The police said that the investigation was not carried out.

Bai Jinghong nodded: “If there is anything you need to cooperate with the investigation, just contact me.”

Wang Guoming nodded heavily: “Okay, Mr. Bai, you are not injured, right? Do you need to check?”

“I have been in the car, I am fine.”

“In that case, I will go back first. Although I am fine, I am really frightened. The rest is up to you.”

After saying that, Bai Jinghong got in the car.

The car turned around and went up.

When Bai Jinghong left, Wang Guoming’s face was very ugly.

In his heart, he really wanted to catch those bastards and execute them on the spot.

They dared to have a gunfight in China, and the ambush was still by Bai Jinghong, the big playboy.

“Yan Bing, what do you think about this?” Wang Guoming’s face was gloomy.

Mu Yanbing heard this and said, “The group of people who ambushed Bai Jinghong are not simple.”

“Just now I saw that the palms and knuckles of the four bodies were all calloused. These are the marks left by playing with guns for many years.”

“When I checked the bodies temporarily, I also saw many old gunshot wounds and knife wounds.”

“Before verifying the identities of those bodies, I dare to guess that they are most likely foreign killers or mercenaries!”

This sentence scared Wang Guoming.

Damn, foreign people!

The nature of this matter instantly became more serious.

Entering the country with guns to ambush and kill people is a slap in the face of their public officials!

And how many people entered the country? What is the ultimate goal? Will similar incidents happen again?

Under unknown circumstances, these people are now all time bombs.

“Leave some people to seal off the scene and check everything.”

“I will take someone to accompany the living guy to the hospital, and you will go back to the bureau to arrange an autopsy and investigate the identities of the four dead people.”

“Yes!” Mu Yanbing responded.

“The breakthrough now lies in the living guy.”

“You and I will follow up on this matter in shifts, and you will contact Bai Shao!”

“Ah?” Mu Yanbing was obviously stunned when she heard this.

Let her contact Bai Jinghong?

“What? You were rude just now, make up for it.” Wang Guoming ordered.

“Yes!” Mu Yanbing didn’t say anything more. Indeed, it was inappropriate for her to ask questions just now.

Many policemen performed their duties and got busy.


Bai Jinghong had not arrived at the manor yet.

At this moment, he was still smoking happily.

Although Chen Lin could think of a way to escape responsibility, Chen Lin was really in trouble during this period.

He was also shot by himself.

“Mr. Bai, is it okay to hand that man over to the police? Why don’t we keep him for interrogation?” A Kun asked.

Bai Jinghong just smiled.

He knew the identity of the ambushed man best, and interrogation was unnecessary.

It would be best to hand him over to the police.

“No need, the police will find a way to pry open his mouth.”

“But what if that guy bites us back and tells the truth?” A Kun asked again.

“The truth?” Bai Jinghong smiled coldly: “Do I need to tell the truth? I was ambushed.”

Bai Jinghong was not panicked at all about this.

If the living person spoke, it would definitely not be him who had a problem.

Could he still turn black and white and say that he ambushed them?

Just his overseas identity, that guy has exposed everything, and even if he opened his mouth hundreds of times, it would be useless.

The one who should have a headache should be Chen Lin, that idiot.

Chen Lin would not be able to sleep for several days just because of the failure of the “murder to silence the witness”.

After arriving at the manor, Bai Jinghong dismissed everyone and headed towards his villa.

He really wanted to see what expression Shen Yaoyao would have when she saw him.

Bai Jinghong sorted out his emotions and pretended to be very unhappy.

Then he dragged his tired body into the villa and sat down on the sofa.

At this moment, Shen Yaoyao had already come out of the gym, but she still looked absent-minded.

When she walked to the living room of the villa, she suddenly saw Bai Jinghong sitting on the sofa, and her heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Subconsciously, she looked at Bai Jinghong to see if he was injured.

Is Bai Jinghong okay? Or has he not gone out yet?

