Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 326 Four protagonists, three hospitals have a party! (Fourth! Seek full order!)

As if Zhao Hao's words touched his soul, Lu Wen's face sank again.

But thinking that the two lying here are his best brothers, Lu Wen forced himself to smile.

Very reluctant and ugly.

At least in the eyes of Zhao Wu and Lin Mo.

"Angkor, I won't mention anything about me. I originally planned to come to you to complain about it, but I didn't know if I met you as soon as I came!"

"My little mess can be regarded as ha. These few days happen to be more comfortable for me. You have three meals a day!

The three brothers regard the system as their own secret, so none of them will mention it.

In addition to systemic matters, Lu Wen also broke the matter in Zhang's house.

Now that his brothers are in this horrible situation, what did he show up and say?

Lu Wen feels like he doesn't have this face!

Before Lin Mo could answer, Zhao Hao already smiled.

"The relationship is good. It happened that our three brothers were getting together here these few days. I didn't expect that this hospital not only made me meet Zheng Lirong, but also let the three of us brothers reunite again."

"I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing!"

Zhao Hao laughed after finishing talking.

This thing is done.

Lin Mo also laughed. Whoever wanted to say the most pitiful in the audience was undoubtedly him.

The roots were gone. From the despair at the beginning, when Zhao Hao came, he became strong.

Now Zhao Wu came in directly to accompany him to rest, Lin Mo didn't know why, and found that he hadn't thought about it anymore in his heart.

The three brothers gathered together, this feeling seems to go back to a few years ago.

"Angel, Brother Mo, or call Brother Yun to come over, won't the four of us get together?"

Lu Wen's words made the scene quiet.

He was stunned again, what's the matter?

Is there something he doesn't know?

Otherwise, why did he mention Yunge, and Zhao Wu and Lin Mo's faces became stiff?

Could it be that Zhao Wu and Lin Mo had trouble with Yun Ge, but he didn't receive any news?

Lu Wen didn't know the situation, Lin Mo didn't blame him, there was nothing to blame Lu Wen for this matter.

Seeing Zhao Hao's eyes look at him, Lin Mo knew what Zhao Hao meant.

Do you tell Lu Wen about his affairs? It's him!

Zhao Hao wouldn't talk too much.

After all, Lin Mo's affairs too hurt his dignity as a man.

He didn't want to say that Zhao Hao naturally did what he wanted.

Looking at Lu Wen in front of him, Lin Mo spoke.

Listening to Lin Mo's experience, Lu Wen couldn't help but stepped back a few steps and fell onto the back chair.

If it hadn't been for Lin Mo to say it himself, he could not imagine Lin Mo, whose face remained normal after he entered the door, would encounter such a weird and desperate thing.

Is his little mess comparable to him?

Of course, system things are ruled out first!

After listening to Lin Mo's account, Lu Wen, like Zhao Wu, admired Lin Mo in his heart.

If he encounters such a thing, even if he does not die, he will not even call Lin Mo and the others after the tragedy.

Forget suicide!

As a man, after experiencing this kind of thing, what fun is there in the future?

Purely to make money?

Then what?

No offspring, no wife, lonely in old age?

The more Lu Wen thinks about this kind of life, the more lifeless he feels.

He plans not to go back tonight. He is afraid that he will not dare to sleep alone at night.

After listening to Lin Mo's horror stories, Lu Wen was very scared now.

The intensive care unit is good, with its own bathroom inside, so there is no need to go outside to go to the bathroom through the long corridor.

There are two brothers, Zhao and Wu, to accompany him, at least better than staying in that villa alone.

Thinking of this, Lu Wen said to Lin Mo apologetically.

"Brother Mo, I'm sorry, I didn't know you encountered this kind of thing, if I knew it, I would have come to see you!"

"Your concerns are correct, if Brother Yun knows about you, he will definitely go to the haunted house to investigate!"

"You can't explain it no matter how you look at it, it's so weird!"

"It's better not to tell Brother Yun if it's still something!"

