adulterer?!"


After seeing the specific contents of the report, Tang Guoan was furious. He was about to glare at Xu Shuyun and ask her why she was sorry for him...

Bang bang bang! ! ! ! !

Several consecutive rounds of big bidou slapped his face, and Tang Guoan suddenly sobered up a lot. With his red and swollen cheeks, he looked aggrievedly at the expressionless Xu Shuyun.

"Are you awake?"

"Wake up. վ‸վ"

"Then shut up! (⊙x⊙;) Let me tell you a long story..."


In this way, in addition to the [Voice] matter, Xu Shuyun told Tang Guoan everything about what he saw and heard when he went to the hospital in the afternoon, as well as the conspiracy of two children to change their lives in Chujia Village eighteen years ago.

After a while, the man's eyes widened when he learned the ins and outs, and he slumped down on the computer chair in a daze.

"How could this happen? It's impossible..."

"Xiaorou is not our biological daughter, that Chu Ling is? How could this happen..."

"God actually made such a joke? Am I still dreaming? Are you sure this paternity test report is true? Is it okay?"


Tang Guoan covered his forehead in pain and muttered to himself.

He couldn't have imagined...

Tang Rou, who had been raised in the palm of his hand since childhood, turned out to be not his biological daughter, but the child of that vicious couple.

As for his biological daughter Chu Ling, she had been abused by the vicious couple since she was a child. She lived in dire straits and had a miserable childhood with nothing to eat but nothing to eat.

Now he is suffering from gastric cancer and his life is in danger...

This is really... fate is playing tricks on people! ! !

At this moment.

Tang Guo'an was in a state of confusion, and the sudden explosive news caused his head to freeze.

I don't know what to face that strange daughter who suddenly appeared...

Two and a half minutes later, Tang Guoan, who had calmed down slightly, spoke again after pondering for a moment.

"We will go to the hospital together tomorrow. I want to see the child first."

"If there is a chance... take that child home by the way! No matter what, we cannot let her suffer outside."

"Especially since Xiaoling is staying with my nephew now, there is no telling when she will be hurt by him..."


Tang Guoan has a deep prejudice and always feels that Lin Xuan is not a good person.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, he decided to take his biological daughter home first, regardless of the situation.

"Xiaoxuan... he is different now."

"I personally visited the hospital in the afternoon. He is indeed our daughter's lifesaver. You should no longer visit him with such prejudice."

Xu Shuyun frowned, not wanting her husband to provoke Lin Xuan again. If he had a choice...

She even hoped to see the two shaking hands and making peace, which would be of no harm to the Tang family.


"Gong is merit, fault is fault. The two cannot be reduced to the same thing, let alone cancel each other out."

"Besides, people are all good at pretending. How long have you met him? Maybe that kid is deliberately acting in front of you to confuse you?"

"Weren't we all deceived by his appearance back then?"

"I thought he just had an extreme personality, but he is actually a pretty good person. Who would have thought that he could do something worse than a beast..."


Recalling the hurt Tang Rou had suffered, Tang Guoan was filled with rage and refused to believe Lin Xuan's so-called prodigal son turning back...

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