Villain: Heroine Sacrifice To Heaven At The Start

Chapter 307 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 310th chapter is plundered successfully! The system chooses one of the two? (third more! Ask for customization!)

Because of Lin Mo.

Beginning today, the female compatriots who work in the connection room of the emergency center on the evening shift have all started to go to the bathroom collectively.

Naturally, he didn't know this. Lin Mo, who had been sent to the emergency room, was given anesthetic and was onlookers by several experienced doctors.

"Old Zheng, are you here for this operation?"

"Xiao Tang, are you kidding? Can I see clearly in this situation?"

"Elder Zheng, what to do then, it's all turned into scum, I don't have this ability! It's very troublesome if you can't control it and hurt other nerves.

"Xiao Tang, let's clear it all out! Let's save the patient's life first, I really can't see the situation clearly."

"Old Zheng, are you sure?"

"Xiao Tang, let's get started, we have the same opinion as Mr. Zheng, we will completely eliminate it!"

The conversation of the chief surgeon decided Lin Mo's future destiny.

The home of Zhang Yuan and Lu Wen is recorded in the story, and Mu Yun is easy to find.

Perceiving the situation in the villa, Mu Yun landed from the air on the balcony of Lu Wen's room.

Mu Yun, who awakened tonight, found that the protagonist was actually not that difficult to deal with. He was always thinking about how to get stuck in the task of the protagonist.

Is there anything better than that devastating kick?

One step down, before he recovers, which protagonist can do the task?

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky!

Whatever the trick he uses, ha system, Mu Yun directly destroys the protagonist's roots, and it depends on how you do 233!

Mu Yun, who discovered the ultimate move, was in a good mood.

When he came to the balcony of Lu Wen's room, members of the dark alliance appeared to help Mu Yun open the glass door of the balcony.

Instructing the dark alliance members to withdraw, Mu Yun just read Lu Wen like this.

"System! Plunder Lu Wen's god-level son-in-law system for me!

"Host, it takes 8.9 million luck to plunder the protagonist's god-level son-in-law system, are you sure?"


"Please wait for the host!"

Inexplicable energies impacted each other again in the air.

After experiencing it twice, Mu Yun has no interest in watching.

Soon, the system prompt sounded again.

"Congratulations to the host, succeeded in plundering the god-level son-in-law system! May I ask whether the host absorbs the god-level son-in-law system!"

"Absorb it!

"Congratulations to the host, for absorbing the god-level superfluous son-in-law system, and obtaining 17.5 million luck points!

The income almost doubled!

very perfect!

The rest is Lin Mo's god-level live broadcast system, dispose of these two guys, and everything is over!

He felt that he really didn't need any plans in the future.

Just sent someone to stay at Lin Mo's house, turned his head and sent Lin Mo to the hospital by himself.

What's the use of planning?

"System, let me absorb the protagonist's halo (intermediate)!"

"Congratulations to the host, absorb the protagonist's aura (intermediate), and get one hundred thousand luck points!"


After a loss of 100,000, Mu Yun doesn't care how much halo loss can be matched by a system's revenue.

Now Lu Wen has three high-level auras, all plunder requires three million, and endowment requires three million.

Looting and absorbing will definitely result in a loss of 1.5 million luck.

But Mu Yun still decided to plunder, he didn't plunder and absorb.

The protagonist's halo is given to Zhao Ling'er. As her own woman, the two halo of the protagonist and villain can't be gathered together, right?

The aura of luck gave Lao Mu, his chief loyal minister, how could he still have a rudimentary aura, too embarrassing.

Give Xiao Hao the aura of Jiangzhi, this girl is still an intermediate aura, it's time to change.

I have to start working hard to cultivate manpower.

In the future, the protagonist can't always let himself be shot, right?

He has been self-reliant in several worlds, making a secret alliance, in addition to inquiring about the news and tracking.

It doesn't seem to play a big role.

Thinking of this, Mu Yun said.

"System! Give me three high-level auras that plunder Lu Wen!"