Zhao Wu and Lin Mo nodded at the same time in agreement.

Lin Mo looked at Lu Wen.

"Xiaowen, you don't need to apologize, I know your situation at the woman's house very well, so I didn't call you, and Brother Yun did it too!

"You are all my brothers, I understand!"

After Lin Mo laughed, Zhao Hao and Lu Wen laughed at the same time.

It's just that Lu Wen seemed to think of something and said suddenly.

Ang Ge ", Brother Mo, we call Brother Yun, don’t have to tell him about you, Brother Mo,"

"Is it all right to say that you are injured?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Hao gave him a white glance.

"Xiao Wen, are you stupid? What is the injury to the obvious tube under Xiao Mo?"

"We can't see, don't forget what Brother Yun does. If he sees it and asks, how should we answer?"

Zhao Hao said that it seemed reasonable, but Lu Wen didn't know if he was going against him.

After Zhao Hao finished speaking, Lu Wen smiled.

"Angkor, isn't it easy?"

"Tell Brother Yun that you had a car accident with Brother Sai, and Brother Sai hurt his internal organs, and you hurt his leg. That's not enough."

"Brother Yun still ask questions? We are not criminals!"

"Speaking of car accidents, isn't this a normal thing? Car accidents happen every day. Today, Angkor, you were hit hard too!"

...For flowers...


Zhao Hao didn't know if Lu Wen took the opportunity to satirize him.

He was indeed persuaded by Lu Wen, and Lu Wen's approach seemed pretty good.

But he didn't care about this, mainly because of Lin Mo's attitude, after all, he was the person involved in this matter.

It doesn't matter if he tells Yun Ge honestly on his lap.

Zhao Hao looked at Lin Mo, and seeing Lin Mo nodded, he said to Lu Wen.

"Okay, Xiaowen, you have said so, and Brother Yun will let you notify him."

"After all, we are both injured now. After calling Brother Yun, you will carefully complete your reasons."

"After thinking about it, let's take the three together! Don't let Brother Yun see the problem, or you will explain it to Brother Yun yourself!

When Lu Wen saw that both of them had agreed, he smiled.

"Angel, don't worry. If you have any problems with this matter, please call me!"

"I'll call Brother Yun first, and then I'll talk to you!!

After speaking, Lu Wen opened the door of the ward and went out.

When he came back again, he expressed his thoughts.

Zhao and Wu are perfecting lies for the reunion of their four brothers.

Mu Yun, who is in the villa by the sea, did not know the situation of the three of Zhao and Wu.

He didn't even know that because he sent Lin Mo to the hospital, the four protagonists got together in advance.

But soon he received a call from Dark Five.

The three protagonists gathered in the hospital, and the three people of An Five naturally gathered in the hospital as well.

When Lu Wen finished calling Yunge and the three of them perfected the lie

Anwu left the other two people behind and went to the rooftop to call Mu Yun by himself.

Upon learning of the three protagonists, Mu Yun was stunned.

Is this a coincidence?

What a coincidence!

He certainly didn't do this thing anyway!

Zheng Lirong knows who it is, the second female of Zhao Hao's line in the story.

The two shouldn't meet so soon, but now they are not only meeting.

Zheng Lirong also smashed Zhao Hao into the hospital.Is this the halo and luck of Zhao Hao's protagonist?

In the story, Zheng Lirong is the second female, and Zhao Wuxian plays several times more frequently than the heroine Yu.

If it weren't for the author's heroine gathering chapter in the middle of the story, Mu Yun always thought that Zheng Lirong was the heroine of Zhao Haoxian.

But what does a woman like Zheng Lirong say?

He drove Zhao Hao into the hospital. According to Secret Five, Zhao Hao had to be dripped in the hospital for at least a week.

Isn't this wasting your time in vain?

The four protagonists, because of her collision, three held a party in the hospital.

There is one Yunge who is active outside, and this plot is definitely not able to follow the original story.

Fortunately, I have someone with them.

Otherwise everything will be messed up!

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