“Bai… Mr. Bai? Didn’t you go to the club?” Shen Yaoyao disguised himself well and asked.

Bai Jinghong sighed: “I didn’t go. A group of people rushed out on the way and attacked me.”

Shen Yaoyao

Surprised, sure enough, there was still a fight.

“What? How could this happen? Then…are you okay?” Shen Yaoyao came forward to greet him.

Bai Jinghong smiled secretly, this little girl can disguise herself well.

“My bodyguard is trying his best to protect me, but I’m fine.”

“I just can’t figure it out. Who is the other party? And it seems that the other party is very experienced. He must be well-trained for his decisiveness in killing!”

“How…how could someone dare to ambush you in Long Hai?” Shen Yaoyao’s mouth opened slightly.

Bai Jinghong smiled softly and waved to Shen Yaoyao.

Shen Yaoyao paused and finally sat next to Bai Jinghong.

Bai Jinghong stretched out his hand and gently smoothed Shen Yaoyao’s hair.

“Fortunately, I didn’t take you out this time, otherwise I wouldn’t have frightened you.”

“If anything happens to you, then who should I cry to?”

Shen Yaoyao clearly felt her heart beating hard.

At this time, what Bai Jinghong was thinking about was that he was glad he didn’t take her out.

Shen Yaoyao felt a sense of guilt arise spontaneously.

“You…are you injured?”

Her voice became much softer.

“No!” Bai Jinghong smiled and shook his head: “Although those people were vicious, fortunately they were discovered in time.”

“While they were rushing in, four of them were killed by my bodyguards and one was captured.”

“If the rest run away, they can’t catch up.”

Shen Yaoyao couldn’t help being secretly surprised.

She naturally knows the combat capabilities of Chen Lin’s Hades Guards.

All of them are experienced masters.

In an ambush, they were actually beaten away by Bai Jinghong’s men. Four of them died and one was captured!

“The person arrested should be able to find out who is behind the scenes!” Shen Yaoyao asked.

“Eh…” Bai Jinghong sighed at this time: “Leave it to the police. Let’s see what they do.”

“Let me tell you, the other party is really ruthless. If they find out that we have arrested a person, they will silence him immediately.”

“Fortunately, my car has bulletproof glass, otherwise the prisoner would have been shot in the head!”

“And I vaguely heard someone calling him King Pluto. This code name is strange enough, but it’s a pity that it’s a code name and can’t be used as evidence.”

Bai Jinghong looked very regretful.

But when Shen Yaoyao heard these words, it was completely different.

Hades! Isn’t that Chen Lin? Chen Lin also participated?

And he actually wants to silence his own men?

Those are the brothers who have been with him through life and death!

Impossible, Chen Lin is not such a person.

Shen Yaoyao suppressed the doubts in his heart. He believed that Chen Lin would contact him.

As long as Chen Lin really appears at the scene, it will be clear whether what Bai Jinghong said is true or false.

Because Bai Jinghong didn’t know Pluto at all, how could he pop up this word out of thin air.

“Yaoyao, I don’t even know who the person who wants to kill me is now!”

“If you are scared, you can tell me and you can leave at any time. After all, you often follow me and I don’t want you to be implicated by me.”

Shen Yaoyao bit her lips, looking straight at Bai Jinghong with her beautiful eyes, but said nothing.

It was impossible to leave, after all, the mission had only just begun.

But it would be too false to say something about loyalty now.

Bai Jinghong was just testing on purpose, and silence was the answer he needed.

Seeing that Shen Yaoyao was silent now, Bai Jinghong also smiled and picked her up and put her directly on his lap.

Shen Yaoyao exclaimed and tried to struggle, but was hugged tightly.

Bai Jinghong’s face was close at hand, and he said softly: “If you don’t speak, you are acquiescing. I can’t bear to have you leave me.”

“Don’t worry, I will protect you!”

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