"Host, plunder the protagonist Lu Wen's high-level protagonist halo, air luck halo, and wisdom halo requires three million air luck, are you sure?"


"Please wait for the host!"

Time passed quickly, and the sound of the system sounded again.

"Congratulations to the host for plundering the protagonist Lu Wen's high-level protagonist aura, luck aura, and wisdom aura successfully! Does the host absorb it?"

"Don't absorb it temporarily!

"Host, do you use the high-level protagonist aura and the aura of descent?"

"Don't use it temporarily!

Mu Yun, who already knew what it meant to use, rejected the system proposal.

Under Mu Yun's plunder, Lu Wen's attribute panel was close to the whiteboard except for luck.

Qi Luck Mu Yun intends to keep it for him temporarily, and it is not time to kill him.

He almost forgot the little girl Xiao Hao again.

This time there are four awards, maybe five.

Forget it again, Mu Yun has the heart to die.

It's too late now, so tomorrow morning I will pick Manhao by my side.

Now he has one more thing to do.

Go to Lin Mo.

His surgery is definitely not good yet.

But Mu Yun can wait.

For the sake of luck, what is the worth of waiting?

Four hours later, Mu Yun found out that he was wrong, and it was still very hard to wait.

Nothing to do, standing on the roof of the Shencheng Hospital wearing a mask for four hours.

Kind of silly!

Shouldn't it be better to let the dark alliance members who followed Lin Mo come over and wait, go back to sleep by himself, and receive a notification?

Could it be that he was overjoyed, a little impulsive?

Does it make sense where the dark alliance member who was sent to Lin Mo's small broken house to dew point?

Withdrawal of perception, Mu Yun disappeared in Shencheng Hospital.

The two doctors who operated on Lin Mo were just about to start sutures.

This time is enough for Mu Yun to do one thing.

One thing that was just overlooked.

Yunge should have been asleep.

Looking at his information in the past, the focus was on the luck required for systematic plunder.

As long as it exceeds 15 million, he has enough susceptibility, and it is estimated that he can only eat one system.

But these two systems really match up with the Zhao sisters.

Looting grants requires double luck back and forth.

This makes it difficult for Mu Yun to choose.

The two systems are definitely the most suitable for the god-level guard system.

Zhao Bing'er is now a guard, and he now has a bunch of case materials in his hand.

With this, he can definitely let Zhao Bing'er complete the task quickly and improve his job title.

But if I really want to say the best, it must be a god-level black technology system.

So in this situation, Mu Yun will have a hard time making a decision.

When Mu Yun came to Yunge dormitory, he didn't need the dark alliance members to help open the door.

Yunge's windowsill did not close.

This is the guards quarters, do I need to worry about coming in?

Mu Yun easily came to Yunge's room and looked at Yunge who was already sleeping.

Mu Yun clicked on the attributes of Yunge.

[Protagonist]: Yunge

Age【】: 27 years old

[Identity]: The guard of the police station in the west district of Shencheng;

[Charm: 93


【Combat Power】:90

[Halo]: the protagonist halo[super]; luck halo[super];

Wisdom Aura (Advanced);

[Skills]: Detective (Intermediate); Fighting (Intermediate); Driving (Intermediate); Firearms (Elementary)


It is worthy of being the boss of the four people, and crushing the other two people just by luck.

On Zhao Hao's side, Mu Yun doesn't know for the time being, but Yunge's panel is almost gorgeous.

Down there are three super auras.

If luck is enough, his super luck halo Mu Yun plans to book it.

"System, how much luck does it take to rob Lu Wen's god-level guard system?

For the time being, the halo issue is set aside, what Mu Yun cares most about now is the system issue.

Host "It takes 12.5 million luck to plunder the god-level guard system!"

The systematic answer made Mu Yun a little bit startled.

It is true that one is higher than the other, and the difference is about two million luck.

The looting of the god-level guard system grants exactly 25 million luck.

It's really dark!

If you win, you can definitely win.

According to this situation, does Zhao Hao's system require 15 million air luck?

If so, Mu Yun can only give up one. .

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